A good night's sleep!: Hello, Still an incubus of... - NRAS


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A good night's sleep!

4 Replies


Still an incubus of manfluitis infection, but thought on a brighter note rather than continuing the moany theme, I'd share something positive.

I, like many of you I imagine, was initially in a state of disbelief at the diagnosis of RA and was sure I would be able to find some sort of alternative cure - ha. Having now come to accept things as they are, I am sometimes a little sceptical about treatments but at the same time no harm in trying, just don't expect miracles.

I was told about a treatment called hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which is used predominantly in the treatment of MS, but can be used in the treatment of a number of conditions including RA.

You go into a pressurised chamber (kind of like being in a plane) and breath pure oxygen for an hour. The higher concentration of oxygen, I believe, helps the body to heal - where normal air that we breathe is only around 20% oxygen. Being realistic it's not going to cure your RA but it really has made a massive improvement to my sleeping, where I now find myself getting around 6 hours unbroken sleep without tablets - amazing! Some of the research I also read suggests it can slow down the progression of RA in the early stages, you'll probably never know if this is the case but no harm done, and at least it's not more pills!

I really would recommend it to anyone, particularly if you're struggling with sleep through pain and various reasons. I had to take time off work for a month to go for treatment as found it wiped me out initially, I know it's not practical and given that I only get SSP when I'm off do completely understand it could be hard (thank goodness for mums, dads and amazing friends) but look at it from the point of view that if you're not sleeping and struggling at work, you're not giving your best anyway. Initially you have to go everyday for 3-4 weeks (allow 1&1/2 hours a time plus travel).

I found the one in my area through MS Therapy Centres, just search your area on the internet.

Sweet dreams xx

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4 Replies

Hi, please be careful.

I was intrigued by your suggestion and decided to see what I could find that I can trust. (I have tried many alternative therapies over the years, and have got very cynical. - Sorry, its how I am.)

I found the BMJ British medical journal website at bmj.com and read this:

""Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown ineffective in diseases such as multiple sclerosis and dementia, but it continues to be used despite the risks of the treatment. For conditions where its use remains unproved—for example, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis, and gastroduodenal ulcer—hyperbaric oxygen should be used only in the context of well controlled clinical trials.""

I don't know what the risks are so do check they know what they are doing, won't you.Wouldn't it be magical if it turns out to be good and safe? And I could throw all my pills into the wind!!

And if it works and makes you feel good, I am very pleased for you. I think a good sleep is better therapy than any medication.


Thanks for that and yes don't blame you - I'm much the same which is why I mentioned not to expect miracles.

A lot of the info on the BMJ is outdated and you'll find a lot more up-to-date information on hyperbaric website, MS website, MacMillan Cancer and local NHS - see Aberdeen and Dundee as they use a lot. My mum was an RGN (for longer than she'd like me to tell you :) ) and now a clinical specialist so very up on the all pros and cons. When it comes to your health you must be so careful.

There are a few side effects that can happen but the benefits in my experience far outweigh these, and generally anything detrimental ie. fatigue, blocked ears etc is very short-lived.

I think it's very important that you research where you go and make sure they are accredited / monitored to adhere to safety practices.

I don't work on a commission for them honest :)


I am quite intrigued and will do some more research.

I would love it to be effective. I have a relative with early MS. She will be interested too.


That sounds good CptJen, I know of one in Belfast. If they can help even temporarily relieve symptons that is only good. I do know a number of people with ms who really find them beneficial.

I didn't realise they could help with ra so very interesting.

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