First dose of MTX and soooo nervous :/: Hi everyone, I... - NRAS


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First dose of MTX and soooo nervous :/

Jillybean1983 profile image
21 Replies

Hi everyone, I have my first dose of Methotrexate to take and was wondering if anyone recommends taking it in the morning or at night, I have my 2 young children ( age 3 & 5 ) to look after, I'm really nervous about the side effects :/ thank you in advance for any advice x

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Jillybean1983 profile image
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21 Replies
watson3 profile image

I usually take mine at night but that is in injection form. Tablets I took in the evening .also.


it is scary at first, I took my first dose in December so I remember the fear well. I found it better to take mine at night time, about 7pm, I develop a headache and some nausea a few hours after taking. If I take it in the evening, as soon as I feel unwell, I go to bed and sleep most of it off before morning. Other people might have a different view on this, I think it's probably quite a person thing?


watson3 profile image

Could you try to have someone around the next day just incase you have side effects like or sickness. So you could rest for while

Shell1967 profile image

Hi I remember feeling exactly like this when I had to takemy first dose last September,I got myself into a awful state,even days and days before just anticipating it !!! But it was all for nothing,I take mine every Monday morning,my choice but as you see everyone is different,I worked it around my work and it fits in fine,and the best part I didn't have any of the side effects I thought I would have lol !!! You do what's best for you,I work it around me and you do it around you.good luck and let us know how you get on love Michelle xxx

Fidget02 profile image

Please keep us updated how you are doing.

Thinking of you and fingers crossed you get no side effects.

As Watson said, have you family that can be with you for a couple of days?

Keep positive


Jillybean1983 profile image

Thanks everyone for your advice, unfortunately my husband is working ( cant get time off ) an my family are 40 miles away so no help, I'm sure ill grin an bare it, think ill take them tonight and try to dodge any side effects, thanks for every reply :) x

allanah profile image

Wot about asking if u can start them friday evening when ur hubby home. And can help u saturday, waiting a couple more days can't harm? U often can feel slightly nauseus but many others. Have no problems , good luck xx

Jillybean1983 profile image

If prefer to be ok at weekends so we have quality family time, during the week my eldest is at school so if only have my youngest to contend with and he goes to nursery thurs & fri, then by weekend ill be ok if u do get any side effects :)

Paula-C profile image

I was told to take mine in the morning, so I did. I waited all day for something to happen, but nothing did. Everytime I increased the dose I worried and expected something to happen, but it never did. I had no side effects at all when taking MTX tablets. I do know that alot of people do take them at night, you could always ring your hospital helpline and check if it is alright for you to do this.

You have to consider that MTX is normally the first drug that people are given, I did read somewhere that over 90% of people with RA have, at some time taken it. So it may seem that alot of people have side effects from it because more people take it than any other DMARD. Probably the same percentage of people have some sort of reaction to other DMARD's, but the majority of people don't get any side effects at all. Let's hope that you will be one of them.

Paula x

Personally I always take mine in the morning, I just like to get it out of the way. For my first dose I decided not to let myself get into a state worrying and just downed it as soon as I got home from the pharmacy. Good luck and hope you're side effect free x

Dotty7 profile image

I try to take mine at night. I was also told to take them with food, or not on an empty stomach, so I usually swallow them down with milk. That said, I have never had any obvious side effects, and if I forget to take them at night I just swallow them down when I remember. Chances are you'll be absolutely fine with them.

Good luck - I hope they work quickly for you.

Dotty x

shirlthegirl profile image

Well i take mine Sunday afternoon, just after i have had dinner and am ready to sit down for the evening, basically i get everything done that need to be done that day, I have had some side affect on MTX, it doesn't happen every week, it is normally that evening or the day after, So i don't make no plans for the Monday, God luck and take Care XXX

time doesnt matter that much x

helixhelix profile image

Oohh, I remember my first dose. I sat with them heaped up on the table for ages before I managed to get the courage to take them, and really really struggled. But they've been fine for me, and really worked well and within a couple of weeks I was chucking them down without even thinking.. And that's the case for most people, so try not to worry too much -and try to think positive about NOT getting any side effects (easy to say I know...). Px

Jillybean1983 profile image

Thanks again everyone, I took them last night about 8pm and so far not bad at all, a little queasy but only when taking my son to school :) x

trace65 profile image

Glad you aren't feeling too bad. Just try and take it easy for rest of day. X

Hi - so glad you are feeling fine today. I've just had my first dose in four weeks and strangely got a bit nervous too (I take it by injection) but that first time is definitely the worst for the mind playing tricks. I've tried it at all different times and find evening the best for me but as Summer says it shouldn't matter much - just suit yourself. Tilda x

Riedenise profile image

Hi Ive been on MTX tablets 15mg for 10 weeks now, At first I took them first thing on a Monday morning, but I had terrible nausea & felt yukky all day, which interrupted with my work. Someone on here (sorry I have forgotten who) suggested taking the Sunday night which I do just before bed & it has really helped. everyone is different, you will have to try it out & see what is best for you. I hope you get on ok. Im also on Hyroxy too.

Rie x

Dogrose profile image

I remember taking them for the first time, I sat in bed for hours waiting to start hurling up and going bald like a scene from The Exorcist but I didn't feel bad at all, ended up stopping them due to depression in the end though. xx

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to Dogrose

I've just read this and it made me laugh so much lol,!! So had to reply and say thankyou dog rose for making my day :))) not the depression part you know I'm sure love Michelle xxx

bingochristine profile image

Hi everyone, I started taking MTX three weeks ago I take 7.5mg every Saturday after breakfast, (I also take Sulfasalazine twice a day) so far so good. I was really apprehensive at first like Dogrose I thought I'd wake up and find my hair on my pillow. I'm currently having blood tests every two weeks and have clinic again next week to see how I am getting on. I am happy to stay on the 7.5mg as I have noticed a difference on my right hand it used to be very swollen and red but now the redness has gone and the swelling has gone down. Lets hope it stays that way

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