Methtrexate weakens immunity: Hi everyone I have been... - NRAS


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Methtrexate weakens immunity

trace58 profile image
42 Replies

Hi everyone I have been on Methotrexate since about 2018 plus Hydroxy, I have had my love of my life dog for 10 years , she saved me and my mental health now and during lockdown, I have asthma but it has never really bothered me until 2019, once and then not till 2023 and this year, allergy results say have an allergy to dogs ! Gp said its prob my Methotrexate which has weakened my immunity to the allergy and to get rid of my dog!! has anyone had anything like this

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trace58 profile image
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42 Replies
rmros profile image

No but your GP's advice is not very helpful. Like you say, there have been other health benefits to having your dog and they should be looking at the bigger picture.

There are treatments you might be able to take to lessen the symptoms. I would consult an allergy specialist rather than the GP if that's all they can come up with.

Edit: apologies I misread it as the rheumatologist saying give up the dog rather than the GP

medway-lady profile image

I’d contact RA team and discuss it sounds like GP not much help and frankly it’s a bit of a cop out. There are other medications and this needs discussing before you part with the dog but might be worth boarding it out fora week or so and keeping a diary of symptoms to see if any correlation. I love our cat, my husband has asthma and he’d go before she does. lol But I’m serious don’t just accept this it’s off the cuff and it might be right but you need to be sure.

KittyJ profile image

GP’s tend not to know alot about the drugs we take so I’m not sure i’d think of rehoming a pet on what they say. Mtx brings your immune system back to what it should be if you didn’t have RA so his reply isn’t totally correct. I have a cat allergy - I have 3 and take medication when it gets bad and antihistamines help at other times. Of course if an allergy is life threatening then it’s a different matter but I’m sure if you got a specialist opinion you could find a way to cope 🤞🏻 I do hope you can keep your dog 🤗

Luna20 profile image
Luna20 in reply to KittyJ

That can't be right, surely it makes the immune system weaker than it should be which is why people on methotrexate are classed as having a weakened immune system and as vulnerable during the Covid-19 lockdowns, hence having to isolate or shield. And also why we have to have Covid vaccinations due to having a weakened immune system.

virtualreality profile image
virtualreality in reply to Luna20

Yes, that's my understanding too. It's not the most strongly immunosuppressive DMARD prescribed for RA but it does suppress the immune system.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Luna20

That is what I was told by my rheumy(admittedly it was years ago) it’s not a strong drug in the amounts we take, our immune systems are in overdrive so yes it does reduce the over active immune system but the criteria used in the pandemic was erring on the side of caution and was changed as more was learnt. Are you saying you get covid vaccines from just being on mtx?

3LittleBirds2 profile image

Hi Trace58

Not really helpful advice from your GP is it life isn't as simple as "getting rid of the dog " is it! You have had some helpful advice, but maybe contact your Rheumatologist or get an allergy specialist advice it may as simple as taking a daily anti histamine, I know I have developed allergies like hay fever etc since having RA or could be the menopause..not sure.. The benefits of having a dog help us hugely..not only the company, love but exercise etc as well. For what it's worth my dog probably gave me kennel cough (Bordetella species) picked up on a chest X-ray I had no symptoms ..which is still on my lung, my dog ain't going nowhere! Good luck getting some advice!

Neonkittie17 profile image

Hi Trace, I’d say in general re a weakened immune, you just have to be careful clearing up after their toilet. I’ve always had cats and was never warned re risks when I was just on Mtx but was told to be careful by my rheumy re the cat litter tray (which I always have been) when a biologic med was added. I’ve been fine and the only thing I’ve ever had out of sync was high neutrophils when my cat accidentally scratched me jumping on my knee. My routine blood test picked that up as it was a couple of days after. The scratch healed fine. Neutrophils returned to normal when re tested the following week and no need for antibiotics.

