I have been taking Nabumetone for about 15 years and when I tried to get my latest prescription filled my chemist advised me that there is a problem with supply of this drug - she implied that it was a national thing. Has anyone else been having problems? I really don't want to change my medication and if its just a case of using a different chemist chain then I will do that.
Problem with supply of Nabumetone: I have been taking... - NRAS
Problem with supply of Nabumetone

only two distribution companies AAH owned by lloyds pharmacy group and the other company is unichem.. they supply all pharmacies and hospitals between them, A few specialist drugs come straight from manufacturers.
so my advice is try a small independent pharmacy their drug use./ turnover slower, then 2nd option supermarket pharmacy.. I USED to work in one.. main business is anti biotics and inhalers!!, then panic!!, option 3 in SOME CASES your consultant can write out hospital precscription and you go to hosp pharmacy!!.. cannot take gp script to your hosp x
Thanks Summer. I use a small independent chemist and they can't get it for me. I've emailed my consultant to ask for her advice. I have about 3 weeks supply left an must admit I am getting close to the panic stage!
I would try another chemist as I use a Lloyds and occasionly they say a drug is unavailable but it usually means they have stopped stocking it !!!!! I have always managed to get the drugs from another chemist.