constant fatigue: lately I feel tired all the time , I... - NRAS


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constant fatigue

17 Replies

lately I feel tired all the time , I tend to plan my days and try not over do things but still feel tired all the time , as well as constant pain in my joints , does anyone else experience this if so how do you cope with it all any tips?

17 Replies
LavendarLady profile image

Hi Kate1569. Fatigue is one of the things we suffer from the most with RA. sometimes it is just tiredness, other times it is so extreme that you feel unable to function properly at all. The only way is to rest as much as possible with feet up. Try to get plenty of sleep. Try not to do too much and rest your joints as much as possible. I have been known to call for a chair in the supermarket because if I hadn't sat down at that point, I would have fallen down! Don't be afraid to ask for help. Are you on any drugs for the RA? Most of us are on methotrexate at varying strengths and some are on anti tnf drugs. You may have to have a chat with your GP/consultant about the tiredness and whether your drug dosage needs adjusting to cope with the joint pains.

I also use Nurofen gel capsules (200 or 400 mg depending on how bad the pain is) also combined with 1000 mg paracetemol which was advised by my consultant. I also have to have a steroid injection about every 3/4 months to bring down a persistent reaction.

Hope all goes well and you will feel a bit better soon. LavendarLady x

in reply to LavendarLady

Thank you for the advice I am currently on Enbrel consultant states not working due to see him in September so will mention this , I will try nurofen as only really take paracetamol .

fatigue is my biggest bug bear hence I only work part time.. have read the much dreamed of ant tnf. that I wouls like can reduce fatigue

lulul profile image

Just been approved for anti TNF and I am hopeful that it will conquer the fatigue. For me although the pain is bad the fatigue is just mind numbing. It is all about pacing but some days that doesn't work. I would say do what you can and try not to feel frustrated on the days you can't . I know when I have done too much but it's usually because I have had some fun and that is a life saver. For me I would rather LIVE and have a few days payback than just exist.

Thank you for the advice will take all this on board and keep going and try not to let this dam RA to take over x

Gina_K profile image

I am still tired and have anti tnf! it is just part of whole process! be it the meds you have to take or the actual toll the disease takes in you.

Judi profile image

I have found that drinking lucozade helps my fatigue when it's at its worst -(but it could be all in my mind)

cherry2 profile image

Hi, you beat me too it i too was about to ask any advice re fatigue! Its dreadful, feels like if i sit down i fall asleep but no mater how much i sleep i dont feel any better. Its really getting me down, im trying so hard to pace myself but getting so frustrated at doing so little. Im on Anti- tnf and has help loads with pain/ joints but not with the fatigue. If you are also having alot of joint pain it may pay to have CRP checked as if you are in a real flare up steroids may help, or it may be time to add another drug? take it easy, x

LavendarLady profile image

Hi everyone. No the anti tnf does not deal with fatigue - it deals with reducing the damage to your joints caused by the tnf. Fatigue is caused by the RA and although I have mentioned it to my GP and Rheumy consultant, no one seems to have any idea how to tackle it apart from getting enough rest and not overdoing it (not the easiest thing when you have a house to run and a job!).

Sun is shining here (at long last) - will probably sit in the garden this afternoon for a while (not working today as been to hairdresser). Had my anti tnf this morning but finger joints still a bit stiff. LavendarLady x

thank you everyone for all your advice will just have to pace myself will speak to consultant in September see if they have any answers but probably wont .

Custard profile image

Hi Guys,

Silly question but has everyone with the fatigue had their HB levels checked? It turns out that with the onset of RA I had become anemic!! As I'd never been anemic before in my life (and my diet hasnt changed) I believe in my case at least that the anemia it is connected to my RA. *shrugs*

I've been on iron suppliments since Feb and my levels are now a healthy12 (when I was too tired to function or think straight my level was 9) I took my iron sulphate supplements twice daily along with a 500 vit C tab, so was taking 1000 vit C daily. (The VitC OD counteracts the iron supplement 'side-effect if you get my meaning :-) )

and have recently added Additional B12 to my diet, this has REALLY helped with the tiredness & lethergy :-) now when im tired its 'normal' tiredness because I havent slept enough!

Hope this helps someone


englishmama0 profile image

I'm so sorry you don't feel well. Life with RA is really hard, I too have alot of fatigue and you just like me have to rest when your body tells you. Frustrating but true. Try and rest as well as get good nights sleep and check with your consultant or nurse. Supplements often help and extra vitamin C. One day at a's a frustrating time sometimes. Feel better.......... listen to your body. Pam xxx

yes fatigue is part of the illness !but a patient anne scadeng who published a nras article callled" thanks to Humira" was involved in a research investigation looking at the effect of Humira in reducing fatigue and she reported anectodotally that her fatigue had been relieved.. so if there was a trial taking place to show the affect of Humira on fatigue evidence must exist of the fact that humira must help with fatigue..I have read other reports that some ant tnfs can reduce fatigue.. the patient article can be found by people going to

http:/ with_rheumatoid_arthritis_.. I have read variuos medical articles too !hence my eagerness for ant tnf

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Yes, I have my HB checked every time I have a blood test and it is fine but thanks for the info. Will keep an eye on it. Next time I see the GP will mention anaemia to her and see what she says. Neither Humira nor Enbrel have done anything to reduce fatigue for me. Wish that it could have done - some days very hard to keep going but have to. LavendarLady x

my hb is good ! usually 13 or 14

bobbya profile image

hello everyone.. Apologies if this turns out to be too long...

Hopefully i will be trying Humria on Tuesday when i first have a visit from the nurse on 11 Oct 2011. Decided to give it a go despite all the serious side affects. I've been suffering for many years with constant back ache, where my joints would get so inflammed it causes muscles in my back to go rock hard and then i would have to see an osteopath to have my back "cracked" it was the only way to get temporary relief. Recently for the past year ive noticed i am more and more tired and having read " I hoping taking Humira will do sort my fatigueness as well as the pain.

Just to give you a backgroud about me I have always been active and many years ago i suffered from a ruptured discs. The disc has healed but i started to get so much pain in my upper back, shoulders. lower back, pain in my ribs, middle of my chest, the doctors didnt know what was wrong with me so i just accepted that this is the way it will be for me for the rest of my life. Once i developed my tolerance to the pain i started to go the gym, I didnt want what i had to beat me so i thought to myself, start weightlifting and develop muscles this will make me strong both mentally and physically. I dont care what anyone says but the gym did help me ,although at times i did over do it by lifting heavy weights..(yes i was extreamly exhausted but even when i didnt go to the gym i was tired regardless) I was just proving to myself that this pain wont get the better of me... so roll on 19yrs later (i'm 40 now) i was tested positive for HLA-B27 about 6mths ago, only because I requested to be tested for this gene, no thanks to the doctors or the specilist i saw.

So will give an update once i start the treatment.

Ladybird47 profile image

Hi folks i have come on to vent my frustration with this dog tiredness i have had for the last few weeks. I see that many of us have the same problem with this Demon RA, everyday i say i will feel better tomorrow i will do that ironing i have loads of chores waiting to be done When tomorrow comes i start the task then 10 min later i have to rest, the overwhelming fatigue sets in I have started to take MTX again this is my 2nd week after a 5 week break so i am hoping i will start feeling more energetic when it is back in my system properly. Sorry i am nodding off typing this moan hope you are all having a good day today, and for those of you who aren't my thought are with you. ((( ))) Ladybird x

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