Can I change to another hospital for RA checkups and ... - NRAS


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Can I change to another hospital for RA checkups and treatment?

Debs_ profile image
13 Replies

Hi, just wondered if anyone has succesfully changed hopsitals? I recently attended my routine appointment with Rhumy, but felt rushed and not enought info given about additional drug to be prescribed. Was told I have to go back to see the nurese to get the prescription and to ask any quetions at that time. Was told would get appointment for OT and podiatrist too. I had to email the secretary to chase for OT appointment, and I am still waiting since beginning of May for Podiatry appointment. Went to see OT, was not really impressed. Appointment lasted 1 hour 45 minutes, after she measured my wrists and asked how i was feeling she proceeded to tell me how tired she was due to the fact she was the only OT for 3 hospitals in the area. I also now know the full background on why her first relationship failed and how her last boyfriend literally jilted her at the engagement party. I know I should have said something there and then, but i think i was more dumb struck at what i was hearing. The good thing was that I got my thumb splints in the post. I have since been told that another hospital close to where I work has a very good RA department, which would really be better for me when getting out of work for appointments. If anyone has successfully changed hospital, would like some advise on the process please.

Thank you

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Debs_ profile image
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13 Replies
bestnana profile image

It is at least twelve yrs ago but After having a bit of an argument with my consultant I decided I wanted to change hospital All I did was make an appointment with my GP and told her I was not happy and wanted a referral to another one which had been recommended to me. She said no problem I will do this for you After a few weeks I got an appointment card from new hospital. As I said at beginning it was yrs ago and the NHS changes all the time but that was my experience Good luck and I think you are doing the right thing After all if you dont like you dentist hairdresser etc you change

Debs_ profile image
Debs_ in reply to bestnana

Thanks for the reply bestnana, I never thought of it like you said, if you don't like your hairdresser.... Very good point. Thank you.

sharlynn profile image

i changed my hospital last October as i was always being forgotten for appt's, i could not understand my consultant and everytime i went to the hospital (that's after me ringing and reminding them that they had not sent me an appt again) they thought i was a new patient, newly diagnosed (i have been going to the same hospital and same consultant for 17 years, but they didn't know me) so i became very distressed with them and went to see my GP and told him how frustrated and angry i was, the GP was great and sent a referral to a hospital that was nearer home (the previous was 17 miles away) and like you was great for leaving work and nipping to my appts. I was elated and thought things would be much easier and better. Oh i was wrong i received my first appt and met my new consultant, the nurse was great and i really thought things were looking up and i might now get some help with my RA, on leaving they said they would see me again in 3 months i am now 8 months on and have not received an appt and no help so i have the same problem as i had with the last hospital. I will have to start ringing again reminding them to send me an appt. It may just be a one off with this new one so i am going to give it time and see if things improve but if not i will be going to see my GP again to complain and maybe try another hospital. Anyway, sorry i moaned on, just wanted to let you know that you can change hospital to your choice by visiting your GP. Hope things work out for you and you have better luck than i have.

Debs_ profile image
Debs_ in reply to sharlynn

Hi Sharlynn, sorry you have not had a happy switch. Hopefully that will all change for you. I'm going to go see GP to see what he can do.

sylvi profile image

Why aren't you given the date of your next appointment when you leave. My hoapital does this,and if they can't access the computer they send me the app through within 10 days. Hope you get on alright. sylvi.xx

Debs_ profile image
Debs_ in reply to sylvi

Hi Sylvi, I did get my next review appointment made on my way out but was told other 3 would come in post. Wish it was the same her as it js for you. X

cathie profile image

We get this next appt info on the way out in Edinburgh too

KJay profile image

Hi Debs

As a patient you have a right to be treated in the hospital of your choice. I was told by someone that worked at Guys that if the hospital is outside your PCT area that doctors can get into trouble and don't like doing this. I only had this problem with a doctor in one practice, however, I have changed my practice and have never had a problem.

I live in Gloucestershire and the less said about Gloucester Royal the better. My doctor referred me to St Thomas' and they thought I had RA. My doctor is now referring me to UCHL as they have a good RA department. My only concern is that some hospitals in London will see you once and then refer you back to your PCT. I don't know yet if UCHL do this.

UCHL do have a page on their website dedicated to telling patients that they are entitled to be treated anywhere they choose. I should print the page off and take it with you to your doctor if you think there may be a problem.

Good luck x

Debs_ profile image
Debs_ in reply to KJay

Thanks, will look for that info and take with me to docs. X

asasmum profile image

Hi Debs

Like you I have had to wait several months for reviews/apts from RA clinic and rheumy. Often apts were cancelled at last minute and were very rushed with little care or consideration for me. Unfortunately I was also going through ill health retirement with OCC health at work. I have now been left with an appeal going on and have been dismissed though sickness levels. It has been appalling treatment by my employers made even worse by the complacency of the hospital and there lack of understanding and support. Ironically it was both of these RA profs that advised that I could no longer work as it was having such a bad effect on my health!!!!!!!

It is so important to be able to gain trust in the very people that literally have our lives in their hands. I agree with above comments. We have a right and duty to move away from those that do not care or treat us badly. After all it is our life and we need to take control back. I would like for them to be in our shoes for a day or even afternoon!!

My GP is looking at moving all the RA pateints from our surgery and have just offered me to transfer to Exeter.

Please take contorl if you can as you will feel better in the end and take a friend or relative with you if possible to witness the treatment.

BFN Asa's mum xx

Debs_ profile image

Oh my you have had a terrible ordeal, I think it's a case of the illness not being understood by those not affected, some cases pure ignorance. I hope things work out better for you in the near future. Thanks for your advice too. X

sylvi profile image

Don't any of these damn drs realise that with our taxes, we pay their wages.

Matilda_1922 profile image

I know it’s with another specialist but they now print on back of appointment letter that appointments can be longer than stated by specialist.

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