Hi everyone, from SOUTH AFRICA, I was recently prescribed Lyrica tabs for pain management. I have quite secure RA, only recently diagnosed. My phych put me on Lyrica, last week, mind you.
My legs swelled, my breathing was laborious, and generally felt very low. I wouldn't say I felt suicidal, but I was really flat and low. I'm not a depressed person, but do have PTSD. and treated for accordingly.
I have never felt so awful. As I would, I did some research on the drug, and was mortified. I stopped taking it after 5 days.
Has anyone out there been prescribed this? Reading up on the tablet, made me quite angry and keft me feeling hopeless.
Pain is a large part of RA, this I know. It's a continuous battle between my mind and body. So I find myself reclusive, irritated and generally out of sorts.
I love this platform, thank you. We battle on, and unless you suffer from this, nobody has any idea of tge continuous up hill climb we endure.
Stay safe and warm, as we get to out summer months. I think of you all with fondness.