hi. Does everyone avoid red meats. What type foods do you all eat.
foods: hi. Does everyone avoid red meats. What type... - NRAS

I don't avoid anything - apart from things that I don't like! Actually, I do avoid garlic but that's because my digestive system doesn't like it and as I don't particularly like it, I'm happy with that 😁 I try to eat relatively healthily and cook most things from scratch but I haven't really changed anything since RA.
I echo your post . I eat most things although no poultry or game. I’m not keen on pork either but do eat a lot of fish. I cook too but like the odd takeaway especially a good mild curry or prawn in mandarin sauce. I use a local butcher get potato’s off the farm and there is a good fishmonger in the town. We do grow stuff but I admit it’s not organic as war is declared on pests. We’ve got fruit trees and it’s lovely when they bloom.
My mantra is “eat, not too much and mainly plants”. The ony thing I completely avoid is highly processed food.
The things I avoid are sugar, processed foods and anything whose name I can’t pronounce or that contains additives my granny wouldn’t have heard of. I mostly cook from scratch, I don’t eat a lot of red meat - occasionally I use good quality mince for things like lasagne and chilli but I mostly eat fish and chicken with the odd bit of lamb and pork. Basically I eat whatever I like.
There is no food I don't enjoy.I was born when food was rationed, so brought eating small portions and not leaving the table until my plate was empty. We walked everywhere and enjoyed exercise. My parents grew their own fruit and vedge , and living near the sea and rivers , we were able to have a fair amount of fresh fish. I eat a colourful varied diet. Lots of fruit, vedge, and protein from meat, fish , nuts, dairy. The meat includes red meat as I love lamb, beef, pork, and I eat all types of poultry, but I eat smaller amounts of meat than I did when younger, as a large meat portions now pass more slowly through my system. I always cook from scratch. I avoid added sugar and salt and processed foods , except small amounts of good bread, and I go easy on of carbs. A varied colourful diet is good for you. I am trying not to snack on chocolate, my downfall.
No I don't avoid red meat. In fact I increased meat, eggs and fish and reduced carbs. Works better for me.
More or less the same question 5 times in the last 3 weeks? In your place, and if I were worried, I might ask which foods people find it helpful to go for. But, really, I think the other people here have already answered that pretty well.
I'm one of those people who doesn't eat red meat. When I was living at home, my parents were 'self-sufficient' and although we ate eggs and chicken, we didn't eat other meat. Then I was an impoverished student and meat was expensive. When my husband and I began to earn a reasonable amount, we started to go out for steak and wine on Saturday nights (it was along time ago when 'chicken in a basket' was popular!) Every time I developed painful swollen joints the following day, so I stopped the wine. No difference. I stopped the steak and there was no painful swelling. Was it the meat? - or the antibiotics or other contaminents? I hadn't liked the meat anyway, so I've not eaten it since.
But I've still got Rheumatoid Disease anyway...it developed fully about five years afterwards.
I honestly think the majority of us with RA eat what we enjoy. There is no ban on red meat, but maybe not as a large part of one’s diet.
Basically fresh fruit & vegetables with meat & fish like Salmon - similar to a Mediterranean type diet seems to be popular.
Yep when you first read about foods and RA. They all say avoid red meats and god knows what else. Plus the Mediterranean diet is always mentioned. I do eat most things but just wondered if anything I am eating just isn’t helping my very stiff hands. Which does get me down. Plus the steroid injection Didn’t do anything to help
No I don't, although I eat far less red meat than I used to and have greatly increased my fruit and vegetbles intake. However, after eating mainly veg, fish, eggs and chicken for weeks, I do find I crave some red meat! So a nice piece of steak or some lamb is a treat for me.
But I do try to avoid any ultra processed food and mainly cook from scratch these days.
I've been a vegetarian for at least 10 years.I believe it has helped mw.
I eat only beef, Redmond’s salt/electrolytes, and filtered water. RA is completely gone. Beef is healing.
That’s interesting what you say about beef is healing. I am sure that I have read somewhere that red meat isn’t good for arthritis , so I only buy beef mince about once a fortnight. Now you’re saying it’s healing , maybe beef is good for us after all. Chicken can get boring. Some parts of the country beef is better quality what you can buy.
Hi Happy2shop, I just eat what I enjoy, I haven't changed anything because of RA. I eat quite a lot of dairy (love yoghurt and cheese!) and I couldn't live without dark chocolate! How Swiss of me 😅)!
It's easy to Google foods that increase inflammation and foods which decrease inflammation.
It is best to avoid any food that causes inflammation. This is usually fried food, especially re-fried food using the same oil. People tend not to do that nowadays. Red meat is thought to cause inflammation especially bacon. Obviously, therefore, fried breakfasts are very bad. Most people only have cooked English breakfasts once in a while nowadays if they eat them at all, and they have improved healthwise from the old days.
Alcohol causes inflammation though red wine contains an anti-inflammatory to counteract that.
It is all quite simple really. One definite no no is smoking.