Swollen Joints: Hi All I have had swollen joints for... - NRAS


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Swollen Joints

sciqueen profile image
8 Replies

Hi All

I have had swollen joints for about a month now. Sometimes they have been so swollen I look like michelin man/women and found it very difficult to write as my fingers were fat like sausages.

Most of the time I've had some kind of pain/ache ranging from dull aches to throbbing in various joints.

On my assessment I scored 5.11 das, so I have started the process for anti tnf. I've managed to stay at work, even with a change of weather head cold (just stopped mtx for a week hence the michelin style swelling). But I have been exhausted and this weather has also aggravated my ra further, although in the cool and shade I like the warm weather - well prefer it to the cold.

I managed a girly day out on saturday with a friend and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but payed for it the sunday and was almosy bed dound due to the severity of the throbbing joints. It was worth it though.

I feel drained and tired all the time and I am desparately looking forward to the half term break. I hope it gets a bit cooler and maybe I won't suffer so much.

Glad your out of hopital Sylvi.

Enjoy your retirement dinner Allanah.

Welcome to all those that are new and

Hope the rest of you are doing better than I and are enjoying the milder weather!

Take care all and I am hoping I can blog more next wk during the half term hols.

Sci x :)

Ps I am on the right

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8 Replies
sylvi profile image

I said when my foot swelled up after the op that i had a foot like an elephants so i do know what your feeling sci. The weather doesn't ra,whether its hot or cold we ladies/gents can't win can we. Love the photo its nice to put a face to a name. love sylvi.xx

sciqueen profile image
sciqueen in reply to sylvi

Sciqueen name is Joanne

Hi Sciqueen/Joanne

I know how you feel, its not nice when fingers are so swollen and sore.

The swelling on most of my fingers has gone down now but I still have some pain. I'm not sure if that deep seated pain ever really goes being new to RA but it is a blessed nuisance.

I take it you work in education of some description, my husband is a teacher so I too am looking forward to next week.

All the best, look forward to hearing more from you.


Hi Sci - great to see you at last! I'm glad to learn that you have been put on anti tnf at last - although you don't say which one - and really hope it works. I am writing this on my little iPhone while away in the deep south (Bristol). It's so hot here compared to home. Walking about all day (with several collapses back in hotel room - such as now!) I feel the heat is doing me the power of good although my fingers have swollen up slightly again and are more painful today - feet were sore yesterday but I'm assuming this is just from travel and carrying stuff about not heat. I used to hate heat before the RA as it would make my skin itchy and eczema worse if extreme heat and sweaty humid type -but now it seems my body craves it and I'm lapping it up despite sore fingers. I think this disease is very psychological too - for me anyway - as if I'm having fun and feeling interested and excited it seems to go into the background? But maybe it's just that it's systemic and our autoimmune systems react very badly to stress?

Anyhow I'm really hoping you inflammation dies away now you're on the big gun drugs and you enjoy you half term break. We don't get half term now in Scotland - end of term/ summer holls in 3 weeks time!

Tilda xxx

helixhelix profile image

I'm glad you've had a good girly day, I think it does a lot of good and boosts you mentally even if I end up doing nothing for a day afterwards. We have to get away from the RA sometimes! Do hope they put you on anti-Tnfs soon and that they work wonders for you. Polly

which lady are you? neither of you look like a michelin man you look fine, are you blond or dark haired lady? x

Hello Joanne, you look lovely - i haven't got round to finding a photo that will fit on to such a little space. I have grown so big over the years. Do you get a few days off next week to recuperate. I am going through a painful time of late as well so i can empathise with you. Hopefully you will get your treatment soon.

sciqueen profile image

Thanks all for your kind comments & support.

Summer I am the black women, T I haven't started them as yet, just going through the process of applying for them at moment.

cheers all J

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