How are you looking after you?
Happy, happy December. We have arrived into the last month of 2019! Wow. What a year hey. So much growth, feeling and transformation. Have you felt this?
We hear a lot about self care. But what does it actually mean on a deeper level outside of the wellness industry trying to convince us of the latest 'self care' products or 'fixes'?
Ultimately it is care of the Self. Care of your whole being. It is not based upon external. It is indeed an inside job. Look within and the answers you seek are all there. For the answers to reveal themselves, sometimes we need to embrace stillness, even if it is terribly uncomfortable! And becoming still and moving into a relaxed state can be challenging as the external world is very busy and full of distraction.
Let me share with you my current self care - as it's ok for this to change and evolve with your own journey.
I have not been in touch with you lovely people for a bit longer than normal because......on 25th October I had the call from hospital that a kidney had become available for me. So off I went, took myself to the hospital by train and had the great gift of a young and healthy kidney grafted into me. Having been on peritoneal dialysis for 3 and a half years ahead of that, I had vocalised to the universe that I was ready for this - do not under estimate the power of saying something out loud with clarity and feeling. We set intentions that ripple through in this way.
So self care for me presently means a lot of rest, a lot of home cooking in order to encourage healing and a lot of Netflix! I have watched the whole of the Crown and just finished Stranger Things - both brilliant!
It also means prioritising myself and cultivating the ongoing inner strength - that is what helps so profoundly.
And when I reflect on my current self care, there are many themes that resonate generally - so for you, let yourself reflect on how you are currently nourishing yourself. How often are you home cooking and pouring love into that. How are you sleeping? Are you building in rest when it is needed? Are you vocalising your needs?
It all might sound incredibly simple, however because us humans are full of confusion and complexity - we often forget that the simple things are what really keep us well.
December can also be a tricky time of year - if you live in a big city, it can be full of social engagements as the festive season ramps up which often comes with overdoing it. It can also be triggering as family gets together and the great unsaid lingers. So rather than anticipating this, lean into it and feel into those triggers so you can gently and compassionately look within on healing the past - the betrayal, the anger, the loss. These are all experiences we share as humans.
The brain actually shrinks when we disconnect. Through connection we thrive. Another way to self care is also to notice your patterns. For example how much time you spend on your phone. That is a fast track to disconnect. This is not about judging, it is just about the awareness. Patterns include emotional patterns and thought patterns. Our thoughts shape our reality, so by coming into that stillness, whilst at first it might be uncomfortable, it will also create a greater sense of inner peace. This then allows your intuition to shine.
So for now, just ask yourself what one thing you can do today to take care of you. Here are some ideas if you feel stuck or blocked:
*Book a massage or a reflexology treatment. Bodywork is a beautiful way to connect with a safe sense of touch and support.
*Call a friend who has been on your mind.
*Go for a walk - in nature if possible but either way, be present to how it feels to move freely and to take in the fresh air.
*Make yourself a hot drink and sit down for half an hour with a favourite book or magazine.
Wishing you all a nourishing start to December.
Self care really is an inside job.