Well that was better!: Had my rheumatology appointment... - NRAS


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Well that was better!

casapp profile image
8 Replies

Had my rheumatology appointment on Friday (after 2 cancellations and nearly a year later!) Wasn't looking forward to it as last time I went I felt the consultant was very flipant and wasn't listening to me. I mentioned this to my RA nurse who told me I could chane doctor if I wanted, I said I would give hime 1 more chance. I also mentioned it to my Gp after a recent flare and he said he would write to say that I wasn't happy with my control and all the cancellations!

Now was it the girls spoke to him, or did my Gp scathing in his letter, or was it the fact I was on duty and went in my uniform (I am a ward sister) or a combination of all 3, or was he just having a better day? Anyway whatever it was it was a completely different experience, he listened to me, he examined me properly, he gave me a steroid injection into my ankle (which has been really painful), he has referred me for physio to my elbows ( I have been getting that "knocked my funny bone" feeling) and is sending me for more ultra sound images to see what is going on!! He even offered to give me a sick note for the day so I could rest my ankle!! (not needed as I was on the quiet side), and the cherry on the top was the permission to contact his secretary if needed between now and my next appointment!! wow!! I think maybe it is worth expressing dissatisfaction now and again as it was a positive result for me. I didn't whinge, just did it nice as I could lol

Now I can concentrate on my next problem, walking around Orlando for 2 weeks-really looking forward to our first family holiday in 4 years but, dreading what it will do to my poor sore feet! Still the heat will be good and I'm taking my monopod (a camera stand cunningly disguised as a walking stick :), brilliant invention).Does anyone else get swelling and pain around their ankles? What do you do to help it if you have to be on your feet? any suggestions would ne great

I'll try and bring the sun back with me for you al

Caroll x

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casapp profile image
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8 Replies
sylvi profile image

Caroll, you ankle looks very swollen and mine is getting like that. Sometimes it is good to complain as it makes them sit up and think about how it is for the patients.

I hope you have a lovely holiday in orlando,have you thought about hiring a scooter while your over there for times when it is hard to walk,it will give you the option if your not feeling too well on some days and it will get you out as well.xxx

casapp profile image
casapp in reply to sylvi

Now there's an idea Sylvi, never thought of a scooter, will see how I go but will look into it when I get there as an option for bad days x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to casapp

My son is on the cruise ships working in the casino over there and he says there are a lot of scooters on board so i think before you go, go onto the internet and see if there are any places near where your staying that hires them out and you could get one to meet you at the place where your staying.xxx

Gosh my ankle looked exactly like that last June- I too have photos to prove it. I have to say that both knees and ankle all flared after doing a lot of trekking round UK on and off buses and up many flights with heavy luggage. I had to be wheeled out to my plane home finally as couldn't walk. I had a telemed consultation with my rheumy - first in 9 months since diagnosis. The physio who examined me didn't even look at or examine that part of my ankle - she just went for the inside which she told him was not swollen. I queried this, having had pain in the side your photo shows for 3 months and an ESR of 62. She ignored me muttering that she was only interested in the ankle joint? My own physio explained that the pain and swelling was actually in the tendon and was synovitis? It went away finally when I was able to rest it properly again. I found the physios ultrasound massaging helpful and naproxen was good too.

I think Sylvi's suggestion of hiring a scooter is probably spot on. Vitamin D and having fun helps but it won't do much for your ankle. Glad this appointment was so much better. I had a similar experience after making a fuss via GP and writing to our medical director about my neglect. Starting to feel the same way again but minus pain so I can't really say anything this time.

earthwitch profile image

If you are going to hire a scooter when you are away on holiday, see if you can get into a local shopmobility scheme before you go away to try one out. They do take a wee bit of getting used to, if you are going to be able to drive them safely without causing other folk bother with them, but one session at shopmobility (they will give you as much instruction as you need) should be plenty.

miss profile image

Lucky you 2weeks in the sun sounds like what i could do with! The look of your ankle looks nasty. mine feels like yours looks just had a day shopping with the girls. Sort of feels like a sprain and i want to give it a good crack.x

fossil321 profile image

Sorry to hear about your ankle problems, mine play up at times too, but can I just say I envy you your fabulous straight toes !!!!!!!!

Neonkitty profile image

Whooaaa! Casapp! That's a beauty! Had one like that myself a while back. Mine come and go depending on how much activity and also I find how much I can get my feet up. If I can then the ankles are not as big. It is horrid isn't it when you can't get your damn shoes on too! Grrr. My problem is seizing ankles in the achilles area although I have to admit my feet in general are painful. All sorts going on.

Have you ever tried Epsom Salts baths for your feet? I never have but just wondered if it is worth a try, anybody?

Hope that ankle behaves and keep it elevated when you can - I am always told this - or I am told any inflammation from your leg or knee can pool round the ankle if you have a tendency for it to do so and apparently I do, despite being slim legged. It is a difficult one to get the right balance of rest and activity on our legs and feet isn't it.

Cute toes btw!! ;-)

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