I have been on 6 sulphasalazine tablets daily for 6 ... - NRAS


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I have been on 6 sulphasalazine tablets daily for 6 months and 10mg weekly methotrexate for 2 months and still feel terrible.

lulul profile image
11 Replies

How much longer before they start working and I get my life back??!!! x

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lulul profile image
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11 Replies

Hi Lulu, mtx and sulphsalazine generally work well together and I think are the most common used dmard's.

Consultants usually like to wait up to six mths for them to work before trying anything else. It depends on how bad you are feeling at the moment, pretty bad i would suspect, they may then consider increasing mtx if you tolerate it well or increasing sulphsalazine depends what dose you are on now and the same again how well you tolerate it.

The next step would be the anti-tnfs, I know I'm stating the obvious but the best bet is to speak to your rheumy nurse or consultant, if your feeling that bad just phone them, better to get things sorted sooner rather than later.

Take care and let me now how you get on

mand xx

Tricia-P profile image

Hi LUlu

Like mand say's best to chat to rheumy, as they will either up doses or maybe have some steroids to help bring down the inflamation, sorry but there is no real answer rest as well we are all culprets of doing too much so 1 hour of something has at least 1 hour of rest. keep in touch let us know how you are

tricia x

lulul profile image

Thank You..have had trouble getting hold of my Rheumy nurse ( 4 messages left in 6 weeks) but he finally phoned today!!! (should have complained across NRAS before !! lol) He has upped my MTX to 20mg so we'll wait and see. Just so fed up 'waiting' I haven't got another 6 months to hang around!!! Going to see my consultant in a month too. I suppose I am expecting to feel 'normal' again..even if I am still in pain I really need my energy back to get on with things. Can't manage much at all at the moment and I want to get back to work. Does that happen or am I being unrealistic??

in reply to lulul

Hi Lulu, what your feeling is perfectly normal we want the drugs to work straight away that's the trouble, but yet we have to be patient and wait for them to work. You won't be able to manage much at the moment your RA is still not controlled so your fatigue levels are really low,not to mention the pain levels. You will get back to work and start to feel "normal" again unfortunately it can be something of a waiting game. Hang in there, I cant believe you have had to wait all that time for your Rheumy nurse to get back to you its a disgrace.

When I call my helpline it gets answered the same day if I call before 12 o'clock or the next day if I call after 12, then I can be advised or even seen within a week!

Take care and try to rest

mand xx

Lindal profile image

Hi Lulu being patient is not easy when in your head says I need to do so much and only have certain amount of time and your in constant pain and discomfort. There is no quick fix when it comes to rheumatology medication. There is no such thing as being normal we have to adapt to how we feel at the present and take analgesia and anti-inflamitories to get us through. I find I feel brighter if I keep moving, walking as much as I can. I am working full time my daily working routine requires me to drive, sit at a desk and walk for short distances. Wish there was a cure I would give it everyone, you just have to pace what you do go at your speed not others. x

Hi Lulu

It is a waiting game isn't it. Are you taking painkillers too? Sounds like you have it bad. Give your body chance to help itself too, and you have to slow down and not too so much. I do hope you get some relief soon. Take care

Julie x

lulul profile image

Painkillers are my best friend and worst enemy right now lol!! I take naproxen and high dose co-codamol..they work quite well but make me feel yukky too.

Hi Lulu,

The mthx took 3 months to have any effect on me, however this has still not been enough so Ive just been put on Enbrel an anti tnf drug. I tried sulf but this dident agree with me.

Hang in there hun it can be a long journey to get better days. Im almost 2 years since I started treatment and I still havent got what people call remision, if fact most days are bad days, however Im still making the most of the good days and keeping my fingers crossed for the enbrel working.

Theresa profile image

Dear All,

I strongly believe that the treatment for RA is personal and certainly that will take time before together with our rheumatologist, finally find the right medication that suit each one of us individually. This is the reason why that exist in the pharmaceutic market so many and diverse medication.

I woke up one morning with my legs and feet so swallow that I couldn't even moved in bed and it was the doctor that came to my house and see me. Straightway he said that was sure that I have some kind of athritis and as soon I could walk I should go to the rheumatologist asap.

I'll never forget that the rheumatologist that attended me in Guy's hospital, without any tests and only with my description of my physical situation, he turned to me and afirmed with such arrogance "In my books you have no arthritis at all". I just looked at him and said that I was until the date an extremely healthy person and I was with no aparent reason, swallow, hardly could walk and so horrible pain that I couldn't sleep, etc and I demanded that he send me for the tests that I was there for and only after, I'll leave hospital.

I went for the x-rays and ct scans. Even the technician that was doing my scans said to me that he was very sorry but I have the worst kind of arthritis and it was very active.

I saw the rheumatologist after and straightway I was put on methotrexate - 8mg - and some other medication that wasn't helping at all.

I went to see him two or three times after but I was so horribly assisted that I request my GP to refer me to Kings hospital and this was one of the more wise decisions that I ever made.

I've a rheumatologist that cares for me as a patient and as a human being. She is the best that happen to me related with my RA. I trust my life to her. She see's me at any time if I have an emergency, never turned back to me, give me 100% suport and with her finally I found a medication that is working for me the best it is possible.

She's not very happy with me only related to my job, as I work so many hours, sometimes 14h, but I need to do it.

I had a career in front of me and I had to slow down, however I still do every course that I can, even at present my employer try not to put me on courses, etc. Avtually, I've been discriminated so many times, even having more qualifications than most of my colleagues. Recently it appear the chance to do something that I'm very good at it, I have the qualifications, years of experience and when I spoke with my contract manager, he said to me that I must know that I'll the last on his list.

I'm quiet tired of being discriminated and really we can find a lot of beautifully writen leaflets, but when the time comes for some action, where is everybody that is suppose to support people with RA in a professional level? I never saw any one until this date.

I extend to much this comment.

To the ones that have read it all until this paragraph, thank you for the time given.

Best wishes to all


in reply to Theresa

Hi Theresa, so glad you changed consultant, I've said many times on here to others, if your not happy with the treatment from your Rheumatologist then change.

It's just terrible to be discriminated against like that, I've not worked since my RA so can't comment on having anything similar happening to me but I know others on here that have.

I'm sure you have checked out the Directgov website there's loads of helpful info on it, if not here's the link;direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPe...


Good luck

mand xx

some consultants are v bad , some are indifferent and some are very good.. yours sounded rude and arrogant...pleased you have changed

alison.. treatment.. 3 months for suitable results is the common stated time..

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