why does my hair hurt.: - NRAS


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why does my hair hurt.

5 Replies
5 Replies
rattusrattus profile image

your hair hurts?

hair can't hurt - it doesn't have nerves in it. if hair was sensitive to pain, you would feel pain everytime you had a haircut.

if you mean at your hair roots, you might have an infection of your hair follicles. if you mean that your scalp hurts, you could be aneimic. scalp pain and thining hair was one of my anemia symptoms.

i hope you get it sorted out.

Philip profile image

Do you have fibromyalgia at all as I know this happens to me now and then, I always put it down to the nervous system.

Good luck and I hope your pains subside soon.



Jaqui assked this question before, if you type in 'sore hair' in search tag at top right and scroll down you'll see her question and all the replies, seems your not the only one!

essexgirl profile image

hiya ... i only suffer from hurting hair when i touch the hair on the crown of my head .... and ouch it does hurt but seems to settle down when i wash my hair ... but i do know what you mean but mine comes and goes but fingers crossed havent had it for a while

prob dont help you but i do get it

debs x

Sometimes when I've had an infection I've had pain which I would describe as "my hair hurting". Usually it's been down to a nasty bout of tonsilitis and just about everything hurts including the scalp. Hope you get to the bottom of it.

Paula x

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