just had a call from my sister her boy has chicken pox spent all day yesterday with them i am sure i was told had to be very carefull when exposed to some one with Chicken Pox anyone know if this is true ?
The dreaded Chicken Pox: just had a call from my sister... - NRAS
The dreaded Chicken Pox

Yeah with both MTX and Leflunomide you'll need a blood test to check for antibodies against the virus. I'm on Leflunomide and a while ago had contact with my friends grandson who had the virus, I rang GP who checked with the hospital and I had to go straight up to monitoring unit for a blood test and wait around for the results.
Give your GP a ring first thing in morning to arrange this.
Good luck
hi, sorry to jump in as I have been thinking the same, my daughter has been exposed and after a week or so of her being grumpy I am waiting for spots to appear.
Beth, this may be a stupid question but is the anit-bodies something we may have anyway or just when under attack? does that make sense? and what happens with a positive or negative result? do you know?
Hope you stay clear Robert!

Sorry I didn't explain it very well. It's our own immunity/protection from the virus.
They do a quick blood test to check if we have antibodies to fight the virus, if we don't have enough natural protection we may need passive immunisation with VZIG to build immunity against the pesky little bugs. xxx
thanks Beth! very informative xx
Yes phone your doctor tomorrow, he might not have been at infectious point yesterday but really not worth taking risk. As Beth said they'll probably do a blood test, sometimes if you get an infection the doctor can advise you to come off immunosupressents until your body can heal but fingers crossed won't come to that. Take care and keep us posted x
Unbeknown to me I had been in contact with chicken pox, dont know where or who..
As I had it as a child it showed itself in me as shingles which was very painful. I didnt realise that it was shingles as it started only as one spot and within hours started spreading.
They can give you meds to stop shingles but by the time I managed to see GP I was past that stage so it just ran it's course.
For anyone who's not aware, Chicken Pox virus can be potentially life threatening for people with no immunity and are taking DMARD's. It's important to seek medical attention and a blood test as soon as possible after contact.
Beth x
went to my specialist today confirmed i needed to come in for a check on my bloods then i was given a boost injection just in case and you where correct any contact with a chicken pox infected person you need to contact your gp / rheumatology specialist ASAP
many thanks to all who answerd my question
my gosh! I am a bit shocked that this was never pointed out to me! so glad of your question Robert and Beths advice