I don't post much on here. Usually because this forum gives me most of the answers and reassurance I need. But I had an eye test at the Optician's recently...and they referred me to the eye clinic....should I be worried? I've been on hydroxychloroquine for a year and the referral only took 3/4 days for an appointment.
Eye tests: I don't post much on here. Usually because... - NRAS
Eye tests

Did the optician explain why they were referring you? Either way try not to worry and just take comfort that you have a quick appointment and will know soon one way or another. Hopefully it’s good news but if not at least you are getting treated very quickly which will give you the best outcomes.
Hi I had a similar It is routine
And the appointment's and referals are quick
Hopefully everything OK for you
Hi Karen,I have been on Hydroxychloroquine since 2012. I had an test before starting the medication and then annually to check eye health. Hopefully this is the same for you so please try not to worry.
Did the optician not say why they were referring you and did they suggest that you stopped the hydroxy?
You could always go back and ask the optician why he/ she has referred you, it could be anything
If it’s only going to be three or four days and you’re worried about the hydroxy then stop taking it until you are seen, you can always start it again if that’s not the problem.
Not on hydroxy but my opticians' also referred me more than once. I believe they were being super cautious. However, the last referral found that I am at risk of glaucoma and have cataracts forming. Eye checks every year and eye drops. It's not always the drugs or RA.
Hello Karen4856,
I do not wish to be alarmist but one should be monitored regularly by their rheumatologist/ophthalmologist when taking hydroxychloroquine. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case.
I was prescribed hydroxychloroquine just before the Covid look down. So I couldn’t go for my regular checkups with the ophthalmologist. Last year I started having more serious problems with my sight. Saw my optician who noted I had a cataract in my ´good’ eye (the left one is poor having uveitis etc . as well as having had a cataract operation 20 years ago, so relying on right eye) . He also noticed I had the beginning of AMD in both eyes. I contacted my rheumatologist who phoned me saying it would be sensible to stop Hydroxychloroquine.
I was then referred to the ophthalmologist at my local hospital. Several tests were carried out. AMD (wet form) was confirmed. So I would urge you to ensure you get referred promptly for more checks.
Please do not panic or worry unnecessarily now, you do not know what the situation is.
However did you not ask the optician why he referred you? They should tell people what the possible problems might be and explain clearly. They rarely do… so it is up to the person concerned to ask. I understand one can feel a little overwhelmed when informed a referral to an ophthalmologist will be made and one can mentally freeze.
May I suggest you make a list of questions before contacting the optician again asking for clarification.
Good luck.
The optician referred me because I had an OCT scan done and it was showing a gap in both eyes between 2nd and third layer. As someone previously said, I think they're just being cautious. The optician wanted a 2nd opinion as she hadn't had any experience of it. I now have an appointment with opthalmology on 29th.Im not worrying as much today.
Thanks for your reply
This happened to me one time due to their wanting me to access specialised equipment to check a query they had. Everything turned out fine.