Doctor phoned me today following blood test before Christmas my cholesterol levels have gone up now 5.3 and potassium is raised has suggested starting simvastatin because if cardiovascular risk has any one been on these tablets ?
high cholesterol : Doctor phoned me today following... - NRAS
high cholesterol

Hi Passionflower, I have been on Simvastatin for many years now and it has kept my cholesterol levels under control and I have not noticed any unwanted side effects. I am also careful with my diet. Having RA does put us at a higher risk of cardiovascular problems and it seems sensible to take a drug that reduces that possibility . I am aware that some people experience unpleasant side effects but it doesn’t have to be you.
I had a severe stroke when I was 52, and was put on statins as a caution. My cholesterol was 5.3, and other than my AS I waa fit, had a healthy BP, and had no family history. I started Atorvastatin which caused leg cramps. I was then changed to Rosuvastatin which I’ve been taking for 6yr with no side effects.
Inflammatory arthritis conditions do put us at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. When I had the stroke, they also noticed I had an enlarged heart from years of uncontrolled inflammation.
After my RA annual review in 2022 I had a text message from my GP surgery telling me my cholesterol level was stable and reasonable at 5.3. My overall score for a heart attack and stroke had gone over 10%. It went on to say that most of the risk was due to non modifiable factors. They assumed that because of this I wouldn't want any treatment but if I did I had to contact them, I haven't. Fast forward to my 2023 review, my cholesterol level is 5.2 and I am again above 10% and I was invited to have a chat with a nurse about it. I'm going this Friday, having my shingles vaccination at the same time. I know how they calculate your heart/stroke risk and both times they put me down as being inactive. This gets me really annoyed, I walk alot. Recently went to Spain and I walked on average 5-6 miles a day yet the computer programme that works out your score doesn't class walking as exercise. I'm waiting to see what the outcome of my appointment on Friday is going to be.
That is bizarre - on what planet does walking 5-6 miles a day not count as exercise?
I know, the nurse asking me the questions said the same but the computer programme just doesn't recognise it as being exercise. Cycling, swimming and jogging is exercise. So, if I cycled a couple of times a week to the shop not far away from where I live and then sit on the sofa the rest of the week watching tv I'm active. My friends got osteoporosis and she's told me that that the Royal osteoporosis society promote walking for ladies to build up bone strength. She did ask if I do any gardening, I said no, thinking about it afterwards I do dead head the flowers, perhaps I should of said yes, everyday in the summer, that might of helped. 😂😂
Think they need to bring that up with whoever designed their computer program.
Yes, the ROS recommend walking as a weight bearing exercise. Here’s their page on exercise - you might find you are doing things that you haven’t thought of as exercise
But I think someone should question why walking isn’t counted as exercise, that is weird.
thank you for your reply it’s quite a minefield about cholesterol do and don’t it something else to put in the mix hope all goes well for you
My cholesterol levels increased as a side effect of Rinvoq (a JAK inhibitor), My dr didn't know that- I had to point it out in the product information! I refused statins. Can't deal with side effects of anymore meds right now (my RA-chronic fatigue is awful).
I never had any high cholesterol issues before taking Rinvoq. Very disappointing that my rheumy (& GP) don't bother to check side effects & I have to point them out.
I would be more concerned about an increase in the potassium level which needs dealing with right now.
Controlling your LDL cholesterol level is a long term aim, which may or may not be necessary at that level. We do all need cholesterol for bodily functions, so this myth that the lower the better is just that - a myth. Take your time to consider what the risk/benefits are for that.
Gp wants blood test to re check potassium levels again as slightly high she seems to think the cholesterol levels are enhancing potassium levels. Depending on levels may have to re refer me back to renal unit as when i had sepsis it effected kidney function this is why I’m concerned about statins
I’ve been on them for years no problem. Unfortunately a lot of our meds cause raised cholesterol. I have 2 heart surgeons in the family and they believe every one should be on them from 40 years old. It helps not only with cholesterol but the whole vascular system.