Mudra means seal or gesture. They are beautiful gateways into our deeper within. And so supportive, especially in times of recovery. To attune to something deeper within.
This is the gesture of unshakable trust.
Sanskrit name: Vajrapadama.
Like a breastplate of protection and solace. From where the seeds of deep trust can sow.
Take the hand position as shown. The weaving of the hands is more towards the upper finger joints. Thumbs up - like little fire-lights. You can press the hands gently into the sternal plate and in response, gently lift the sternal plate into your hands. Activating an opening in your heart. And feeling an elongation through the spine. Elbows then are also active. Of course, if there is fatigue, allow the arms to be more restful.
Spend a few minutes immersed in the experience of what this offers you.
Let me know how you get on.
In warmth,