I am moving to Barcelona and i am currently on Enbrel, i was wonderting if anyone knows if I would have to pay for it in spain or if I can get it subsidised. I know the health care is free but i am not sure about medicine. I get it free in ireland on the high tech medical scheme.
Is Enbrel subsidised in spain or will I have to pay? - NRAS
Is Enbrel subsidised in spain or will I have to pay?

Sorry not got a clue but the link below may offer some information.
Beth x
Thanks Beth but I'm an Irish citizen the UK won't cover me for anything.
Wow Barcelona will be an exciting place to live Su and all that Vit D and warmth might make a big difference to the RA. There's another new blogger on here who lives in Spain so maybe she will be able to help you. Good luck and please keep us posted when you find out the situ re Enbrel. Tilda x
It's worth thinking about in advance, not just the money but also to make sure you can get prescriptions without a break. You don't want to be left without for a few weeks when you arrive. Hopefully since it's part of EU there will be some reciprocal arrangement as it's a very expnsive drug - about 10,000 euros a year I think. But at least it should be available unlike all the RA sufferers in Greece who are short of supplies. Enjoy. Polly
I have had a look into it and it seems that I would have to pay 1043 a month I might be able to get on some kind of scheme but it will take anywhere up to twelve months so I really can't consider it as an option. It makes me feel sad that I'm still being held back by this disease. I really want to get out of ireland but my options don't seem all that bright about it right now.
I have just read this and hope you can apply somewhere for funding. I feel so sad for you. I have been on enbrel and now take humira and I'm about to have a week in Barcelona so it all touched a chord with me.
Best wishes and positive thoughts being sent your way x
Thanks k3let
Barcelona is a fantastic city you'll have a great time there. I'm afraid I'm stuck in Ireland until I am in a better position financially. I used to be able to hop country to country but I have to accept that I have a disease and I need a certain type of medicine to keep it in check. It's hard finding new ways that RA effects me but that is life after all, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger to paraphrase Nietzche.
Hi again Su2po,
I really hope you find a way of getting there. We seem to get along fine for a few months and then we are reminded that we have to do things differently because of our R.A. It is always like someone is giving you an extra kick when you are down. I go to Sitges next Sunday finishing off with three days in Barcelona city. I am hoping the sun makes me feel better and that the hop on hop off bus allows me to get about without exhausting myself. You are so right about challenges making us stronger. I just felt so sad for you when I read your post last night, so terribly unfair. Best wishes and everything crossed for you in the future xx
Thank you K3let,
I spoke to a friend of mine and we agreed the best thing for me is to enroll in a course in dublin and work for a year or two untill i have all of this under controll. I was only diagnosed last year and have only been on my feet again for about two months. i still get very tired and sore in the evening. I guess i just wanted my old life back but i have to plan around the RA now. it's a learning experience and I have to say I am very happy I found this site. I had been to many others but the forums seemed to be full of depressed people who weren't getting on with their lives. here it seems different.
Thanks for all the responces and support
Hi Su2po,
Have you considered having your meds delivered to you in Spain via courier from Ireland?