Hi I had foot surgery 6 weeks ago I had big toe fused and metatarsal heads removed, I now have a foot about 1 and half sizes smaller than the other foot.I can't find any information about this surgery, so wondering if anyone on here has had it done please
Foot op: Hi I had foot surgery 6 weeks ago I had big... - NRAS
Foot op

Hi Mazzy
Yes, I had the metatarsal heads removed from both feet nearly 30 years ago in my early 20's. Both of my feet are now 1 and a half to 2 sizes smaller than they were beforehand, but at least they were both done! I wasn't told this would happen, as it seems you weren't, and it did come as a bit of a surprise. I now regularly get "ooh aren't your feet tiny" comments!😉
The good thing is, despite this, the surgery did actually help - no more giant lumps under my toes where they'd subluxated and a definite improvement in pain and discomfort. All these years later the surgery still holding up fine.
I don't know if you would be able to get some kind of orthotic made in time for the shortened foot, or find a way to pad shoes out yourself? Probably worth asking about an orthotic?
Hope this helps, and I hope the surgery relieves your problems once settled.
Best wishes 😊
HiThx for your reply
Hi Mazzy l had the same op done but separately, in May, l have had RA for 20 yrs nowwith no problems in my foot until 5 yrs ago when l had a horse fly bite to my rt foot and had to have 5 days of I V antibiotics for the infection it caused. Late last year infection flared again requiring weekly appointments with the podiatrist for dressings my large toe which had moved over the others was shortened and fused straight in May. 2 months later l had the remaining metatarsals shortened , both ops were done because l had osteomyelitis causing the ulcer an ongoing permanent infection which needed redressing it was also causing deformities of my toes and l was on crutches and had to wear a boot .I have made an excellent t recovery , l am back in shoes my foot is half a size smaller but l have a a piece of shaped foam in the toe and an arch support liner for my shoe provided by the orthotics department.
I hope you go on to have a really successful recovery and get back to normal walking.
It sounds like you could do with having a conversation with a podiatrist. As Kags says there may be some orthotics that will make your foot more comfortable too.
It might take a bit of time for your brain to adjust to the new foot. We have an image inside our brains of how we look and what shape our body is. This is sort of a short cut so that we constantly don't have to think about where our feet or other body parts are.
But when part of us changes our brain has to update our self image of our selves. I had this problem when I was pregnant. I used to be very skinny, so my brain still thought my stomach was pretty flat. So if I looked down at it, or looked down to see my feet, my brain would get a shock because there was this big belly in the way, and the brain didn't remember that it was mine yet. Eventually my brain adapted its map of my body and I stopped collapsing into fits of giggles every time I saw my huge belly!
So it might take your brain a little time to get used to the fact that one foot is now a different size to what it thought your foot size was.
Cant help about information about the surgery but I watched a talk Nras put up about feet. I remember one of the ladies said you can buy odd sized shoes. I've just googled it and up popped links of where to buy them.