I’ve just been prescribed methotrexate by injection. So far I’ve only been on hydroxychloroquine, but it’s not doing much, if anything. I’m having pre med jitters. Can you wise people tell me what initial side effects might be like? I’m going to take on Fridays so I have the weekend to rest.
New to methotrexate : I’ve just been prescribed... - NRAS
New to methotrexate

It’s not a given, that you’ll get side effects. I’ve been on it 8yrs, and never had issues, other than hair thinning slightly initially. Nausea and fatigue seem to be the main ones though.
I have never noticed any side effects with injections. Hope they work well for you and relieve your RA symptoms xx
It took a few weeks for me for the nausea to settle down,but I have gastric trouble anyway. I also felt a little tired the next day. I think it can take a body a while for the body to fully tolerate meds.But I am glad I persevered with the mtx, I had to have hydoxy added a few weeks back and it seems to have helped a lot.
I’ve been injecting methotrexate for 6 months the now - was previously on pills. Much easier and no side effects either 😀
I bet you’ve read the leaflet that mentions side effects already (it’s enough to put anyone off). Bite the bullet and enjoy your weekend and hopefully any side effects will be mild. They usually are. Good luck.
It shows huh? Yes I have been reading all the horrendous side effects. I probably shouldn’t expect the worst. Thanks for the reminder!
I’m on methotrexate for a different condition to the one you have, been on it for 3 years, low dose. Initially I may have had a headache by the end of the day I took it but not every week. Now I don’t seem to have any side effects but, like you, I was very nervous about starting. I need not have been. Good luck.
Hopefully you'll have no side effects, not everyone does. I've taken MTX orally and now by injection for over 45 years and tolerated it well. Maybe you will too.
Hello, we all react differently to our meds. I never had any major side effects. It got even less when I changed to injections. The benefit I got outweighed a little inconvenience by far, so I just accepted it. I hope it will work for you!
With every new medication it is always wisest to be optimistic. …just because some people have an unpleasant reaction does not mean you will.
Methotrexate is one of the most successful DMards on offer ….but sadly most people who do well on it…are just very thankful & happily get on with their lives ….without saying anything.
So on Friday drink plenty of water & down your pills after dinner…& forget about them.
You will no doubt hsve been offered Folic Acid with instructions when to take it…..so you are all set! Good Luck…I hope it suits you really well.
I echo aged crone above. Injected mtx causes less nausea than pills as it avoids stomach. Drink lots of water during the day. Some suggest an extra cup of coffee as well. I hope you are one of the majority it suits. You are also protected by regular blood tests.
Agreeing with AgedCrone and Hopeful1 100%. Positive situation. Occasional tiredness but energy comes back after some rest. Follow MTX dosage with folic acid (1mg here) on days other than the MTX dosage day. Good to go!
Just a bit of hair thinning, but I can live with that.
I've had no side effects at all so I hope you'll be the same. Good luck.
I was on mtx orally for nearly two years. I've since switched to another drug due to side effects, not because it wasn't working. Everyone's experience is different so you should not take too much notice of others negative experiences on mtx. Including me, because your experience may be totally different. And hopefully you'll be fine on it.However, if you ask for people's experiences you will get replies from people, like me. who did experience side effects, which is fair enough, they're just being honest.
MTX can be amazing for some. But like all drugs. it can also make some feel unwell. Just be prepared to work through any side effects, and give it enough time to work. That's true of all RA drugs, not just mtx. Seb.
I use the Metojet for MTX and have done so for many years. I wouldnt read up too much about side effects (we are all different). I do mine just before bedtime so I sleep whilst it starts working ....no problems. I am lucky as my glass is always half full so any side effect I might have ...I just think they are due to something else. Learn to rest when your body asks and I hope this method works as well for you as it does for me. I have been told I have some lung damage (never smoked) and various ailments ending in "itis" but just get on with life and living. Seasons Greetings and gentle hugs
when I was on injections of methotrexate I would be badly depressed the day of the shot. First the dread then actual doom and gloom. It would last a few days afterwards. I mentioned this to the Dr and she nixed it. Then when I jumped to 2.5 dose I got horrid migraines. That is unusual too but they both happened. Hydroxxxxxalso just made me goofy dizzy with no benefit to the joints.