Severe fatigue today: I woke up feeling absolutely... - NRAS


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Severe fatigue today

regina79 profile image
53 Replies

I woke up feeling absolutely exhausted. Never felt so tired in my entire life.. I feel like I'm recovering from a flu. My body is so tired I can hardly move about. I'm also struggling to type and haven't managed to even get into the shower yet, let alone making my own lunch.. wash dishes etc. Everything is becoming such a struggle. :(

I just want to go to bed and shut down. I feel like my body is not real... is a ghost. Very weird feeling... very weak body, almost non-existent.

My fingers have got really bad in the last week. My index fingers have actually changed shape. They are no longer straight at all and they have a hard lump next to the knuckles on the side of the finger so that the finger looks like it has a small bump on the side :O

I'm going for my lower joints Ultrasound today. I wonder if they will find inflammation there too. And tomorrow will see my Rheumatologist. I suppose I'll get a clear diagnosis tomorrow.

Wish me luck and most of all wish me energy to move about... I dont really know what to do with myself. x

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regina79 profile image
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53 Replies

You aren't suffering from just tiredness, you have fatigue. Hopefully when you finally get a diagnosis, you will be prescribed someting to relieve your fatigue and pain. Even Steroid treatment would help somewhat, please let us know how you get on.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to

Thanks so much for your kind words of support. I'll let you know how I go. xx

Hessie5 profile image

I can empathise - such a frustrating feeling I want to hibernate. Do mention this all to your consultant - see if there are some supplements they can recommend or even get your iron checked.

All the best with the ultrasound - they never share the results with you - so fingers crossed tomorrow all is well 😌

in reply to Hessie5

Fatigue!!! This word doesn’t even to begin to explain what we suffer no one not medics, family, friends get it. Only someone who suffers understands. For me it’s like an out of body experience. My mind is not attached to my body and both live in a slow motion leaden life. I loose days at my worst nothing holds my concentration I can’t converse with my family and I’m unable to leave the house. IT DOES PASS.

The plus side if you have it now is any tests will show a Flare and the consultant will get a true view of what you are suffering .

Keep us posted.

(Treat yourself. Takeaways and binge watch tv till it passes)

Tango2016 profile image
Tango2016 in reply to

This explains it so well, I was having this out of body feeling a few days ago and couldn’t concentrate on one task and was a little worried by it, I’m glad I’ve read this.

Thank you

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Tango2016

Yeah, very weird and unsettling feeling... :( xx

rab1874 profile image

Hopefully you get a diagnosis and they give you something as the fatigue is just as bad as the constant pain this disease throws at us xxx

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to rab1874

I hope so too! :( thanks xx

Campaigner profile image

I absolutely feel for you. Fatigue is so, so debilitating and hard to explain to others. I wish I could give a solution but have yet to find one.

Keep trying different drugs and hope you find one that helps.

Try and keep your chin up and look after yourself.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Campaigner

VERY Campaigner. :( Not fun.

I felt very helpless yesterday.. :(

thanks! xx

charisma profile image

Regina, so sorry you are having to struggle each day with basic necessities. It is typical of RA, and as someone else mentioned, could also mean iron deficiency which is common with RA.

I hope you managed to make it to your lower body ultrasound, and will also make it to Rheumatology tomorrow.

I am only coping right now due to oral steroids, had been like you for months on end with no relief before it was admitted that the DMARD was not working.

Hang in.

Answers are just around the corner!

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to charisma

Thanks Charisma. I'm pretty sure they tested me for Iron too, but I'll definitely check with the Rheumatologist today xx

Just sending a positive hug as I am there with you I was so bad last month and today how I got to work and managed to get stuff done was a miracle. But then today was a ok fatigue day instead of my I ain't moving day fatigue.x

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to

Thanks my dear!! :) It means a lot


Mmrr profile image

I hope your rheumatologist sees you at your worst and moves you onto appropriate treatment soon 🤞

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Mmrr

Thanks xx

Well I did the rest of my Ultrasound yesterday and the radiologist found inflammation all over... and bursitis inflammation all over, even under my feet!!!!!!!!!!! :O

🌷 🌷 🌷

sharon6768 profile image

Regina, I am so sorry that you are going through this pain and fatigue. Just know that you have this whole army behind you sending you hugs and prayers.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to sharon6768

Thanks you SO MUCH Sharon xx

Shalf profile image

It's an awful feeling Regina. I know very well. Having Fibromyalgia as well as RA is exhausting! Remember your body is in crisis. Be kind to yourself -Always. X

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Shalf

Thanks Shalf. I don't know if I have Fibromyalgia as well, but I do have all the symptoms..

My Rheumatologist seems to think that I can't have both, when everywhere else I read you can.. so I'm quite confused x

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to regina79

That's odd. My Rheumatologist diagnosed me with both conditions. RA first then Fibro following acute muscle pain, incredible fatigue and general weakness. Exercise is the number 1 recommendation for Fibro but easier said than done when feeling exhausted. Try walking in the swimming pool and rest when your body tells you to.

All the best. X

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Shalf

Yeah, I find that quite weird and also I think she's not really specialised in Fibromyalgia, although it's mentioned in her profile! I'll have to insist or seek a second opinion on this one.

I think I definitely have it. I have bursitis inflammation and acute muscle pain on shoulder, arm, hip. Very severe. I can't really walk far or do any exercise at the gym cos of hip and shoulder pains. xx

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Shalf

Can I ask, how did they diagnose you for Fibromyalgia? x

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to regina79

I complained of muscle pains and fatigue over and above the joint symptoms associated with RA. She examined me pressing bits. Parts of me felt like I had been stung numerous times or fell in a nettle bush! She concluded there was no doubt I have Fibro. She told me it's common in patients with moderate to severe RA.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Shalf

Oh wow. That's good she examined you well. Mine never examined me physically... which I found very strange indeed. And she's private.. but she's good otherwise. She sent me to all possible tests, listened and took lots of notes etc. x

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Shalf

what points did you have this pain? x bless you. What treatment is there for Fibro? Just steroids?