Yes, all sorts of (zoonotic) diseases can be transferred dog or cat to human but it’s very unlikely if you are not touching their “deposits” and you don’t let them lick open wounds and bite/nip or lick/kiss your mouth (baffled anyone would let them do the latter!) We can still be very affectionate to our pets without putting ourselves at risk. 🩷 My cat used to get regular top of the head kisses (even if he frowned! 😁)

I had the igE (immunoglobulin E) allergy test a couple of years ago due to chronic bronchitis to see if allergens were causing it, and it was deemed normal. However it can give a lot of false positives too.

I feel people should most definitely keep their pets. 🩷 They are part of the family and are a huge comfort. Great friends. It’s reciprocal too or course. (I’m without a cat at the mo but here’s hoping one finds me soon.) As you say, your dog isn’t going anywhere! Here’s to more happy years of you and your dog together! I hope your asthma symptoms can be managed and stay steady. As 3LB said, maybe an antihistamine tablet is the answer? Hope your rheumy team can advise. 🙏🩷🩷

Amnesiac3637 profile image

Rehome GP……………..

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Amnesiac3637

If you can find one I’d keep them, around here you’d find a unicorn quicker than a GP! LOL I’m in Cyprus and opposite hotel is a 24/7 Medical Centre. I expressed surprise and told yes GP cover 24/7 when needed. I don’t need it but am shocked. The hotel appears to be employing young polite very well educated and fluent in English staff from all over the world and one waiter said he had worked NHS nurse but this was better paid. Where did things go so wrong ?

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Amnesiac3637

😂😂 well said!

ageddancer profile image
ageddancer in reply to Amnesiac3637


AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Amnesiac3637

Better still….find another one!

Amnesiac3637 profile image

Hmmm. Where do you start………??!

Fluffontoast profile image

Maybe you do this already, but you can reduce the effects of pet allergy by having wooden or wipeable floors throughout your house, machine washable throws and rugs, also shampoo upholstery rather than vacuum it, blinds or machine washable curtains. This will reduce your exposure but I can't answer on how that affects your RA.

Cornishcamillia profile image

I know the immune system is incredibly complicated. Yes MTX can weaken the immune system but an allergy isn’t a sign of a weakened immune system - if anything it is an over reaction!

Part of this condition is deciding what you want to prioritise and I tend to not take any notice of any advice that is so categorical - rather work out what is important to you and how you can manage it! So with an allergy to pets, perhaps you need the dog to have regular baths and grooms, invest in a really good vacuum, possibly keep dog off the bed at night - depending on how you are affected. And yes consider medication.

Best of luck!

Cat-E profile image

From what I have read an allergy is an over reaction of your immune system to an allergen, therefore, in theory, immunosuppressant drugs should lessen any allergic reaction, not increase it. I'd ask someone who knows more about immunosuppressents, not your GP 😀

Joannos profile image

I have been struggling with this, hay-fever I am not losing my dog and cats. I step up washing of Marvin, we go to those pet care dog washes under a tenner no mess for me. The kits I brush more often.

I hoover more often and damp cloth dust.

I also take my antihistamine at night just before bed, this works better for me.

Yes since taking MTX I do think it is more problematic with hay-fever but also my allergies in general have become stronger.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Joannos

I have hayfever & took Mtx for years with no nasty side effects, except a tinny taste in my mouth.

In fact HF seems really problematic this year……mine doesn’t usually bother me too much..but this year I have the sore throat, streaming eyes & sneezing with a vengeance…..especially in the evenings. (I’m not on Mtx now)

Joannos profile image
Joannos in reply to AgedCrone

MTX is one of the few things I am not allergic too. I had an awful reaction to Rituximab, frightened the life out of everyone

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Joannos

But you are still here to tell the tale🤩

Those of us fortunate enough to get on well with Rtx are indeed fortunate …no remembering to take pills, only a few blood tests,& when really settled on it…..only one trip to hospital every year. .

It truly is a drug to be thankful for.

