Hi everyone, I always get good advice on here and my rheumatology nurse, whose number I was so delighted to get, is not returning my calls.
I have RA and pallendromic rheumatism and this ruined my year last year with short burst near constant episodes of intense pain. I got a new rheumatologist who upped me to top dose methotrexate plus etoricoxib and amitripylene for pain management.
A couple of months on I am pain-free and I am grateful for this every day. However a stiffness in all the fingers of both hands has developed as a constant, starting late afternoon, awful overnight and wears off after a bit in the morning.
Compared to what I was like, this is nothing. But I’m worried that this is progressive and I should be asking for additional medication to stop it getting worse. The pallendromic rheumatism is now controlled, thank god. But the RA has taken root in my hands and I don’t want to ignore this and let it get worse if medication could present this.
I’m wondering if a) I should just be grateful I’m no longer in pain and accept the stiffness (I can’t make a fist, sometimes nothing like it) as part of the deal or b) try somehow to get back to the rheumatologist to get further meds to prevent this worsening.
I’m aware too a lot of people reading this stiff fingers is the least of their worries. I just want to protect my future as much as possible. Many thanks.