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to regina79

Behind the knees, outer arms, lower back and hips. It is more a stingy stabbing pain in those areas but generally the whole body can ache. Muscles are painful when pressed. I find the steam room helps Fibro also swimming. Helps loosen up stiffness too. I was given gabapentin but they gave little relief. I was surprised Fibro was under the umbrella of Rheumatology. I thought it was a Neurological condition. Steroids has never been suggested to me for Fibro.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Shalf

Same! I have pains in all these areas.. but then they did find inflammation in the back of the knees, hips, shoulder, feet, hands..... :o

Cool, so since they will definitely give me Steroids for RA today, hopefully they will also work for Fibro...

Thanks for this! xx

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to regina79

Fingers crossed for you.

Good luck! X

Lolabridge profile image

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling so grim and unfortunately it’s normal with RA.

I had a similarly bad time recently and several kind forum members suggested increasing my vitamin B12 intake. I had almost stopped eating red meat but now have it again occasionally and I’m eating more Marmite (!) too. I now take a B12 supplement as well. I do have more energy now so whether that is what did the trick or my flare came to an end I don’t know but I’m going to continue. You may want to check whether you are getting sufficient B12 in your diet.

Do ask your Rheumatologist if you can have some steroids to help you until any DMARDs you are given start to work.

Meanwhile take it easy and be kind to yourself.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Lolabridge

Thanks Lolabridge,

I will ask about supplements for fatigue and definitely ask for steroids in the meantime that the immuno suppressants start working.. (if they will..) x

Collielover profile image
Collielover in reply to regina79

Steroids should help quickly . They give some relief from the debilitating feeling of RA .

At least they’re seeing you during a flare up so they can act accordingly

MagicalMarjieXx profile image

Good luck 🍀

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to MagicalMarjieXx


Collielover profile image

Chronic fatigue is dreadful. You need to listen to your body and rest . I hope a diagnosis can come very quickly for you .

I understand totally the fatigue as I too was the very same but long ago .

I currently self inject Methotrexate and after 5 lots I’m starting to feel better . It’s taken 10 months after diagnosis so please be patient.

Good luck 👍

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Collielover

Thanks Collielover,

that's good that you finally got a diagnosis. Are the injections helping with the symptoms? xx

Iam72754 profile image

I had that same problem turned out to be Ebstein Barr Virus its a blood test to verify usually effects us when the immune system is low.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to Iam72754

You mean the fatigue? x

Iam72754 profile image
Iam72754 in reply to regina79

I thought my fatigue was just due to RA it was beyond that literally just could get started found out it was EBV on top of RA and chronic fatigue

BonnieT profile image

Hope all goes well for you, Regina79.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to BonnieT

Thanks a lot :O xxx

BonnieT profile image
BonnieT in reply to regina79

Sorry I don’t have more to offer. My fatigue comes and goes. Doc says may be chronic fatigue but nothing to help it. I hope you’re on a good med.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to BonnieT

You are offering great support even if you think it's nothing. So thank you.

Just the fact that you guys are here makes me feel less alone and so much better about myself and my health issues.

I'm on no meds yet but just curcuma, omega 3 and bromeline.. natural stuff. I do take strong anti-inflammatories sometimes but tbh curcuma and omega 3 are stronger than those!! :O Hopefully today I will be given steroids and more... xxx

BonnieT profile image
BonnieT in reply to regina79

Currently I’m off MTX. But pain is returning. I started prednisone a few days ago and got relief. So reluctant to give it up again. But what it can do to our bodies over time is not good. Hoping for the best for you.

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to BonnieT

sorry to hear :( I hope the steroids will help.

Yeah, I know, it's not good to take these meds forever. But if they can slow down the disease progression that's a good thing. x

BonnieT profile image
BonnieT in reply to regina79

Yes. I agree but even if they help with the RA they can cause other serious problems. Darned if we do and darned if we don't. 😞

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to BonnieT

Yes... not great x

slou222 profile image

I had that same fatigue 2 days ago. It feels flu like with every joint aching. And I got almost no sleep last night with a bad flare up in my left hand. The pain and the cold numbness is awful. And lying down makes it worse, so sleep is next to impossible. Even my Rheumatologist doesn't understand that one.

The bumps near your joints in your fingers are called nodules, and they are very common with RA.

I'm lying here in bed wondering how I'm going to work today. Ugh. I'm so sorry you're going through it, too. Oh, and my rheumatologist says I have Fibro as well. 🙄

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to slou222

Oh dear, that does sounds terrible :( I had the same experience yesterday but better today, well still fatigued but not as yesterday. Just the regular daily fatigue I get.

I see :o xx

LadyJan profile image

Join the club..........I am going through a period that I' m sitting down more than standing up! I feel like I am going to fall down. But.....after having my regular blood test yesterday I rec'd a tele call from surgery saying my Thyroid count is very low and to repeat (0.07)

I am hypothyroid. This has pushed me into hyperthyroid-hence the lethargy. I have to wait 8 weeks before medication will be changed as need another blood test as insrtucted. I suffer from lethargy due to RA but not like this. Hands, wrists and fingers sooooo painful.

Co-codermol has no effect. I am getting very frustrated at not being able to do simple tasks.

Hope you feel better about a call to rheumy nurse.


Welcome to RA World, aka The Walking Dead. ;)

regina79 profile image
regina79 in reply to dembonesDAMNBONES

LOL what can I say: thanks !x

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