Treated like a second class citizen.: Well I wrote a... - NRAS


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Treated like a second class citizen.

asasmum profile image
19 Replies

Well I wrote a while back at the appalling treatment by my employers and RA clinic. The update is despite me unable to continue in my job(Child protection) I have not been given Ill health retirement but dismissed through ill health and absence record. It is amazing that the employers today can sack you and you have to climb mountains before there is any redress and even then you do not qualify for entitlements as they squeeze every last drop of energy out of you, knowing that you are unwell. For me there has been no compassion shown by employers or RA departments , and they havent even followed procedures properly or fully. I am now reliant on my 3rd union rep as previous 2 have been taken ill.I know in my heart that I am right when I feel that I have been treated appallingly. Possibly everyone of us on here can evidence a similar time and event where discrimination has been experienced. Until I had to give up work, and after trying every self help possible (DWP support, etc) to remain in my job. I was met with a tyrant of unhelpful,selfish and ignorant professionals, paying lipservice to the disability and how it effects me.

I know in the long run I will be much happier for having to give up work,. In the meantime the fear of losing our home as I have now been dismissed and IHR is in appeal has done nothing to ease the stress and worry every day.

I used to act as advocate for people like me.

Sadly I feel I have the knowledge but lack the physical and emotional strength to follow though.

Isnt it sad that instead of looking down on people to pick them up today, people think as long as I am ok who cares?

Apologies for such a pessimistic blog but I am angry with the world at this stage of being dismissed, though no fault of my own, just being very poorly and on lots of medication with side effects!.

Thanks for listening

Asa's mum xx

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asasmum profile image
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19 Replies
sylvi profile image

Don't give in to the tyrants who have treated badly. Give them all what for by suing for unfair dismissal. sending you hugs for strengh.xx

Gina_K profile image


I am so sorry that you have been treated appallingly. I had an operation last October and have been on certified sick leave since on state illness benefit, I really couldn't face the thought of returning to the fatigue and crap I would face, coming home from work and being so tired I couldn't function.

My employers initially rang me weekly and I sent certs etc, but as time has gone on, they have ignored me totally and I now have only state benefit and an undetermined illness insurance policy. I don't know how to take this? Be happy, or sad that after 30 years in the same company they are glad I'm gone? Or what?

Well it remains to be seen, not a word since I saw company appointed doctor, he was very sympathetic. Anyway sleeping dogs are lying for the time being. I don't know what to make of it, have I still got a job ( I also owe them.aLoan)

Will do a big blog some day. In the meantime, I hope things work out for you, I certainly suit not working but money, well it's scary not to have a proper salary.

Xxx Gina.

Rockpool60 profile image

What an awful time you have had. Don't let them win just because they don't feel as awful as you do...take stock and get a battle plan and then go for another attack on them. People can shock you can't they. Big hugs xxxx

I agree with everyone else, you have been treated badly.

I hope you find the strength to fight for your rights.

Best of luck

Mary x

How terrible. I can understand why you feel so angry and hurt by your treatment. Have a rest and regroup. Once you have the energy you can battle again with the strength you had on behalf of others.

I too had to give up work (which I loved) and am living on benefits now. It's not easy, I scrape around for every penny but there are also other things that I can do now that I didn't have the time for before so it's not all bad.

dmc12 profile image

Sorry to hear of your news, I hope you get what you are entitled too when you get too a tribunal I too work for DWP and it is lip service they pay to DDA and hopefully this will all come out when you get your day in court. Employers especially ones such as DWP should know better and hope they are tought a lesson. In meantime don't delay putting in a claim for ESA and DLA if you have not already. Good luck. x

It's dreadful how you've been treated but sadly not unusual. You sound totally worn down by it all. I think when you've had some time de-stress and you'll feel more able to fight for your rights.

Best of luck

Paula x

Am so sorry to hear how you have been treated these days employers don`t care all they want is to make money does not matter how long you have been with them. There are so many looking for work they have pick of the bunch.

