I'm new here just want to say hello. I'm just seeking support and a place to vent and get help and possibly give as good as I get
New with new pain everyday - Osteoarthritis Ac...
New with new pain everyday

Hi pepsilover,You're more than welcome here and to vent when the pain, and everything that comes with it gets too much. Even if it's something niggling at you, or you want opinions from those of us who may have been through/are going through similar, always feel you can post in here.
You said "and to possibly give as good as you get", if by that you mean by helping others in return, a small tip for you..... On your own profile you're asked about medications you're on or have been on, conditions you have/had etc.. and one for forum alerts. While the alerts are OA related, like me, you may feel you can't answer, not having experienced the same thing (a joint replacement or certain medication for example), but every now and then, depending what you include on your profile medications/conditions, you'll get an email alert letting you know someone is asking for help and advice on something that matches what you have experience and/or knowledge of which may help them.
Sometimes it's easy to be infuriated with specialists/doctors, as they "haven't been through what we're going through, so how can they possibly understand", yet on here, none of us are doctors or specialists, we answer questions and give both help and support to people who are experiencing what we have or are going through. I hope that gives you some confidence in knowing you can vent here and others in the same position will support you genuinely, as they also know first hand.