Hello, all
I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was 18 months old (formerly was JRA). I have been on everything under the sun, methotrexate, Enbrel, Orencia, Humira, prednisone and now Cimzia.
I am a CNA and have been in healthcare for 5+ years. My goal is to start an LPN program full-time next fall. My boyfriend and I are starting to save for a house. I have plans and dreams.
I am in excruciating pain after work, unable to function around the house and get tasks done (I am in a very heavy skilled care facility, avg. 12-14k steps in a shift). Sleep resets me enough for 8 hours at the job, then it’s back to inflammation, stiffness and pain. My flare-ups are more unexpected and within the past year I’ve been having severe rashes with it.
I just started a new job two months ago and it pays so well, but it’s so intense it exacerbates my RA symptoms. The problem is I’ve had to call off twice for my RA so far, and it doesn’t seem to look good for me realistically to continue.
I want to keep my job so bad because I can save for a house faster and go to school without working as much. I need to stay at a job for a year to be on a mortgage application with my boyfriend.
I am tired of the pain and trying to keep up with everyone else like I’m normal, young adult. I’m tired of people questioning me and doubting the validity of my disability and its symptoms. I am also frustrated with the lack of job security for those that struggle with a disability. I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m tied between suffering a low quality of life to achieve my dreams, or I slow it down, end up in a lower paying job and push everything off. This sucks man.