Hi.I have been experiencing upper back pain for about 4 weeks..The muscle pain is starting to calm down(I think it was caused by stopping my exercising when I was I was ill. diagnosed hyperthyroid) but I have been left with a horrible deep pain in my spine.just below shoulders.(no stiffness..).I've realised that it is in the part of my back that I have 2 compressed fractures caused by an accident 3 years ago.. Can previous injuries cause arthritis pain?(I'm 60)...Any input would be great. Thankyou.
Osteo or not?: Hi.I have been... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
Osteo or not?

Hi debbiejayn,
Previous breaks and fractures have been known to cause arthritis yes.
As for the pain you're in, can you tell me what you were doing when it triggered the pain, and you said it was down your spine, below the shoulders.
Is this one or both shoulders?
Can you try and gently, one at a time, move one arm up, forward then down, then do the other arm, tell me where you feel the pain most,
then, very slowly, drop the left shoulder, turn your head to the right, then face front, drop your head to the right so your ear tries to meet your right shoulder as you raise the shoulder ...
Repeat doing the other side.
I have a pretty good idea of what you've done, but need the information/results of you trying the above, to know for sure.
Hi..To be honest it's been a gradual thing.Starting with muscle pain which I can cope with but now I have pain which feels like its deep in my spine in line with my underarms..I used to do half an hours exercise every morning and due to not being v well stopped suddenly about 6wks ago..Do you think reduction in muscle support may have put too much pressure on my damaged back?..Also I had a fall on holiday about 2 months ago which seems to have made things worse I have just raised my arms as you said and the pain is still in my spine but also bone where right shoulder meets underarm.Ive done the other exercise and feel pull across outside of right shoulder again...ps..thankyou for your help!
To be honest, it sounds like you may have strained your Trapezius muscle. If you google an image of it, you'll see its a massive muscle that covers the shoulder and down the back, between the shoulder blade and spine.
Have a look at that image, what parts of the shoulder (there are two Trapezius muscles, one on each side), see if where your pain is coincides with where that muscle covers.
I'm not a doctor, just someone who has a damaged Trapezius muscle, and a lot on-going pain in the areas you describe. Thats why I suggested it could possibly be this particular muscle.
Hi Thankyou.Ive had a look and I see what you mean..That muscle definately feels tight and the area hurts.Im still a bit concerned about my spine..It feels like someone is twisting a screwdriver into it.
I noticed you said you have hyperthyroidism and this can cause unusual muscle aches and fatigue, maybe you need to have your levels tested and post the results and ranges in thyroid section.
Thankyou..I didnt know that..Funnily enough I have just been to have my blood taken to see if the thyroid treatment is working.The consultant is calling me in a couple of weeks with the results..Many thanks...
Hyperthyroidism definitely affects your muscles. I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2012 and one of the things I found was that if I got down low to the ground I had to be helped up again or have a tree or a fence or a chair or something to pull myself up with. I was no longer to walk long distance walks like I used to until my thyroid was fixed.
That’s not to say that that’s what’s causing your pain, just that hyperthyroidism can cause muscle pain.
Thankyou..Graves is what I have been diagnosed with about 6weeks ago..My problem feels like actual spinal bone pain..I feel like I have lost muscle strength and my spine isnt supported properly having suffered 2 compressed vertebrae in an accident a few years ago....I'm speaking to my Endecrinologist next week to check if thyroxine levels have settled .Have been trying to do gentle stretches to see if that helps.thanx again..
I was very lucky in that I had been doing Pilates for years and my Pilates teacher is a physiotherapist with experience in thyroid issues so she understood what was going on and modified everything we did in class - I kept up my classes otherwise I would have felt the Graves had robbed me of everything I enjoyed doing.
Meanwhile something as simple as tightening your stomach (core) muscles as if you are zipping up a very tight pair of jeans and holding the muscles for a little while might help you.
Thankyou..I've been doing some gentle stretches(as per internet!) Had to resort to Ibuprofen today which I hate taking..I'm pretty sure that pain is coming from a vertebrae. It's very localised and hurts when I press it..Thankfully I can sleep. Will see what GP says on friday.. Thanks again...
Maybe he will send you for an x-ray or to a physiotherapist although that could take ages to happen.
I know.!..its not the best time to be ill My husband was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in March..just got his Op in before everything shutdown. All clear now😁. If the doc says I need an xray may find out cost privately and do it that way if it's not too expensive..
What great news that your husband has had the all clear. This is an awful time to have anything wrong.
Know exactly where you are coming from re a private x-ray. At the moment I’m having private physiotherapy for my shoulder - I was having online sessions with an NHS hand physio following a broken wrist where I developed CRPS which has messed up my fingers and eventually my whole arm.
She said that the waiting list here for NHS physio is about 18 weeks and that’s assuming you can make contact with your GP and persuade them to send you although the hand therapist said she would write to my GP and say she recommended physio for my shoulder.
In the end I found a very good physio and I tell myself it’s worth the money - which it is. Hopefully you will get your x-ray soon and start getting your pain sorted out.
Yes I'm very happy about my husband..Hes only just 60 so it was a shock..Re Physio my friend has been prescribed Virtual Physio on thr NHS..shes bit sceptical.And yes I will be much happier when I know what's going on. I always fear the worst.. Glad your physio is going well.I shall definately go down that route if I need to...