Interested in possible IBS symptoms after several months on Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen and stomach side: Interested in possible IBS... - NRAS
Ibuprofen and stomach side

I can't take it as I have high blood pressure and asthma.
Here's a link to the NHS site which gives info about the GI effects of it - hope it helps.
I can no longer take ibuprofen but I can take naproxen if I take a stomach protector. Are you taking a stomach protector?
No. I never have. I was taken off naproxen when I was first put on methotrexate, but was never offered one. The nurse asks about GI problems but thankfully I've been ok🤞Actually, thinking about it, I was never offered one when I was on naproxen, either.
I use to take ibuprofen quite a lot before being diagnosed with ra and it caused problems with my tummy. So they said don't ever take them again. They gave me a stomach protector which I still take. I now am on naproxen which is stronger than ibuprofen. I was given a stomach protector while on mtx. So maybe it's worth asking your doctor for some? Take care
I don’t have IBS but do have IBD and brufen exacerbates that in my case.
Hi. It is worth getting yourself checked for any signs of gastric irritation as this can be a side effect of taking NSAIDs.
You need something to protect your stomach. I use omeprazole on prescription.
You need something like Omeprazole with this .
Hiya Artemise, welcome. As others have said usually with prescribed NSAIDs we're also prescribed a PPI such as omeprazole but with over the counter meds it's not always considered, although I believe you can by omeprazole otc nowadays. I'm on a prescription only NSAID & also coprescribed omeprazole twice daily. You'll probably be aware but it's always best to opt for enteric coated meds if you have existing stomach problems, this reduces the risk of upset.
Much depends on your other rheumatology meds, if any of those could potentially exacerbate or cause IBS symptoms, it may not be ibuprofen that is the issue, or is actually part of the problem. As such you really need to discuss it with your GP, there are options if you do have IBS independent of meds. You may need a referral to Gastroenterologist if it's not being controlled by whatever your GP can prescribe.
I definitely think so! If your on ibuprofen you should take stomach protector tablets like emiprozole so the hospital tells me x
You have to be so careful with NSAIDS. They can give you ulcers, stomach bleeds etc. Go to gp and get prescribed omeprazole to protect your tummy if you need to take it regularly. I'd also ask to get you tummy checked out with camera etc to be safe. Good luck. X
How long is considered long? Just started Ibuprofen 800mg total (200mg each pill)for 2 days and noticed it's helping reduce lower back pain and feet swelling. The plan is to take for 3 days and start reducing down to 400mg total. Is that still safe enough from the ulcers/stomach bleeds?
Are there any side effects taking the Omeprazole?
Thanks so much, everyone! I really appreciate all thoughts, so helpful and useful avenues to follow up.