Does anyone have problems with trigger fingers?I have... - NRAS


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Does anyone have problems with trigger fingers?I have to put my hands under hot water to get them to open and its so painful?

CathySmith profile image
7 Replies
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7 Replies
PJ68 profile image


I find getting in the shower first thing helps a bit - when I wash my hair, I have the water running over them and as I move my hands I try to wriggle my fingers. It doesn't always work but it feels quite nice!!! I also have a stress ball that I keep at work to try to keep them working - but then some eveings I cant even hold a knife and fork - so its not always good!!

take care


CathySmith profile image

Thanks Pen,,

I had a cortizone shot in my hand for the trigger finger about 8 months ago, it lasted for about 6 months then came back with a vengence! My Rheumy said the next step is surgery to release the tendon. He is afraid I might break the finger or tendon cause its tight as a drum in the mornings. I have a splint to wear but i can't sleep with it on haha.feels weird.Hope your feeling good today:)

PJ68 profile image
PJ68 in reply to CathySmith

Ah bless!

I also have splints but have tried to wear them at night - I find it helps, and have even started to drive with one on my right hand. I sleep in the foetal position with my my hands clenched in a fist - not good - it hurts too when I wake. My husband tries to flatten my hands while I sleep, but I just curl them back up!

Parafin wax hand massage is good - you place your hand in a vat of liquid parafin - its hot! they wrap your hands in plastic gloves and then wrap them in a towel. the warmth is amazing and after they gently peel off the wrapping, and wipe of the wax and your hands are beautifully soft. I had this done several times for circulation, but you might find a salon that would take into account your RA.Am not so good today, flare up friday and am recovering now! Still half term so lots of rest and lazy mornings!

Take care


CathySmith profile image
CathySmith in reply to PJ68

Thanks for the info,,i do actually have one of those wax thingys(lol) I have never even opened it..I think i will do that today!!!I hope your feeling better today..I had the grandbaby yesterday so kinda down in my hip and back but they are so precious...Have a great day!!!

I have splints too year one set for nitgh and another set for when my trigger fingers flare they do help although they don't look or feel great.

I think surgery is my next option.

Julie x X

pottypam profile image

I have had splints for years, and now have new ones as have to wear them for driving and and just thelp my fingers from locking and painful spasms . Just do like to wear them all the time , I used to be able to rub Ibeieve gel on them and it help a bit , not allowed to any more ,But it also affects my using a stick ,as it will go into spasm and i will drop my stick , This where the gel helped .

Some times I think I tell my self these things work and if they for awhile i am ok,

Hope your fingers not get any worse for a while , the warm water is a good idea, use that too, but bit hard when out and about . lol,

Take care xx

CathySmith profile image

Thanks you everyone for the info....I am really scared that surgery is the next option/Wil see..Good luck to everyone and thanks again.......

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