Skibbythecat profile image

Hi Trace, I’m on Methotrexate 20mg + Etanercept 50mg. Although I have been tested as having a cat hair allergy, some years ago, i haven’t found the rheumy medicine has had an adverse affect. Indeed i’m a proud owner of 2 lovely cats and experience few, if any, issues.

Impie profile image

I've always had allergies way before mtx and sometimes they aren't problematic at all and other times are quite strong I think that's just how it goes. I'm a massive gardener and live in the country and have terrible hay fever at times my rhumi just says take antihistamines when you need them. I also have a dog a cat and a tortoise ...funnily black cats are the only ones I'm not allergic to. Tortoises and cats can carry dangerous diseases....I'm just careful and super clean with them. I'd tell the GP to sod right off they have no evidence whatsoever. Allergies are funny things I have a few food intolerances too I always have had bit I think it's about balance and quality of life. If I could live in the country surrounded by plants animals and trees I would want a life. You stand your ground, allergies and asthmas get better and worse for lots of reasons and stress sure makes them worse. You keep and love your dog xx

Runrig01 profile image

Not a helpful gp. When I seen a respiratory specialist re my pulmonary fibrosis and breathing issues, she ran some bloods checking for allergies. She found I was allergic to cats. I’ve had cats for around 25yrs. Some cats caused me to have itchy eyes, or skin if they licked me. My sister had a long haired cat, that would trigger my asthma. It was only if I stayed over and he’d been in my room. At home I have wooden floors, washable rugs, don’t use throws on sofa or bedding. My current cat causes me no issues.

His statement re MTX doesn’t make sense. One of the dangers is that MTX can mask issues to it dampening down the immune system, so the body can’t react the same. An allergic reaction causes a histamine response, which will be blunted in patients on immunosuppressants. That’s why often those of us on these meds, don’t get fevers or even a temperature, infected wounds may not be red and inflamed, but infection is still there. I’m on MTX, steroids and a biologic and cope fine with my cat. If your dog is triggering symptoms I would look at your flooring and furnishings, and see how you could improve things. I’d speak to your rheumatologist and see what their take on it is, and possibly get an antihistamine to take. You could ask for a copy of the full testing, which will give a RAST score, indicating the level of allergy you have to dogs, along with other triggers. Getting rid of your dog, as GP suggests, should be a last option, if symptoms are bad and can’t be brought under control 🤗

dippyd09 profile image

I’ve had asthma most of my life and this year it has been the worst it’s been for a long time. I am allergic to a few things and I take a fairly strong antihistamine to counteract the allergies. I also take methotrexate 25 mgs a week plus a few other things for RA. I take a Fostair inhaler and have a ventolin inhaler too. Perhaps you could ask about antihistamines? Your dog is so important to you, I know, I have a dog too and i couldn’t be without him. Hope you find help somewhere.

Green230461 profile image

I would ask for a change of meds!

SueBaker profile image

For many of us that would be like the doctor telling you you're allergic to one of your children and to get rid of it. Just no. Ask your rheumatologist for other suggestions.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to SueBaker

I’d used to dream of being allergic to my boys. If only they had pills to stop “ why”, “when” and “but I neeeed”. Lol

wilbertjellyfish profile image

I've been on mtx nearly 7 years work as a vet and have five dogs and a cat in the house and no problems.Anyone can over time develop an allergy and in my experience doctors who don't have pets don't understand their importance and usually look for an easy solution.

Only you can decide if the symptoms you are having are severe enough to warrant not having your beloved dog.

Id imagine there are a range of allergy meds to try first.

Trec profile image

Have you have an an allergy test as how can anyone know that your dog is responsible for your worsening asthma without one? I don’t take Methotrexate but know that it’s purpose is to lower your immunity which is attacking your body as my daughter has to have immune depressants for her Crohn’s and RA. However I have asthma and am allergic to a number of things and one of them is dogs. When I had the tests done at my GP surgery many years ago I had 2 Golden Retriever dogs. I was surprised but the thought of getting rid of them didn’t even enter my mind and I have gone on to have another one who was my constant friend and companion for over 15 years before losing her during Covid. I am lost without her but am now too old to have another. Incidentally my worst response to the test was cats but I now no longer have a reaction to them as just you can develop allergies during your life you can also overcome them. Please hold on to your dog unless your reaction is severe and especially if it can’t be proved without a shadow of a doubt that your dog is the innocent cause.

