What did you get up to on your way home from a night out? Mine,i used to nick the flowers on the way home....... Now its your turn....
What did you get up on your way home.....: What did you... - NRAS
What did you get up on your way home.....

I was a good girl but I lost count how many times my younger brother came home with those flashing yellow lights you get near Roadworks. He even woke up one morning 'cuddling' one in his arms!
I used to wee wherever I needed to. Behind parked cars, in doorways. I also liked to sing very loudly. Songs like New York, New York. What a disgrace!!!
One rather drunken episode was me and hubby had been to the mayors parlour in civic centre as hubbys aunty was mayor. We got rather drunk on free drinks and on the way home hubby ended up carrying me on his shoulder!!
Unfortunately he dropped me on my head from a great height, hes 6 ft 2.
Thankfully, i think lol, no lasting damage!
You really must check the titles of your posts Sylvy. I wondered what I was going to read when I saw it!! LOL.
Oh another one from years ago was when my hubby went out and didnt take a key, he went to nighclub and couldnt wake me when he came home.
He spent the night asleep on the drive with the doorstep as a pillow, go knows what everyone passing thought lol, we then lived on a busy main road!!
Those were the days.........
mm a traffic cone from ????
My fella found a plastic rose on the floor (one that the gypsies go round bars selling), gave it me and said "dont say i never get u flowers" lol
I am afraid I was naughty before even going out! I used to live in Somerset and the buses stopped at 6.00pm, to go anywhere my friend and I would hitch a ride, Esso drivers were the best and always guaranteed a ride out and home.
Another thing that we used to do was a Friday evening we went to the disco several miles away, and we got a ride home in a mini from people that were there, we managed to get 10 people in that small car, four in the front and six in the back, we stopped at the local chippy where a small white van also parked and out of that one I counted 20 people in the back! Health and safety was not in our vocabulary during our teens.
Fell asleep on a bridge over a dual carriageway once. Used to walk miles to get to wherever it was all happening and back again and, like Georje, hitching or piling into or onto anything with wheels.
Well me and my husband nicked a garden Lion on our way home, it was really heavy, don't know how the hell we done it, They were just sitting outside someones house, we could only carry the one lol, When i woke up in the morning, i felt really bad, Told my husband we have to return it, and that we could of got nick carrying that at 2am in the morning, So after a few days we did return it hoping that no one saw us, I still don't know why they were just left there like that,
I think we were being punished a few years ago, when my husband put light's in our front Garden and they were nicked the same night, they didn't return them thou,some people don't have a guilty conscious:)))
Wee'd downstairs in the parking lot by parked cars in the building underneath the bars we frequented. Couldnt wait till I got home!
Also nicked a flashing sign that was at the bottom of the escalator informing us that it wasnt working!. woke up next morning with terrific hangover and what I thought was an alien ship landing in my bedroom but was in fact that awful flashing light making the hangover worse!
Slept on a bus in the depo with two friends till the Night Watchman found us 3am! The walk home too hard uphill in high heels and no money left for a taxi. Watchman chucked us out. Mum thought me stayng with a friend! (Had to knock loud to get in at home as my folks had bolted the door!)
Got hideously drunk on only three halves of cider thirty years ago but boy was it strong. Stepped outside in the cold winter air and drunken-ness came on me ten fold! Boyfriend had to drag me up a very large hill/road and we had to walk to his folks' house three miles away. I flagged down what I thought to be a taxi .... Uh huh ... Police!! Got very shirty with them apparently, when they wouldn't take us home!!!!! Stay away from Merrydown cider! Never touched it since.
This nicking things when drunk seemed quite common!!! Loved the alien ship flashing light!!! My friend once went hike with a pub garden bench she carried two miles. I wasn't there at the time ... Honest!
Early 60s in RAF, was walking back to camp with 2 friends and heard a weak "help, help" coming from the hedge. We looked over the hedge, and there trapped by his feet was aguy also from the camp. Turned out he'd been dying to get rid of a bladder full of local ale so leapt over the hedge thinking it was a three foot drop into someones garden. turned out it was a 12 foot drop instead. Fortunately, he got caught up in the hedge by his shoes,(dont know how) and spent ages calling for help before we found him. We dragged him out, only to find that he'd vented the aforementioned bladder all over his shirt and jacket, and been sick in his hair to boot. Needles to say, he walked the remaining 3 miles back to camp on his own, well behind us in case the wind changed direction. Have also suffered from an overdose of scrumpy with the added problem of a glass of water the following morning turning you as drunk as you were the night before. Not good when you are in an RAF classroom
Ah,but if the scrumpy's still working, you dont feel the pain.