hello one and all, I am in Western ALgarve, very windy & hot here. As u know I am in chemical remission, and therefore a success story. Sadly, no cure but able to function well for intents n purposes. The update is for a lady under 50 (just) I can't drink alcohol, can't walk very well due to quick & severe damage to ankles and feet! I am glad 'I can tolerate meds & was picked up quickly ' but I still resent the fact that I walk weirdly and the damage is done! Also any day without warning, anti tnf can stop working. Having said all that, I'm here. For all those that suffer fatigue, the mtx does cause tiredness especially until you get used to it, but it is the constant struggle to keep up normality that wears me out.
My consultant says that very very very slowly she will reduce my meds, I guess that will be over years, and hopefully if I pass this disease on to future generations there will be a cure, in fact I think there will..
Hopefully, this winter my orthopaedic surgeon will decide he has the skill to fix my main ankle tendon! In the meanwhile I have to hobble back poolside and dwell a little more on the unfairness of RA.
Love & hugs to all.