I’ve been taking Benipali for 2 months, and l think it’s causing me to have really bad constipation, just wondering if anyone else had this problem? Be grateful for any advice. Thanks Kate x
Constipation! Help: I’ve been taking Benipali for... - NRAS
Constipation! Help

Hi Kate.
I too have a problem with constipation though I don’t put it down to the RA medication as I’ve had it before RA. I take half a sachet of movicol every day ( on prescription) and this works well for me. Other things I tried- drinking water eating lots of fibre just didn’t work. Hope you find a solution.
Maybe try a prebiotic , I use symprove it's water based.Rheumatologist and Heamatologist okay with this.
I’ve been on benepali 7.5yr and never had an issue. On checking side effects, diarrhoea is listed but not constipation. Is there perhaps another cause. May be worth trying fybogel which increases fibre. I was advised to use it to prevent constipation following episodes of bad rectal bleeding, despite never suffering constipation.
I have a slow bowel. Nothing to do with medication. Lactulose is my saviour. Try some. Can get it over counter.
No sorry I didn’t have this reaction. Maybe it’s not the med as others have said.
If I’m constipated, which for me is related to pain meds, I use Senocot tablets. Just one at night seems to work well for me. I also have IBS so that doesn’t help and the cramps are awful. Hope you are able to find something that works for you Kate
A GP told me 15 years ago that flaxseeds/linseeds and chia seeds contain a lot of fibre, sprinkle over yogurt or cereal. I've followed this advice and don't have any constipation issues and never use laxatives. High Street supermarkets or Grape Tree sell them.
Not had this problem. Could be other factors . 🤷
I agree with BoneyC entirely - but would just like to clarify something.
My wife has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome - her body makes weak collagen - this causes her joints to dislocate & also stops her bowels from pushing effectively (causing a "back up" as her bowels expand).
Linseed taken every day (2 teaspoons) has improved her problem immensely, but it MUST be golden linseed (with the husk still on) & not brown linseed (husk off) & must be swallowed whole (e.g. not blended).
It works by the husk absorbing water & getting very slippery - like how WD40 can get a rusty hinge moving again!
I have 5 prunes that are in fruit juice in the evening with bio yoghurt and some other fruits
codeine based meds contributed to my slow bowl and constipation. Blueberries in Greek yoghurt seem to help plus I stopped the codeine which made a difference. I’ve replaced this with prescribed strength volterol gel which takes the edge off a bit.