Tomorrow is.....(thoughts on a postca... - Nutrition and Yog...

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Tomorrow is.....(thoughts on a postcard please)

1 Reply


I have over the last few weeks been researching a fitness regime, at first I looked at the different physical activities and then diet etc, however I have discovered that "frame of mind" seems to have a MAJOR impact on success and I am starting to look at how meditation and other interests will sit alongside my activities.

So as part of this awareness of the all illumined mind I have a quote; I wonder if anyone knows who said this

" Tomorrow is a mystery, the past is History...we only have today...which is a gift...that is why we call it the present"

Thoughts on a postcard please

Thanks Regards


1 Reply

Ok..No takers..its actually a quote from..Kung Fu Panda..good one though!

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