hydroxychloroquine anyone else take this I been told to take this with my methotrexate now as inflammatory markers still high
hydroxychloroquine: hydroxychloroquine anyone else take... - NRAS

Hello. Yes I have been on methotrexate (jabs) for about a year. Hydroxy was added in at 200mg a day. Symptoms still too high and mtx was increased to 20mg a week, and the hydroxy up too400mg a day about 6 weeks ago... Doesnt seem to have made any difference to me yet.
But everyone reacts differently to medications - this may be a combination that works for you - and I hope it does.
I’ve taken hydroxy since 2015. I’ve been told I’m in remission but sometimes I ache more than usual. I take 200 mcg a day and seem to get on with it ok.
It’s important if you take hydroxy to have regular eye tests and it’s worth paying for an OCT scan if your hospital doesn’t do them for you. Have an eye test before you start so that you have a baseline.
Thankyou worrying comments from people on Facebook telling me not to take it down you take yours everyday
Please do not get medical advice from Facebook! You are well monitored on the drugs you take. But quite bluntly uncontrolled disease is so much more risky and frightening than any of the drugs!
Hydroxy has a very small risk of eye problems after taking it for 5 years. I took it for 8 with no problems.
If your doctor has prescribed it for YOU….it really is wise to take it.
It doesn’t matter what other people take….the way to go is to try what you are prescribed & hope it helps your symptoms……questioning everything your doctor prescribes only causes you to worry needlessly.
Let’s hope this latest Medication is just what you need.
I take 200mcg of hydroxychloroquine daily with methotrexate (20 once per week). I have the full retinography test at the opticians annually.
I’ve been on both for about 18months and am currently in remission.
I hope the combination works for you.
Don’t doubt your rheumatology team. They know you better than anyone on Facebook 😉
Yes! I have been on triple therapy with those and sulphasalazine for 15 years , and kept me in remission. Annual eye scans are important. Ignore facebook and google. Your Drs know you. and know RA. You have regular blood tests to check if any changes needed.
Look forward to a good future thankful for the drugs we need
I started on Hydroxychloroquin and Methotrexate in 2019 and am still taking them, along with Sulphasalzine. Personally I don't read anything other than from proven sources like NRAS and NHS; I think that you're just going to add to your (natural) anxiety if you keep reading comments/information from other places - sadly, there are a lot of self opinionated idiots out there!
Hi, I take both meds for RA. First prescribed Hydroxy and when this didn't do the job sufficiently well, was then prescribed Methotrexate. Thankfully this combination works for me. My comments echo those of others, have regular eye tests, NICE guidelines recommend annual eye tests at the five years mark as in some people toxicity can gradually build up. Regular OCT scans however would pick this up IF it happened though and medication would be stopped.
Why you are being prescribed dual therapy rather than mono therapy is the research suggests dual therapy especially early on in the treatment of RA is often more effective than mono therapy.
I am about to start Hydroxy (on its own) following a phone call with rheumatology last night, so was interested in the replies to your question. The nurse mentioned regular eye test with an optician, and at the hospital every five years (assuming I stay on it that long). Apart from that the only other side effect the nurse mentioned was the potential for tummy upset, but all being well if that occurs it should pass fairly quickly.
Facebook is definitely not a good place to seek medical advice or opinion from.
Be sure to have an OTC scan as well as the eye test, even if you have to pay for it yourself. Good idea to have it all done as a base line before you start taking your hydroxy then every year after that. I used to have it done just before I was due to see my rheumy and I took the scans in to be scanned onto my records - then when there were long gaps where I didn’t see or hear from my rheumy I just kept having the scans done.
You can also download a thing called an Amsler chart to use to keep an eye on what is happening amslergrid.org/AmslerGrid.pdf
I was on hydroxychloroquine for many years. No problems and it kept things more or less under control. I had regular eye checks, no problems. I wonder why people were suggesting that you shouldn't take it? Are they nutters or biased becasue of personal experiences?
yes I am on both. And the hydroxy tipped the balance and my pain started to reduce.
Mi was the same, methotrexate kept getting upped. Put on injections as you get more of the medication and then on hydroxy. Seemed to do the trick. I’m. Now largely well controlled with mini flare. I do pretty much everything I did before diagnosis in 2022 with just aches mainly rather than pain.
Hope this helps
I take both works very well I suggest to reduce your anxiety you stick to advice from here and rheumatology. Your anxiety potentially with make your Rheumatoid arthritis worse. I see you questioning every medication. They are long standing medications. Do you not have enough time with the Rheumatology department as they normally cover people's questions.