I'm thinking about giving blood but not sure if I can, I'm down to 2mg Prednisolone, methotrexate 25mg I think and aso blood thinners. Thank you for looking.
Donate blood : I'm thinking about giving blood but not... - NRAS
Donate blood

You can donate whilst on methotrexate and prednisolone. With blood thinners it depends which one your on.
I think if you look on their website it will tell you what drugs stop you donating. I looked a few years ago and was surprised that they didn’t want blood from people taking hydroxychloroquine. Might have changed now though so take a look.
I just took a quick look online and found this -
"Taking Azathioprine, Hydroxychloroquine, Methotrexate or Sulfasalazine does not prevent you from donating provided you are only taking 1 of these medications and you have been on a steady dose of this medication for at least 6 months"
There are other medications listed but I noticed this as I'm on Hydroxychloroquin, Methotrexate AND Sulphasalzine so that's out.
That is very interesting. It was quite a few years ago when I looked - thinking about it, it must have been not long after I started taking hydroxy - so probably about 10 years or so - I can remember thinking I would just make the cut off limit because I had given blood regularly in the past and people taking hydroxychloroquine were definitely not suitable - I was very disappointed at the time. I wonder if there have been changes since then?
This might help………from the Blood Donor Information site!
To donate blood you will need to:
be generally fit and well
be aged between 17 and 65
weigh between 7 stone 12 lbs (50kg) and 25 stone (158kg)
have suitable veins (we will check these before you donate)
meet all donor eligibility criteria (we will check this with you before you donate)
Who can't donate blood
You can't donate blood if you:
have had most types of cancer
have some heart conditions
have received blood, platelets, plasma or any other blood products after 1 January 1980
have tested positive for HIV
have had an organ transplant
are a hepatitis B carrier
are a hepatitis C carrier
have injected non-prescribed drugs including body-building and injectable tanning agents. You may be able to give if a doctor prescribed the drugs
Have you given blood within the last 2 years? Usually after 65 they say yes if you are fit and well, over 7st 12lbs and have given blood within the last 2 years.
Hi, I am in Australia and they told me they didn't want my blood with methotrexate and having Rheumatoid. It must be different guidelines in other places.
Funny when I was first diagnosed I asked two questions. Can I still wear heals and can I donate blood. Prior to this I gave 2-3 times a year. The initial answer was yes to both.I was told after I was on a steady dose of medication I could... seven years later I'm not on a steady dose, haven't donated since and really can't wear heals.
Not sure which I'm more disappointed about. Probably the blood donation as it was a relatively easy way to help people and you got biscuits.
Bless you. I'm telling you, l do miss my heels too. Your message made me smile. Xx
I was coping ok there, with the no heels, but certain outfits just need heels. I have a wedding now later in the year and I'm not sure what I will do. Need to lose a bit of weight first then get an outfit but the shoes are going to be an issue.
I think you have to be under 65 to give blood in the uk.
I ask doc about it once and it was Negative
interesting. I used to donate regularly but the last time I went and told them I was injecting methotrexate they kicked me out!
In my early 20s I gave blood twice a year, then when I was 28 I was diagnosed with RA and was told by the Blood Transfusion Service that they didn’t want my blood anymore.😞
I was told that I could not donate anymore 😒