Anti - TNF - any one on Cimzia?: I am going to start... - NRAS


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Anti - TNF - any one on Cimzia?

PJ68 profile image
17 Replies

I am going to start injecting Cimzia on Friday, I have read so many blogs about TNF reactions, I know everyone is different, but I have to admit that I am a bit scared - on the positive side, if it works, I am looking forward to some pain free days!

Can anyone who is on Cimzia give me some info, please?



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PJ68 profile image
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17 Replies
Mark-1411 profile image

Hi Pen

I Can't help with how good it is but i to hope it works as i am being put forward for it. How long did it take from your assessment to finally getting the drug, the answer i got from the nurse i spoke to was "Not Long" which is the same length as a piece of string. I did ask the question as you on here recently and the response was encouraging, i just want to get started and stop being constantly tired and in pain, i'm not expecting a miracle i just want an improved quality of life.

Best Wishes


PJ68 profile image
PJ68 in reply to Mark-1411


I was diagnosed in Oct 2010, and was offered this on 14th October 2011, had some tests and here I am - scared, but trying to be positive.

I agree with you, I am so tired and the pain is naff, harder too that I am having a hard time at work too - I really dont need the stress.

Take care, and hope thigns work out for you too


avjh profile image

Hi I've been on cimzia for three months now.It has really helped my RA.I inject it once every two weeks.I'm still on methotrexate injections 15mg once a week.Not really had any side effects and have been virtually pain free.I have just tried to be very aware of any potential problems and have rung my rheumy nurse for advice.Sometimes it's difficult to know if any health problems are RA related or not. Think it's well worth a try.I know drugs work differently for different people but I hope this works well for you.x

PJ68 profile image
PJ68 in reply to avjh

thank you so much for you kind words - I am glad they have worked for you, I am hoping too!

Take care - and happy pain free days!!

JulieJ profile image

Hello Pen,

Good luck with the Cimzia, please let me know how you get on. I am about to start on it too. It is a very new anti-tnf therapy drug isn't it so not many people are on it yet.

Kind regards, Julie

PJ68 profile image
PJ68 in reply to JulieJ

I certainly will!

Let me know when you start!

Good luck :o)

joan_w profile image

I have been on Cimzia for 19 months now and it has changed my life. I was having flares every 6-8 weeks for 2 years before I changed to anti-TNF (the reason it took so long is another story). Since being on Cimzia I have not had a major flare and only 2 flares in my shoulder joints.

Unfortunately the delay in getting Cimzia has caused a lot of damage to my joints but at least I believe that now my RA is under control.

Best wishes to you. I hope you have the same success as I have.


PJ68 profile image
PJ68 in reply to joan_w

Oh thats great news! I am so glad you have been helped by this, I am looking, positively for a change - I am desperate really!

Hope to chat again some time.

Take care


JulieJ profile image
JulieJ in reply to joan_w

Thank you for that Jo, it's great to hear you are doing well on Cimzia.

Best wishes,


PJ68 profile image

Thank you! x

cherry2 profile image

Hi, Ive been on cimzia since Feb and it has certainly improved my daily life. I inject into my leg, didnt fancy it in my tum and found it better, having spoken with my rummy nurse, not to use the skin cleansing swab and go in at 90 degrees rather than the 45 the instruction say- was less painful that way, and now its ok, but see how you get on. I chose to do mine on a wed as thought it would save any problems of having to take it with me if I went away for a weekend.My blood results are now pretty normal, before my CRP was always up and pain has been dramatically reduced but dont feel its done much for my lethargy. The improvement was gradual, so keep looking back a month at a time and im sure you will see a difference! I did have a problem with taking codine based analgesia, we concluded in the end that it probably for me enhanced the effect of the codine as for about 4 days after each injection i has increased drowsiness/ dizziness after my evening dose of codine, but maybe that was just me as my consultant said he hadnt come across that before. I had to stop taking it, but now find im ok with the occassional dose of lower strength. Oh and make sure you allow the injection to warm up before giving as it stings if its cold. Good luck, let me know if you have any other questions, take care, xx

PJ68 profile image
PJ68 in reply to cherry2

Thank you for that!

I am taking it slow, and am taking everyones advice, as well as my own!

Talk again soon!!

JulieJ profile image
JulieJ in reply to cherry2

Hello Cherry, have you experienced any side effects since starting on Cimzia? I had my first injections yesterday. The list is quite scary isn't it!

Thanks, Julie

cherry2 profile image
cherry2 in reply to JulieJ

Hi, well done on your first injections, it is tough in the beginning when you have to have two! Side effects- well on the positive i'm loads better regarding the stiffness and pain. I have found im more photosensitive to the sun- but with our winters you wont need to worry about that for a while.

In the beginning for about the first 4 nights after my jab i felt a bit weird when going to bed- bit like i was falling backwards- a type of vertigo perhaps but we think it was perhaps enhancing the codine i was taking at bedtime- so i've stopped taking it now.

I do get some facial twitching on one side of my face- not that people can see and some tingling down the other side of my body- the consultant says we will just monitor it for now. Apart from that ive been ok. Did take several doses to kick in and its best to look back a month at a time to realise you have improved! My life is much better on it though still nothing like my life before this horrid disease set in. I would say my day to day tasks are easier now but not sure the lethargy is much less. Do remember as well, that its not just about improving your quality of life but also preventing future joint deformity.

hope that's useful, ask anything at any time, take care,x

JulieJ profile image
JulieJ in reply to cherry2

Hello Cherry,

Thanks so much, I hope you continue to improve and I will keep you posted.

Keep well, kind regards, Julie

joan_w profile image

Also if it stings when injecting, go slower. The tendency is to go fast to get it over with but I actually go really slow and I can't feel anything at all. That's why I like the syringe over the pen,it gives me more control.


Scottishlad profile image

My experience is that I get on best when I inject in the abdomen. I am quite slim and fit (I cycle a lot) there is not much spare skin on my thighs. When I injected in the leg the stuff ended up in muscle not under the skin. I definitely got a bad reaction after 2 leg injections and and a flare until my next injection in the abdomen.

Now I only inject in my belly and make sure the injection is under the skin and not in the muscle.


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