Met with my Consultant and am now going to give leflunomide a go ! 10mg once a day - just keeping everything crossed it helps and I avoid the nausea I experienced on previous medication 😩 ! Was a bit concerned when he said if this doesn’t work then we’re stuck !! I just smiled sweetly and in my head I was shouting “ I don’t think so ! I have info about other meds to try “ Thanks again to all of the replies and info following my previous post - watch this space 😜
quick follow up after my appointment yesterday - NRAS
quick follow up after my appointment yesterday

Methotrexate made me feel very nauseous but I take 20mg of leflunomide with no side effects at all. Hope it’s the same for you.
It never made me feel sick but did make the RA worse after awhile then it just worked and no RA symptoms at all. I used take at night with a full glass of water.
Fingers crossed that it's 'the one' for you. Yes. I was given the 'we're running out of options' speech too. Unlike your good self the voice in my head used a very rude word
I've had horrible side effects to most RA meds...except leflunomide and 🤞 for you too.
Hi it’s odd isn’t it ,but my consultant said much the same and I wondered why there was no mention of a biologic med,maybe they are trying to save money ,ha ha not at my expense and pain Thankyou. I am going to suggest it on my next visit the devil that I am lol