Angry!: Just had my 1st rant on here. If people don't... - NRAS


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19 Replies

Just had my 1st rant on here. If people don't like what is being said then rather than write a hurtful reply just don't write anything! Not everyone has got someone they can talk to & who understands. I am feeling a bit frustrated about what i have read. We are all here to help & be supportive for one & other. Xx Alison

19 Replies
helixhelix profile image

Every now and then someone pops up on here who doesn't get it, or who has such a different view of the world that they misunderstand, or think that every one should be just like them rather than appreciating and respecting the differences. Usually the best thing to do is to ignore it all. And most times they go away again very quickly. Polly

Hear hear. We may each sometimes feel a degree of exasperation with someone's doom and gloom feelings, and sometimes relate to them strongly - but we all need to remember that we can't actually climb into another person's shoes or experience life, pain and the rest from their perspective. It's called showing compassion for others (and sometimes for ourselves) and this site does it very well indeed to my mind. Tilda x

Josie2 profile image

The blog has now been deleted.

Thank you all.



126Jessie profile image

Well said Alison! Hadn't noticed the less than helpful comments and I hope you weren't hurt by them Jo. I have had such support from my NRAS friends here that I truly feel it has changed my life. As we all know it can be a lonely place at times with our condition and we all deal with things differently as Tilda and Helixhelix point out. I have had both practical advice, a push when needed and sympathy too all of which have helped me tremendously when I have found it really hard to speak to my loved ones. Hope you are all having a pain free lovely evening xx

petalnumber2 profile image

Hear hear, I agree whole heartedly, thank you Alison for making the point.

We are all different and that's what makes this site a success. I really don't think I would have managed as well as I have over these past months if it were not for all of my new friends here on this site. I've learned a lot from all sorts of points raised and the assortment of comments made.

A recent blog by a new person explained how closest friends just didn't understand and how let down that person felt. Thankfully, there was plenty of support and empathy here !!

Thats what counts :-) xxx

Josie2 profile image

Thanks guys but ive now deleted the blog as i dont want to cause any arguments within the site.

Everyone here has always been supportive & helpful to me and i will always be grateful for that.

Take care



petalnumber2 profile image

You take care Jo, you did the right thing. june xx

Franbie profile image

I am fairly new here and couldn't believe what I was reading on that blog reply. It was out of order. This site looks after it's suppporters well. That's what it's all about support and that reply was anything but support. I agree if someone can't be supportive then they shouldn't say anything.

DWhite profile image

Hi Jo,

Actually your post did some good. I suffer with RA like you and have good times and bad times and even awful times when I'm literally in tears. My husband did not quite understand my illness and being an ex military had the same attitude as the person that wrote that un compassionate reply. Many times I got told to stop moaning and get on with it , accept it and forget it ( as if it was really possible!). People that say those things have never experienced the type pains that we do therefore cannot fully comprehend what it feels like to have a dull ache for days and days and feel rigid and stiff. My husband, after reading your post and some of the others turned to me and asked " Do you also suffer like this?" . He now understands so thank you for being honest and say it as it really is. We are all trying to be brave but there are days when it just gets too much! I opted out of all the medication as reading on these pages I noticed that they don't really do much and instead can cause bigger problems. I help myself with natural anti- inflam stuff like liquorish, nettle, turmeric, ginger, pineapple. I take Ibuprofen but not too often and rub Voltarol over the achey parts. These things all help a little as does a hot bath with Radox and Arnica. I also take a natural remedy suggested by my sister that works in the medical field in Rome it is called AmedialBF and you take it one sachet per day two month on and two off. Since I have been doing this I have long periods with no pains at all and if I get the pains normally at the end of the off month they are much more manageable. Best of luck to all of you that suffer my heart is with you. A big giant cyber hug!

Josie2 profile image

Im glad it helped your husband to understand. Its good to help people.

Take care & thanks



Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Josie2

I didn't read your blog or the reply,we had friends to stay over the weekend, really sorry you had a negative response, I can't imagine why people can be so nasty, if that's what they were. Please don't let one person put you off writing down your feelings.

The friends that stayed,I've known for over 30yrs, never once did they refer to my illness,neither infact do my family. I started new meds last week & told no-one,I felt so ill on them that I had to stop them & no-one knew. So without you all I would feel pretty much on my own dispite being surrounded by people. So please don't be put off by one thoughtless person or nutter (as Tilda called them) xx

I didn't read the reply Jo but I am sorry to hear that some uncaring person caused you distress. Pretty amazing that your blog had such a great knock-on affect for DWhite.

Just one thing I'd say though & that is that personally I'd rather we had the occasional nutter on the site - even though I for one find it hard to ignore hurtful words - than that use was restricted by too much peer pressure to a group of relatively like-minded people.

All the best, Luce xxx

tiger profile image

I didn't read the original blog or the the subsequent reply but I hope that it hasn't upset you Jo. Don't let it put you off doing another blog.

Wendy xx

Josie2 profile image

Thanks all

Im just laying low for a while.



in reply to Josie2

Hello josie just read about ur blog I am always about two days late dont lie low for too long I want to hear how you are doing and u are great replying to others as well particularly me so for purely selfish reasons I want you blogging again.

Dotty7 profile image
Dotty7 in reply to Josie2

Hi Jo

I didn't see your blog or the reply, but I'm sorry that someone has made you feel bad, whether they did it thoughtlessly or with deliberate unkindness. Either way, don't lie low for too long or it just means that the bad people win.

Are you off work, or are you back to school tomorrow?

Big hug,

Dotty xx

shirlthegirl profile image

Hi I also read the blog you wrote and have to agree with what everyone has already said, you really don't have to lay low, continue sending your blog and helping and also supporting people on here like you have done, Take Care XX

Hi have been way for weekend .. hope every thing is ok.. ra is a curse it makes us angry and dpresessed. It makes me v angry too.. spent my weekend away in so much pain and with so little sleep snapping at my man..almost lost him

Dancingqueen profile image

Alison I don't know if your refering to the comments that I think you are but I replied to someone who was not sympathetic to someone else who was having a really bad time of it.Being really negative & hostile in fact. We are on here to help & support each other, otherwise what's the point? We all have different circumstances & we are not here to judge. In the end I choose to ignore their comments they wern't helpful at all. Hope your feeling better ? Take care & enjoy your break. xxx

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