I have Bronchiectasis and RA has just appeared. MTX is prescribed. Any history please about problems with Bronchiectasis from taking Methotrexate?
Trev9: I have Bronchiectasis and RA has just appeared... - NRAS

I have RA diagnosed in 2004, been on mtx for about 15 years. In 2012 I was diagnosed with asthma and bronchiecstasis. I’ve not noticed any issues with the bronchiecstasis and the mtx.
It was found I have Cylindrical Brochectasis after a period of infections a few years ago. It's genetic and I did a course of Lung Rehabilitation organised by Pulmonary Consultant and been fine ever since. I'd caught MRSA on a cruise ship that year and I'd had about 9/10 lots of antibiotics before referral. The consultant prescribed different cupboard antibiotics for emergency but they went out of date before used. So I don't bother now and have had only 1 chest infection in past 5/6 years. I was taught huff coughing which works and tbh not had an issues since. I recommend the Lung Rehab it was great and worked very well.
Hi, I have asthma and PsA and was on methotrexate for 10 years. There was no effect on my asthma but I had to come off the methotrexate as I ended up with liver fibrosis. I am also on a biological which I inject every two weeks. The only problems now with my lungs are a lot of phlegm and at the moment I have a chest infection. The liver is checked every so often but be aware what methotrexate can cause and make sure you have the checkups regularly.
I have never had Bronchiectasisso I couldn’t comment on that. Sorry
Hi l am just a little older than you but also have RA and just recovered from bronchial pneumonia and do get bronchitis so l have been on methotrexate for 15 years now only stopping it when on antibioticswith no problems but we are all different and you will not know until you try it . Hope all goes well
it works great on my RA but ive lots of diorhea
Thanks everyone, it's great to get such info prior to starting meds. OK, we are all different, but with this info I can sensibly look for problems that might or might not appear. I'm going to suck it and see!