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to Trec

They have done allergy test dogs are on it 3 whatever tgat means I have had her 9 yrs only just started probs , last 2 yrs ! I think she just saw I started Methatrexate 2018, so why now 2023 24, and I'm on lower dose , will ring my Rheumi

Trec profile image
Trec in reply to trace58

It would be very strange for you to be showing an adverse reaction after 7 years of no issues. I really hope you can resolve this without losing such a precious friend and help for your mental health. Good luck to both you - and your dog.x

Ritaritis profile image

No but let's hope you can keep your best friend in some way.🐈

Happy5 profile image

Perhaps before suggesting you get rid of your dog, your GP could refer you to the surgery asthma specialist nurse to review how better to manage your asthma, review medication etc.

cathie profile image

you mention asthma so I assume the allergy is related to that? In which case occasinal use of a steamer helped me enormously. Airing the house and getting cat/dog hairs helps a lot. We used to have 4 cats now just the one who makes her presence felt very effectively. I wouldnt be without her and imagine you feel the same.

mrdiggs profile image


Hobbitfeet profile image

Hi trace58

I have been on Methotrexate (originally tablet form and have injections now) since for 26 years.

I have a dog ( I used to have 2) and she is also my “life” dog. I have had a dog in my life for 20 odd years whilst also having 4 cats, and my rheumatologist has never made a correlation between animal husbandry and Methotrexate.

My advice would be to talk to your rheumatologist about this (GP’s cannot prescribe dmards) and if (?) there is a issue with Methotrexate and the fact that you are also an asthma sufferer - they can explore other drugs that would potentially control your condition - I don’t know what you have.

I take it for Psoriatic arthritis and like you I am immunosuppressed.

I hope this helps,

Take care of you and your best furry friend x

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to Hobbitfeet

I have RA and Colitis and Asthma, I agree I will try and get hold of Rheumi

AgedCrone profile image

No! The dog stays!

I spent years having every allergy test known to man…..& it turned out to be a complete waste of time…everything clocked up that I should avoid - like cats ….turned out not to be true…Yes I did have allergies….I was diagnosed with late onset asthma in my early 50’s and like you it never really bothered me. Also…I would be allergic to certain foods one month…then eat something that had had caused a problem….with no affects at all.

Do remember….most GPs know very little about DMards …or in fact any RA drugs.

I was diagnosed with RA in my late 50’s & did actually ask my Rheumy when prescribed MTX if it was likely to affect any allergic reactions & he laughed & said No…& he was right. I took it for 7 years & had no more allergic reactions than before…& the asthma seemed to go away too.

Speak to somebody on your rheumy team…but unless something has changed I think they will agree your dog stays.


Popinjay profile image

Hi Trace 58

I have developed an allergy to tree pollen which i have only noticed in the last 3 years i have been on MTX since 2001 I use a daily antihistamine and find this helps you haven't mentioned if you have tried something like this . I would however discuss it with your RA team they will know more about it that your GP

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to Popinjay

I am on a nasal spray and antihistermine from Gp inhalers Montelucast , the lot this is,what's worrying me and had to have a course of steroids, that's why she was going on about my dog, after allergy tests which were actualy done by my ent doc for nose, but surely they can try different in halers etc, don't drink don't smoke , they look after people, I have Ra , fibromyalgia , Asthma , so only walk my dog, !

MerielPB profile image

I'm allergic to dogs - was before I went on mtx. I just take antihistamines & use opticrom eye drops. I have to be honest though, I don't suffer from asthma.

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