I've been really tired for the last 2-3 weeks. Have b... - NRAS


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I've been really tired for the last 2-3 weeks. Have been on MTX (20mg) since April and recently started Hydroxy and am just so tired.

Mags126 profile image
8 Replies

Everything is such an effort and I just wondered if the Hydroxy has caused this or maybe the combination of both meds. Anyone have similar problems? Fed up with being exhausted and not having the energy for anything. It's really getting me down :(

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Mags126 profile image
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8 Replies
Beth58 profile image

Hi Mags, sorry your having a rough time at the minute.

Not sure about Hydroxy never heard of it and can't find any info. But I seem to go in spells of feeling relatively good for a few weeks then suddenly feeling really tired and in a great deal of pain for no apparent reason, this can last for anything from a few days to a few weeks.

Hope you feel better soon. xx


I've been on both also and only realise after reading your question that when I stopped the hydrox but was still kept on mtx the tiredness did lift,I assumed it was because my new meds were working (enbrel) but maybe it was the hydrox, it is horrible, even when the RA was better it was hard to appreciate it for being so tired, what about your blood results? do you have regular tests for Iron levels?

I'm sure someone else here will advise you better as I'm sure there is a connection.

Take care x

Mags126 profile image
Mags126 in reply to

Hi Wiliby, it's reassuring to know that others are having similar issues with the pills. I do have regular blood tests but I had to stop the hydroxy after just a week for a week as I had a funny turn but after that my consultant said to restart them. I haven't had a blood test since then but I am due one. I guess we're all different and react in different ways but I don't want to carry on feeling like this. Anyway my mission today is to clean my greenhouse and get my spring bulbs planted! Have a good weekend xx

I'm on the same meds. 20 mg MTX weekly and hydroxychloroquine daily with folic acid to stop side effects. Never had any problems, can't even catch a decent cold. Been on it just under three years now and it's stopped my RA in its tracks. Now lead a normal life and can walk miles after being completely disabled. Miracle drug for sure.

ZLB0311 profile image

I was diagnosed with Lupus in March of this year & then in July I was also diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritis or as my Rheumatoidologist called it "Rupus". I take Hydroxchloroquine, Methotrexate & Steriods but I have to be honest and say the severe exhaustion hasn't eased ~ but when I spoke to my Rheumatoidologist about this he said that as this was a complaint prior to starting my medication that this was unlikely to ease!! I really know how you feel & have spent many an evening in tears with exhaustion or had to get in from work & sleep before I could carry on in to the evening, or had family members say I'm being moody, but really I'm so tired I cannot move let alone hold a conversation!!

You are not alone & I have felt reassured from reading other people's blogs as they understand how we feel and confirm we are not going mad but are living with this bloomin' awful illness!!!

I hope your feeling even just a little better today!

Take Care x

ariadne profile image

Hi - I also have lupus and RA, the hcq was brilliant for relief of symptoms, but the side effects were blurry vision, drowziness, and neuro problems so had to stop it. I have a little retinal damage too, which means I cannot take the hydro any more. On methotrexate, and that makes me feel very tired too. The illness also makes me tired...hard to say which is the bigger culprit, but I have been moodier since starting the mtxt I think. and need to sleep in the afternoon or after activities often now.

best wishes allxxx

ariadne profile image

the steroids made me feel great! but was weaned off them recently....

agnieszka profile image


Fatigue affects nearly everyone with arthritis and no one actually know why. It is probably combination of a few factors- pain, low hemoglobin as a side effect of taking medicines and high inflammation markers, that's what my consultant and GP had said. And I don't know what is worse pain or tiredness. Both make me unable to do anything apart from just laying in bed and wanting to sleep and sometimes not wake up again. People in my previous work (waitress) used to look at me and I know they were thinking that I was using my illness to get special treatment or go home earlier.

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