timing of your medication monitoring blood tests - NRAS


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timing of your medication monitoring blood tests

Bon1 profile image
25 Replies

good morning all and thank you all for your kind and caring responses to my previous question.

My query today is: has anyone ever found that having a blood test close to methotrexate day (or within two weeks of having a wee

Drinkie…) impacts the liver reading? I normally ensure this doesn’t happen but have been called for an early nurse appointment (hopefully to arrange new meds) and my timings are out…

Look forward to hearing from you



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Bon1 profile image
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25 Replies
KittyJ profile image

no I’ve never arranged my blood tests around either of those and it was never suggested to, It has never affected my liver results.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to KittyJ

thanks Kitty. I think I have sort of invented a lot of “rules” for myself!

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Bon1


AgedCrone profile image

A blood test wouldn’t have any effect…a wee drinkie……depending on what you regard as wee 🍾🍾🍾 could well…. if your liver is sensitive.

I had a glass of wine most evenings when I was on Mtx for 7 years,& never had a problem.

Let’s hope the test for the new drugs is normal….but if there is a problem with the liver test…..do confess when you drank alcohol…if you don’t fess up…you might miss the chance of new drugs.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to AgedCrone

dear AC. Great advice. When I told the rheum nuts today she pointed out she deals with guys who as she put it “go to Fulham on a Saturday and drink 18 pints” 😂 she seemed very unworried 😂

Boxerlady profile image

I was told by a rheumy nurse that it was better to avoid having my blood tests too close to my Methotrexate day as it could affect the results so I try to book blood tests at the end of the week as my Methotrexate day is Sunday.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Boxerlady

interesting! So that is a school of thought…well I ended up having to do mine today so we shall see! Thanks for your reply.

Bon x

CagneysMum profile image


Like AC I have a glass of wine most nights and it doesn’t seem to affect my blood test results. If I’ve been on holiday or had an evening out where more has been consumed 🍷 🍷🍷 …. I would give myself time to settle down first.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to CagneysMum

But don’t try to drink a glass of wine too soon after having Covid..I tried & coughed for the rest of the evening….

Gilliancheche profile image

I found, after having fortnightly blood tests for nearly 2 years, that having a blood test the day after my MTX injection gave a worse effect on my white blood cells and neutrophils compared with the day before my MTX injection. My liver function is pretty stable do far so can't help with that I'm afraid.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Gilliancheche

thanks for your reply! That’s interesting about the WBC. My neutrophils tend to be high due to the steroids. We are all so complex and individual. I hope you have a good end of week and weekend.

Bon x

Scottishlad profile image

My only personal rule is not to drink on the day I take my methotrexate. My overall alcohol consumption is moderate and rarely over the guidelines. Usually a couple of cans of cider at the weekend maybe a small drink through the week. So typically less than 10 units a week. My blood tests are usually on Tuesdays. As I am on a 12 weekly cycle there can't be an issue.

When I started on methotrexate I was virtually teetotal for around 6 months until I saw if there was any problems.

I think that the effect of methotrexate and alcohol are likely to be cumulative rather than a response to one day's drinking. So unless you really have a "session" drinking the day before blood tests is unlikely to affect the results.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Scottishlad

thanks SL. I got a bit rattled due to a slightly “relaxed” Christmas and new year in terms of consumption!

Runrig01 profile image

Im on MTX and drink within the guidelines and never had an issue. I normally don’t drink on MTX day, but did have a large glass of wine once, having forgotten it was MTX day. I had bloods the following morning and they were still in range.

Before MTX I was on Azathioprine, and after increasing my dose to 200mg, my liver results came back very high. When I confessed and told her I’d been out with friends the night before and had a few drinks, she said that drinking at that level wouldn’t impact the results. I had an ultrasound of my liver, which was normal, so they switched me to MTX.

If your results come back high I would inform them, so they can make an informed decision re your meds. The rheumatologist who started me on MTX says avoiding alcohol is a very American idea, and that it is safe to continue within the guidelines

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Runrig01

thanks so much Maureen. As it happens the nurse marched me off to phlebotomy to get them done straight after the appointment and I seem to have got away with it! I am such an over thinker it would probably be less stressful for me to give up the booze altogether but I am partial to a glass of rose!


wilbertjellyfish profile image

Not sure about the timing as I inject Tuesday and bloods Friday.

I haven’t had any problems with drinkies…I did have a spell when I didn’t get a hangover, I think it was related to my combination of meds, I may have been completely rat arsed on a Thursday and had the bloods done on a Friday. Did spend the weekend considering how I was going to explain that the blood results were not an adverse reaction but it was all ok.

However, I never eat before the bloods as that makes my iron low, or rather more anaemic than normal.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to wilbertjellyfish

dear Wilbert- good to hear the sesh didn’t tip your results out of alignment. Luckily my red blood cell count has always been ok. Wishing you all the best


greynot profile image

I have my blood tests when the surgery fits me in. So sometimes life to Mtx day, sometimes at the other end of the week. The rheumy nurse said no alcohol on mtx day, and that they might pick up any big drinking if it was close to test day.

So I avoid alcohol as above.

In fact I've just completed dry January...I'm mostly a social drinker, and Jan hasn't been very social. O/h and I have enjoyed a cuppa by the fire instead of a glass of red.

Who knows what's next, now it's Feb..

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to greynot

dear GN thanks so much for your reply.

I am a very big fan of cups of something hot by the fire! Glad to hear the day you get your bloods done does not seem to be impacted at all by the proximity to when you inject.

Wishing you a pleasant rest of week.

Bon x

Green230461 profile image

Only request I have been given is fasting blood work no breakfast just water. But I am on baricitinib so it might be different?

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to Green230461

thanks Green. I think I just have a bad habit of overthinking every little thing!

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Bon1

it is only natural to worry about what is happening to you. Better communication from medics might help but I have often found excellent advice on here.

You take care and be as well as you can be 🌼

nomoreheels profile image

I don't change my med routine for drug monitoring bloods. If it happens to be MTX morning I inject as usual. It doesn't affect my liver function, that's having half a can of Guinness of an evening too.

I've said this before but with my first Consultant if my liver readings were slightly awry he'd ask me not to drink for a while, meaning spirits… he considered beer & wine ok! At the time I didn't drink alcohol at all, it really didn't like me, still doesn't but I can tolerate the half can of Guinness.

I hope your nurse appointment goes well & whichever meds you start work well for you.

Bon1 profile image
Bon1 in reply to nomoreheels

thanks NMH. Yes the rheum nurse gave me a metaphorical slap round the face told me to get a grip and marched me off to phlebotomy 😂. I wish I could realistically say that will stop me getting all wound up next time but I will probably still get my knickers in a twist! I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. Have a good weekend

Bon x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Bon1

Hehe! Just imagining the scene. 😂

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