been to see Rhuematologist today. Having lots of aches & pains but not showing active. Need to change lifestyle a bit so want to get a couple of decent cook books for RA. Has any got any recommendations please.
diet advice: been to see Rhuematologist today. Having... - NRAS
diet advice

Hi there. Good that your RA not active but it’s strange how you have lots of aches and pains, mines a bit active and have same symptoms. So I can’t recommend any cook books but I do watch what I eat so happy to suggest. I switched white pasta to whole meal, same as rice. I eat organic porridge oats, blueberries, nuts and seeds for breakfast. Avocados , eggs lunch , lean meats but lots of salmon , spinach, vegetables. And yup I do have a biscuit more often than I should . I rarely have red meat and key to it all at least 2 litres of water a day with little to no processed food. I just google recipes for chicken, pasta etc and away I go. Good luck and hope things settle down for you
A recommendation is the Mediterranean diet. I don't know if appropriate but cutting sugar and fat, processed food is good.
Hi I found cutting out red meat seems to have helped in the past. Unfortunately I started eating it again and symptoms have flared (due to all sorts of reasons) so making a conscious effort to cut down as a new year resolution. Take care. x
Hi there, ultimately we are all different with what can impact us versus not. However there are lots of great recipes (online) or books that focus on AIP - auto immune protocol. Some I follow and use are, Dr Will Cole, Dr Mindy Pelz, Dr Mark Hyman and Palio Mum, all share recipes along with other guidance. I loved Dr Miny Pelz's menopause book for example (though not sure of your age). But to concur with someone below, all advice I have been given is around no added sugar (and careful on types of fruit, especially no dried fruit), no gluten and no dairy. Leaky gut often comes hand in hand with autoimmune and those things tend not to be good for it, but am sure some people can eat those. There definitely seems to be two schools of thought on red meat - I certainly don't eat it all the time but in a bid to get clean protein with all the aminos I have it once or twice per week but make sure its organic. Plus I drink bone broth. But I think if you are really looking for some good recipes then you can't go wrong with a AIP recipe book.
Stop eating potatoes. They’re a nightshade. They’re poisonous.
I have suffered with RA for over 20years. I’m now on weekly Enetercept Hydroxychloroquine, Dihydrocodeine, Naproxen etc.
The only time I get any extended relief is when I remove potatoes from my diet. Even then it’ll take 3 months to return to a state of normality.
There are many, many anecdotal reports linking potatoes to inflammatory diseases. You just have to look.
Yes! It’s difficult to give up potatoes, they’re in the same family as tobacco and also have a small addictive effect. Just look at the fast food outlets on the high street.
Just try it. 3 months isn’t to difficult and it costs nothing to try.
Good luck.