hi i have been on mtx for about 3 months now and as time goes on i feel more and more sick. is it bad for me to take more folic acid tablets. i woz taking them once a wk but now i feel like i need them every day.
will the feeling sick ever go away: hi i have been on... - NRAS
will the feeling sick ever go away

HI, it is safe to take folic acid every day except the methotrexate day, but seek
advice from your local GP or Rheum team before doing this.
It also possible to be prescibed anti- nausea. sickness medication such as metoclopramide.,domperidone. or ondanestron by your gp or rheum team
see last question.. asked. its virtually the same question asked in a different way. and read some of the helpful advice given by fellow people x
or change to Mtx by injection?
Hi Jaqi - see some of the answers on other questions about MTX sickness. We have all suffered from it at some time or other. My rheumy increased the folic acid to 6 days a week so worth talking to your GP/Rheumy consultant about that. Your GP can prescribe some anti sickness tablets as well, Try also ginger drinks, biscuits etc.
re: injections - I was changed to these from tablets by my consultant because of the sickness and nausea. It would normally be up to the consultant rather than the GP to change. The nurse at my surgery showed me how to do the injections and I went to her for 4 weeks and she also watched me do them. Once you've done the first one yourself (under supervision) it's a doddle doing them every week. LavendarLady x
sorry Jaqui, LL has answered. Interestingly, I am not in U.K. and i mentioned members on here saying they take folic acid every day whereas mine is once a week. I asked myy Consultant on my last visit in June about that , she said that is probably a different type of folic acid called Clonfolic prescribed in U.K., So the one I'm prescribed is a different one. I have not had any side effects to date from Mtx 20mg per week going on three years. Maybe someone else would know if there is different types of folic acid, maybe my stuff is pure, I am only guessing. My Consultant seemed surprised I was asking should I take more! I have noticed my hair thinning a little thats why I asked her.