I nearly chopped my toes off this morning as the pain was excrusiating, didnt last any longer then 5 mins but that was 5 mins tooooo long. cirtainly brought tears to my eye`s, just praying it doesnt happen again.
BIG OUCH: I nearly chopped my toes off this morning as... - NRAS

Hi Phil, try dunking feet in cold water bath. works for me. Hope they are better now. LavendarLady x
Hi Philip - sorry to hear about toes earlier. Don't you get a lot of this type of pain in toes and fingers with RA? I get these flashes of pain all the time now but as I've not yet been diagnosed by rheumy I almost think I imagined them afterwards. Like severe toothache that flashes through your smaller joints - toes and fingers and sometimes wrists and ankles and you have to stop the car or whatever you are doing and breathe deeply and wonder how such pain could dare to exist ?! I've tried cold water but heat suits me much better - try hot water perhaps?
Tilda me duck. Yes flashes of pain... still get lots of those. Only just yesterday, I had one in the side of my neck. I was conversing with me other half, and boom it was like a sharp stab. I am sure his ex-wife hs a voodoo doll of me, and it was her day off work yesterday so she thought she would do a spot of voodoo-ing. Do you think I am paranoid!!?
I think different things for different people help. I actually stuck my finger in the side of my neck, it only lasted seconds,but the intensity actually made me feel sick. I always liken these pains to toothache!
Julie xx
Ha ha it does feel like someone hates you and is applying voodoo when this flashing pain comes on for sure! And it's such a private pain that you whimper but the other half just doesn't seem to notice as you put poor finger inside shirt or into mouth or anywhere that might enclose and comfort it. Harder with toes or bigger joints of course - but my fingers would struggle to cut my toes off so they are safe for the time being!

HEHEHEHE Mr Julies ex must be very scary lol. paranoid hehehe dont look behind you.

Hi Tilda, yes I do get the flushes / flashes of really bad pain very often but this was soooo bad this morning that it acually brought me to tears. Hot or warm water I use normally but this didnt last long enough to get some lol.
Hi Philip - ain't that just the blooming worst? I have suffered so with me tootsies and like you say could have cheerfully chopped them off! I did what Dottie says above, except in put my feet over the ege of the bath and run cold water on them. You are so busy worrying about frost bite that you forget the pain!!! Ha.
Glad to hear you are a bit better now.
Julie xx

seems like I learn something every day lol but at least you know what Im talking about as everyone on here knows only too well.