Burning feet pins and needles keeps me awakeDoes anyone have this.
Burning feet pins and needles. : Burning feet pins and... - NRAS
Burning feet pins and needles.

yes I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy
Hi I kept telling GP but they have not said that I have peripheral neuropathy but I think I have.How does your affect you? My feet are burning day and night pins and needles thanks
I had a nerve conduction test to confirm it .
My feet are numb but burning and painful. It also affects the movement of my feet. I have flares where my feet just don’t move and I have to slide them along the floor while holding on for support. I have had falls especially at night if I have to get up to go to the toilet. I find compression socks help me sleep. Request a nerve conduction test they can’t say no . Good luck .
Ps biologic medication ramped up my PN.
yes indeed! But no real help as yet. !! I keep getting posts from the States.. magic remedy for neuropathy.. only 69 dollars etc etc!!
I have a fan trained on my feet at night.,not so much bother in the day … had a nerve test for my legs which was clear. Have had this for a couple of years. Sorry not to have something more positive to say….dont know if it has anything to do with pred ??? it is called neuropathy.
Hi yes You should get meds for this from doc
And maybe temporary sleep med or if long term ,long term
I get it in hands as well
Hi , hubby has Peripheral Neuropathy in hands and feet. He is very unsteady, uses a cane when walking and me supporting him on the other side. He has had falls, one fractured five ribs. I also cut up his food and help him with most things. His neurologist referred him for a nerve biopsy as he thought it was the cause was vasculitis. Hubby had a nerve biopsy done in his wrist and the result was Rheumatoid Vasculitis. The neurologist referred him back to his Rheumatologist as she also treats vasculitis. Several options for meds but due to several lung problems they are out of the question. He was prescribed Rituximab infusions which is a recognised med for vasculitis as well as for arthritis. His first two infusions didn't really didn't help much at all, but he is having another two infusions starting next week. Just hoping these work. Hope you can get referred to Neurologist and get help. Sadly hubby is deteriorating and his neurologist told us at the outset and confirmed by Rheumatologist unlikely to improve because of the nerve damage. We were told by them don't waste your money on cures advocated on line they don't work. We have however tried quite a few creams, gadgets etc and the medics were right, they don't work. Get a referral to a Neurologist and hopefully you will be more successful.
Hi yes I have it .It is very common, I had the nerve test for PN have to say it was not pleasant. As many people have said creams etc do not help.It's an awful thing it's in my feet always, I find the night times are worse makes you feel your feet are on fire then add the tingling!! Mine is constant but I cope better in the day as you can take your mind off it. My GP gave me Amitriptyline, I was shocked I thought it was for just depression, but it's also a nerve blocker .It has helped tremendously. Have a chat with your GP.Good luck .
Yes they offered Amitriptyline but I took it over 20 years ago for depression and I didnt like how it made me feel. Maybe I'll ask to get referred to neuropathy and see what they say. Thank you
Currently my RA is under control however, my feet use to burn with pins and needles and seemed to happen more at night. I was able to get relief by have 2 small frozen water bottles and roll my feet back and forth. This helped a lot and was able to get back to sleep.
I had that. I was told it was inflammation pressing on nerves.