All you can wish is that what goes around comes around, also you reap what you sow, Take care

The way employees are treated is getting worse, no doubt about it. I'm so glad that you have the know-how to fight for your rights 'cos I wouldn't mind betting that when you've got some rest then you will find the energy you need, too. Wishing you strength & peace of mind. x

helixhelix profile image

What a sad series of events, and how horrid to be treated so badly by people you should trust. You comment about having the knowledge, but not the energy is one that I recognise. Do you have a good friend or partner who could do some of the legwork for you? Or rather telephone work as so much seems to need endless phone calls. It is so draining to have to do these things when you have no physical or emotional energy. But there can be light at the end of the tunnel. Since I stopped work my health has been loads better, and I've been able to look after myself properly. So it's not been all bad. Polly

Treesha profile image

I am gutted for you. My hubby was treated badly he was called into the office one monday morning and told not to bother coming back. ( Extremely long story ) anyway the upshot of it all is that he took them to tribunal and they settled out of court the day before the hearing. He had no union but used our home insurance which covers employment law and support. Please try to fight back its just terrible that genuine workers are treated so badly and all the mallingers just sail through without a care in the world.take care and such good luck xxx

cathie profile image

I agree with polly. I think the first thing I'd do is to check if there are any deadlines for your appeal. That might help you to prioritise. But like all the others I'm appalled by how you've been treated and it can't be right. I do hope you'll keep in touch so we know how you're getting on


Ditto to what everyone here has said - shocking story - hope you get some energy back soon to fight for your rights. Tilda x

Judi profile image

Sorry you are having such a bad time. Could CAB give you any help - even if you know what is what 2 heads could be better than 1.


asasmum profile image

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for listening and your brilliant and empathetic comments. I was able to have the first nights "proper" sleep (helped by anti depressants and sleeping tablets) for weeks. Knowing I am not alone in this horrible situation fills me with hope and humility. Without this site and all the kind words i know i would be in a much worse state of affairs. I feel very humbled by you all. I woke up this morning and read your comments again and now feel that I should take stock, be easy on myself and slowly look at making plans to sort this mess out. Starting with the RA clinic-writing such an important report for IHR without my file with her, IHR physician not sending me any literature/reports before making decisions and informing employers before I had seen and made comments/approved, (by the way he was also found by the ombudsman to have acted improper in Dec last year!!) and lastly to get redress from treatment off employers. 3 pronged attack I reckon!ha ha I was in the military for a short while, maybe I can extrapolate some of the tactics I leant there ha ha ha

So A MASSIVE THANK YOU to all you guys for your support. xxxxxxxx

in reply to asasmum

a bit late reply but you are right to be angry and like your attitude this morning 3 pronged attack indeed.

I am still in work but i find it difficult. All appointments are taken through annual leave and i find there is a real interrogation if i take off sick. I have yet to take any time off this year but it is very hard. What annoys me most is that others seemingly take time off for the most menial of reasons and do not seem to care.

Dotty7 profile image

I am facing a similar situation. Previous rheumatologist didn't want to know about fatigue - no swelling, low bloods, you're OK - but work have started capability process because I had a month off due to fatigue following a dental infection. Am now off sick again pending a second opinion with a different rheumatologist. There seems little point in going to work if they are saying I'm too sick, and I am saying I'm too sick. Hoping desperately that new rheumatologist will either try some different treatment or will take a positive view of retirement on health grounds. Otherwise I'm stuffed. Single parent, ten years left on the mortgage, 22 years of career gone, just like that. :-(

asasmum profile image


I am sorry you are having similar times as me, and there's probably alot more like us on here too !

I had sick notes from GP. All health profs including Rheumy,RA nurse,OT and hearing therapist agreeing and advising that I could no longer work. Yet when Rheumy was asked about meds, and had to say about me starting new drugs and looking at my weight, I was then refused, despite the reports from her and GP saying I could no longer work and ironically only part time at best in 2008, even though I am now full on active and have diabetes and use hearing aid, and all 3 biologic drugs and more have failed me!!!

Sadly but realistically in todays climate with recession and pension reform if the employers want you out they will find a way, unless you have the energy and the money to challenge it. I know I have a long battle on my hands, which could have been avoided if my employers had shown some care and consideration, and actually tried listening and equally, took the time to read the reports and advice within them, not take notice of a physician who gets paid by the paperwork he can conjur up with his "sharp practice".

I only hope you get a better rheumy on your side this time and someone who knows the effects of day to day living that we endure with our pain and suffering. Shame on those who dont care! Just remember every dog has his day and nothing stays the same forever.

Good luck and let us know how you get on! Asa's Mum xx

Dear Asa's mum so sorry to hear this do you have legal protection with house or car insurance? they may be able to help, it is appalling x

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