I am very new to rheumatoid arthritis. Can anyone advise re diet etc. I have no idea what may cause a flare up but have had steroids several times since my diagnosis.
thanks for your help
I am very new to rheumatoid arthritis. Can anyone advise re diet etc. I have no idea what may cause a flare up but have had steroids several times since my diagnosis.
thanks for your help
When I was first diagnosed my rheumy told me to eat what I enjoy….leaning towards a Mediterranean diet with plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables.
He said there is no especially approved RA diet but said a glass of wine within reason , does no harm. But he definitely said lay off smoking.
So enjoy your food & don’t get caught up on the Ads for all the weird diets we see publicised.
I find that processed meats and sugar can result in discomfort for some hours after eating them
You may find these information sources useful
May I suggest you look at Zoe podcasts about food and inflammation. I posted a link yesterday to one specifically about arthritis.
Medication is necessary but I believe a a holistic approach is most beneficial.
Hi , I definitely find sugar aggravates my symptoms x
I also find sugar aggravating and contributes to flares. I also often flare in response to stress or viral infections.
is it normal to wake up every day with stiff hands and feet
Hi Happy2shop -
It is normal to wake up feeling stiff -I always ask my partner if I my body went out for a party last night ! It usually takes about 2-3 hours, meds and a couple of coffees (yeah, my one and only that I won’t give up, with sugar no less) before I feel somewhat functional…..At the same time as I’m waiting to wake up I usually do some breathing exercises and very light chair yoga…
Hi thanks for your answer. Once I’m so stiff this seems to last all day. I’m seeing my rheumatologist on Monday it’s my first 3 month check up. Got list of things to ask him. I’m just wondering if the tablets I’m on just arnt right for me. Just hate this stiff feeling can deal with my feet but it’s my hands that stop me doing so much as up until this all started I was such an active person. But we will see what he has to say. Thanks again
I eat allfruits except grapfruit pretty dodgy if you have RA good luck
I agree with Aged Crone on this - a sensible reply. The problem with diseases like Rheumatoid which are incurable is that they are open to all sorts of weird and wonderful diet ideas, so you would be wise to think very carefully before engaging with one of the. Most are harmless, but you will end up disappointed as well as having to give up things you enjoy.
No smoking, obviously! I wish you Good luck and a long active life.
Hi I was told to eat a healthy diet & that I could have the odd glass of wine. Look on NRAS Website as they have lots of booklets available on all subjects regarding RA. It’s a lot to take in at first & a leading curve regarding what causes worsening symptoms for you. I havnt found any foods that cause my symptoms to worsen but we are all different.
Many differing views and perspectives.
I’m afraid I don’t see consultants as all knowing, I question everything and do my own research. I had one consultant who was adamant that only medication helps, diet definitely didn’t in his view (now retired), my current consultant prefers to holistic approach, obviously with medication.
I don’t believe diet will cure my RA but I certainly believe my lifestyle choices help my body to cope with the disease and lessens the impact.
We can each choose our own path.
Dr. Andrea Furlan from Canada publishes many useful videos on youtube. This one is about anti-inflammatory diet.
But it basically says what others have also mentioned in this thread. Still, it’s probably worth a watch.
As an off-topic aside: the video of Dr. Furlan’s that I have found most directly useful is a series of hand exercises, based on a 2012 clinical trial. Recommended! youtube.com/watch?v=wKEu1SL...
hi can anyone tell me if they cut dairy out if it helped with RA
today had bowl cheerio’s with normal skimmed milk but wasn’t long after noticed how my hands had gone more stiff plus achy In both arms. I’m now wondering if this is to do with anything dairy. Thanks for your help. I’m very new to all this so it’s a massive learning curve for me.
Hi Happy. As many people have said, sugar tends to have an adverse effect on me. It could be that the Cheerios (as are high in sugar) may have affected you and/or the lactose in milk. Elimination is a good way to tell if any food stuff is making you feel worse. I ve done this with many food stuffs and now know what to avoid/replace. I can eat many fruits but if I have strawberries, my hands swell, same with sugar for example. Other foods make me feel extra sluggish the following day. Some foods give me a positive boost such as fresh basil and a berry smoothie (no strawberries of course) for example. Omega 3' also seems to help amongst a lot of other things.
Hi. Sorry to hear that you have rheumatoid arthritis. This is just my personal view, and how I find things affect me.
For me stress is a huge trigger that can cause a flare. I don’t mean just ordinary day to day stuff, it’s the kind that keeps you awake at night worrying about something. The only thing I’ve found that helps me is to be more rational and talk things out with others - but that’s just me. Along with stress is getting sufficient, good quality sleep and if you can some type of regular exercise ( not super energetic stuff, just enough to keep your joints supple ).
Best of luck with your RA.
hi Happy! I have been on methotrexate for 8 years. Things didn’t settle for me for quite a while & I was worried about taking the meds. But I m fine with them now, good luck !!
thanks for getting back to me. I also was so worried about methotrexate. But have just seen rheumatoid man who tells me it should help with my painful swollen hands. I do hope so as I don’t feel I’m leading a normal life and that’s not good. I’ve only recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid so all this is new to me.
Hi there, you mention going to see your rheumatologist for your first 3 month check up, you might find it helpful to watch some of our modules in our e-learning programme SMILE - it's free to register and I think you would benefit from the Newly Diagnosed Module, How to get the best from your consultation, Meet the Team, Managing Pain and Flares and Medicines in RA. The other thing I would recommend is asking your rheumatology team - nurse specialist, if they can refer you to our Right Start programme. Here you get a referral from your team which we respond directly to and will contact you (or you can book on line) to set up a scheduled telephone appointment with one of our helpline team. They will be able to help you with anything you are unsure of or provide more information about the drug treatments you are on and reassure you on any concerns about anything you may have. They will then send you a tailored pack of information, web links, hard copy booklets, videos etc. based on your call. You can also request a call with one of our peer support trained volunteers. Good luck with everything and don't hesitate to reach out if we can help. Helpline No. is 0800 298 7650
Ailsa (NRAS's National Patient Champion)
The early days can be horrible but hopefully once you've found "your" medication and it begins to take effect, things will improve. Nowadays I usually only have a little stiffness first thing and it passes quickly. I do gently flex my fingers whenever I wake in the night and that seems to help.
thi sis a really helpful link nras.org.uk/resource/diet/ and also to exercise, whatever kind of exercise you feel you can manage today.