Good evening I'm going to Greece in July and wondering about how people deal with.mosi bites and what people use,abroad please
Mosquito : Good evening I'm going to Greece in July and... - NRAS

I use Odomos, available online. It originated in India and it is the most effective thing I’ve found. I used to get terrible reactions to bites and no insect repellents seemed to work. Have a great holiday.
I never wear perfume, always wear two anti mosi bracelets (coil like -amazon), take anthisan cream and antihistamines with us. With the bracelets, one ankle and one wrist. I’ve had really nasty, painful bites in the past. I’m always ready now. Moving further on. We also take an extension lead with three sockets and three USB ports. Very handy when the only sockets are miles from the mirror!. Also, two phones and goodness knows what else needs charging. Have a nice holiday.
I use the Jungle spray, if I do get bitten, I take Boots own make of antihistamine cream for insect bites. Super cream at a reasonable price. I get terrible reactions to mozzies, I have the plug ins, bracelets, my case is usually full of stuff.
I have given up with Greece in afraid as I always get bitten and the last time even with ant mosquito spray the bite became infected and became cellulitis I go to dryer countries.Though saying that it may be ok in July as it will be be very hot?
Sure you already do this but close all the doors and windows to your accommodation well before dusk and plug in some mosquito killers. At least then you can sleep without hearing that horrible mosquito buzz during the night… Enjoy your holiday!
Always use Boots mosquito repellent (silver top). Jungle formula plug in. Went to Greece for a month last year, not one bite!👍 😀 Enjoy your holiday.
I bought Pyramid which has 30% deet in says sweat n splash resistant plus all day protection.I bought it to take with us to Cyprus but forgot it was in the cupboard so my husband got bitten badly.We shut all windows apart from bathroom in night the mozzies would come out n bite him making his face swollen.We bought it from mountain warehouse shop
You can get aftersun with bite repellent in it. I also use the wipes with it in. If I miss a bit of skin I get bitten so I think it works.
I also have a little bite zapper. It gives the bite a small electric shock. Doesn't hurt. You can get them off Amazon toothpaste slapped on a bite also helps get rid of it. Not the gel though the white toothpaste.
I tend not to get bitten but when I have done thy have gone septic and I’ve needed antibiotics to clear things up.
I travel with someone who has proved to be irresistible to any mossies in the area and they mostly manage to feast on my husband first.
The little electronic zapper mentioned above are great for when you do get bitten.
The best deterrent we ever bought was from a supermarket in France - called Marie Rose, we used the spray on and wrist bands. Unfortunately we haven’t been there since the first lock down so he now uses Jungle Formula and Anthisan.
We’ve used the electriniccplugs in our camper, keep the doors closed at night etc. We had a mesh enclosure for our camper and used to burn mosquito coils and candles in that.
After being bitten by a dirty mosquito in Turkey several years ago where the bite turned into cellulitis, I tend to be a bit belt and braces in my mozzie approach but hardly ever get bitten these days, so it's worth the effort.
I use a lotion called Moskito Guard or a spray called Flies Undone, both are available from Amazon. They both use 20% picaridin instead of Deet and are equally effective for about 8 hours but are safe for children and pregnant women so I think they must be better for me. I only got bitten once in Costa Rica when I'd missed a bit of ankle but they were both very affective otherwise, even when we were rafting in swampy areas and doing evening jungle walks. I'd advise similar measures to others, keep windows closed overnight, use a plug-in bug killer in your room and carry antihistamine cream just in case. I also carry an ammonia pen called After Bite but the electric jobbys sound rather good.
Savlon works a treat.
If sitting around we use citronella candles or keep citronella geraniums close by. If on the move out & about we do what Spanish Mums do with their babies & children & douse ourselves in lavender cologne (Agua Lavanda) or Nenuco, but that's not readily available here. Both are far more pleasant than Jungle Formula spray. I also use lavender body milk (Agua Lavanda brand again) on my legs & arms sometimes too. I do have L'Occitane Lavande body lotion too (& hand cream) which smell just gorgeous. None of them make you smell like your Granny as they're true lavender essential oils not Yardley's take on it, no lavender at all.
If we do have any bites we dab them with Anthisan cream, although last year you couldn't buy it for love nor money so went with a suggestion from our Pharmacist & tried Eurex which worked equally well if not better. I've recently had an extensive rash on my right leg which was extremely itchy & it really helped that too.
We always used Raid plug ins in the house, they worked extremely well but they're best if you leave them plugged in not just putting them in at night. Make sure all windows are closed well before dusk. The pesky blighters just love the challenge of getting in to hide in your bedroom to get you when sleeping!
I hope you have a lovely time. July should be very dry air so mozzies will gather near vegetation more, best to avoid sitting near plants if you can. You probably know this but worth mentioning just in case.
I know this seems odd but my husband plays golf and abroad too , he swears that Avons skin so soft works a treat.
We use Incognito spray. My husband is a mosquito magnet but using this he rarely gets bitten now.
I swear by Mosquitan patches. Since using them I've not been bitten. Totally natural product as well.
I cover up at dawn and dusk. For repellant use neat citronella oil, wrists, ankles and neck. Have used neat lavender oil as an alternative.
For any bites, which are few with the above, I use Aloe Vera gel,or even better is the actual leaf if it's an area where it grows.
These have worked better for me than anything else (tho we're all different) in Greece, Africa, New Zealand, Amazon jungle, and other parts of UK and Europe.
I was first given Aloe Vera leaf many years ago when I ran out of Anthisan in the Andes and had got badly bitten. It worked better than the anthisan (use the gel from the leaf directly)
My o/h swears by Skin so Soft.
Biting insects of any sort seem to love me! Not been abroad for years now but Avon Skin-so-Soft works for me when I'm outside gardening or whatever. Also have an Aspivenin kit which sucks out the poison if I do get bitten and can use it fast enough.
I’m one of the people that mosquitoes are very attracted too! Several visits to medical centres in various countries. But a very helpful Dr also suggested that I take anti histamines regularly. I have a one a day, but if I get bitten he gave me the named of another I can take 4 times a day, alongside (has to be right ones, so do seek advice). Also, if you can, take paracetamol and ibuprofen to reduce swelling and then ice.
In Crete in Sept I got ‘attacked’ by mosquitoes when sat by a planted area of a restaurant. So sit in the middle of the restaurant, not plants!
Speaking as someone who gets completely murdered by mozzies, this is very interesting with all the hints and tips. I’ve had cellulitis 4 times, I seem to be completely allergic, even from just one bite. 😢
We discovered the Avon so soft spray, which does seem to work, and I have the plug in repellent and that’s just when it’s hot in the UK! 😂
These are some great recommendations, i've taken a few notes myself 😀