Hi everyone. I am starting methotrexate on Monday. I was just wondering if anyone knows how soon any side effects might kick in. I’m performing in an art gallery on Tuesday morning and I’m slightly worried I might be a tad green in the face 🤢. I’m probably just over reacting but it’s making me nervous the thought of singing whist feeling nauseous. It’s just bad timing I guess. 🫣 x
methotrexate : Hi everyone. I am starting methotrexate... - NRAS

Not everyone suffers side effects from taking mtx. I have never had any side effects from taking and i have been on it a long while. xxxxx
drink lots of water and go to bed early. You might be a bit tired, so try to pad your timetable a bit
If you get side effects, and it's not a given, it will usually be in the 24-48 hours after taking it.
A lot of people, me included, opt to take it on a Friday so the side effects don't interfere with work.
I'd postpone starting it if you've got an important engagement the next day, until you know how it will affect you. That's patient-to-patient advice obviously, not medical advice.
To be truthful side effects WILL NOT automatically .kick in…,so don’t start looking for them, Do keep well hydrated & if unfortunately you do feel a bit nauseous have a word with your Rheumy team, don’t suffer in silence.
I was on it very successfully for 7;years..sadly it stopped working, but I passed very happily to another drug………28 years post disgnosis I am doing well…..as are many other RA fighters…so look forward to being a MTX Success!
I agree with starting the methotrexate another day. If not, take it Monday evening, preferably before bed, and keep hydrated. Methotrexate makes me feel nauseous for about 24 hours, but a pharmacist recommended that I take anti sickness tablets and it has helped.
I’d just shuffle it on a day. Or night. I take mine last thing at night. So start Tuesday evening would be my advice. Unlikely to have side effects at low dose. Good luck.
I found taking it before I went to bed , hydrated enough and most important to ensure more folic acid than metho ,mg per mg
Watch out for the explosive diarrhoea and terrible migraines. Make sure you have nothing planned for that day. It's short lived.
Hello 👋
I’ve been on it for about 7 years, various doses. My only side effect for the moment is my liver isn’t happy with it, so now I’m back on 10mg, plus Sulfasalazine. I think I am one of the lucky ones, it’s never given me any nausea, my hair thinned for a bit, not sure if that was even MTHX, but it’s fine now. I have had very bad bouts of fatigue, but that can come hand in hand with the disease. As another poster has said, I take mine on a Friday, so should I get brain fog, I have the weekend to get over it before work.
Hopefully the most important thing is that it works for you, and controls the inflammation.
I think a lot of people get worried about taking it, but on the whole it’s been a good experience for me, and has kept me mainly free of symptoms for a good few years.
Good luck with Tuesday, and keep us posted on how you get on. 😊
You should choose which day of the week is going to be most convenient to you long term as you're going to be taking on the same day every week. I take mine on Saturday so that if I were to get any side effects, it won't affect me at work on Monday.
Yep,as others have said, start it on a different day. My side effects have totally settled down now but in the beginning the day after I wouldn't want to leave the house 😬 Work out for you what day is best going forward, I started off taking it on a Sunday but swapped to a Tuesday as I sometimes like to have a few drinks at the weekend and felt that taking the mtx away from alcohol might be better!
When I was adjusting to methotrexate it knocked me out the day after taking it. I literally couldn't get out of bed the next day. And was pretty rubbish the day after that.That lasted a good few months. Then settled. I used to take mine on the weekend for that reason.
I am on abatacept now and the day after feeling is nothing near as bad.
We will all be different though.
I was fine on it but heard that other people used to take it before bed then slept thro any side effect
Hi I was really worried about taking Methotrexate and put it off for ages. Actually it has been the best thing I've taken. Works well with me. Very few side effects ie don't need to shave my legs anymore which is a bonus! No other side effects only benefits! I do take Lansoprazole every morning before all of my tablets and Folic Acid on days I don't take Methotrexate. I'm taking 20 mg per week on 1 day a week. Alongside Hydroxychloriquine and Sulfasalazine with VitD and Paracetamol and Ibuprofen every day! All work well for me. My tummy does get a bit upset in mornings but mostly because of Hydroxychloriquine as that was the first medication I was prescribed and started from time I took that. All work well for my and I try and stay active which helps!
could you not wait til the Tuesday evening? I’m pretty poorly for a few days after. But I guess it depends what dose you’re starting on? Have they prescribed folic acid?
I've been taking a massive dose of methotrexate for years, along with Plaquinil. I've never experienced any ill effects from it. I think you'll be just fine.
Hi, I take my Metotrexate with food and have no problem. I imagine tummy upset will probably be within a few hours without this safety.
I have been on methotrexate for close to a year. Started taking enbrel injections with the methotrexate about 6 months ago. I am thankful to say I have had no reactions. I've maybe experienced some nausea but wasn't completly sure it was med related.
I would recommend starting at a weekend. Everyone is different so some people are okay and it’s doesn’t impact them too much. I felt incredibly tired and not too great.
I don't experience any side effectsAre you taking Folic acid too ?
As Sylvi says not everyone suffers side effects. you didn’t state if you were taking tablets or an injection. I would only add that starting on methotrxate tabs gave me severe stomach pains but after changing to injections then pens about 15 years ago I have had no problems. I wish you well and it works for you as as well as it has for me😊
I would agree that the best solution would be to postpone your Methotrexate for one day and take it on Tuesday, after your performance. I inject mine in the evening so I either don't get side effects or just sleep through them - LOL. I used to inject it in the morning but then felt nauseous later in the day. Good luck with both your performance and starting on your MTX!
not sure how long Mtx takes to work but I would highly doubt you having any reaction by the Tuesday. If it doubt you could wait until the Wednesday to start. I’ve been taking it for about 15 years. First 10 in tablet form but I was struggling a little with some stomach discomfort so switched to the weekly self administered injection. Easy peasy pen drive. It’s been a fantastic drug for me. Hope you do well on it too.
I understand your concern, the medics do make a bit of a song and dance about methotrexate. However I've been on it since December 2021 and I tolerate it really well, in fact I can't really think of any side effects. Hopefully you'll be the same. Good luck.
not any side effect for me I am on maximum dose whit starting now minimum dose having from last 12 years