I’ve had RA and Fibromyalgia for a long time now, on meds and see rheumatologist regularly. I also, increasingly seem to have osteoarthritis- I’ve got real problems with my knees at the moment. My question is…… will both conditions be looked at by rheumatology or is the osteoarthritis another specialism (I’m in uk). Thanks
osteoarthritis alongside rheumatoid….: I’ve had RA and... - NRAS
osteoarthritis alongside rheumatoid….

Your rheumatologist treats both. Good luck!
I have psoriatic arthritis (PsA) alongside osteoarthritis in multiple joints: my personal experience is that rheum are only interested in the inflammatory stuff. I’ve been referred to orthopaedics this year as a result of OA and another problem in my hips that effect my mobility, but otherwise nothing doing. Due to gastro issues I can no longer take NSAID painkillers, either, which is the usual advice for pain arising from OA. From what I can see, they only really show an interest when you reach a point that surgery may be - or become - necessary.

Thanks for your reply… your experiences are what I was expecting, the OA stuff has been pushed aside for a few years and really needs addressing now, and like you nsaids are not really an option for me
Yes in theory and no in practice in my case. Currently under a consultant for osteo in knees and hips but got there via GP; not rheumatology. Ditto feet. Got those looked at via GP referral too.
My R team said stick with GP For the OA for speed when I went to them 3yrs ago when diagnosed with RA. My Oa been around a long time and knees are now bone on bone and will need op on both. I find GP
Works well for this and work out best things to do ie not much but sorts the pain meds for me
Primarily they look after my RA but treating one helps the other I find. It's the OA that I had two hip replacements,and now have wear and tear with both shoulders so I had guided steroid injections for that
A rheumy covers loads of muscular-skeletal issues, in theory. But many don’t have the time to deal with anything other than the auto-immune diseases like RA and Lupus etc.
When I had to have an arthroplasty (clean and polish) in my knees years ago I went straight from GP to orthopaedic surgeon.
But talk to GP and rheumy. You might be lucky with a rheumy that will give time to both, and do things like guided injections.Mine does.
I think my hip issues are due to OA, so rang my GP who put me back to R team.I am asking for a xray but the GP put me back to R team.
I have a telephone appointment with the RA specialist in sept so I will wait to see what happens.
I think its all to do with who will pay for an xray.
I also think the damage the RA does leave you with OA? but I might be wrong with that bit??
I had a problem with my knee which I thought was to do with my RA ( very swollen) but rhuematology thought different and referred me to orthopedics. (turned out to be torn meniscus) when I mentioned it to my GP he said he was glad they had referred me because if he had done it I'd be waiting longer. orthopedic surgeon also suspects OA so wanted to have a good look while tear was repaired (still waiting for follow up on findings) so I think the two departments work closely and in future I'd definitely try and go through Rhuematology as i only had 6 week wait but I'm sure it's very dependant on area etc! Good luck in future
I have both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis as well as osteoporosis. Rheumatology only deal with the RA but it's on my notes about the OA. Over time I know the difference between the pain from RA compared to OA. I now have a lower back problem after a fall and my GP referred me to an orthopedic surgeon who checked me over and decided physio in the first instance was the way to go. So perhaps your GP could refer you to orthopaedics to review your knees. I would still bring it up with rheumatology though.
I have RA, OA and Fibro too and in my case my OA, which I have in my hands and feet, is treated by Orthopaedics. Do hope you get relief from your knee pain. My advice is to ask your GP to refer you to Orthopaedics.
Sadly I think they will ignore it! Mine have labelled some of my problems as OA, and now change the subject if I talk about. I’m in the process of getting a second opinion as I don’t agree it’s OA as it is mirrored and in all my small finger joints
Hi there, at my last rheumatologist appointment my meds had started to kick in and lots of my pain areas were feeling better. I still have major issues with right hip and knee. X-rays show a bit of osteo and other little things but nothing to warrant the pain. Rheumatologist said she thought it was osteoarthritis which I have had for years in a few joints. She tried to drain the knee and did give me a steroid injection in the knee. After the injection she said that she didn’t think that it would be effective. Not sure why. Well it wasn’t in fact knee has been more painful since and hip probably a bit worse too. She said to try physio which I have been going for about 6 weeks and also doing hydro therapy as I wanted to give it my best shot.
The physio is stumped by me and can’t work out what the problem is. Sometimes exercises and massage help but other times not. She has seen me at my worst thankfully so she is very understanding.
She has at times stirred up the pain but that doesn’t worry me because it gives her a better understanding of it.
It’s so hard to explain the pain and I think we are so used to it we can’t explain the serverity. I guess we have to keep trying different things and different doctors??
I’m hoping for a bit more help when I go to see my rheumatologist again. My GP said to try physio too.
Good luck with your problems. It would be great to have a one stop shop for all our issues.
I suspect the scope of treatment in rheumatology varies between health authorities. I'm in Scotland. One rheumy suggested a gel (sorry cant remember the name) which had absolutely no effect. When my knees became too much of a problem a different rheumatologist referred me to the surgeon who specialises in such replacements - at one meeting the surgeon said whether the pain was RA or OA was 'academic' but certainly the knee replacement has sorted that out.
I have OA in several joints due to RA. Maybe I've been lucky but I've found my RA team to be great. They have referred me to surgeons they have also referred me to physio and done steriod injections. I have found you have to ask though. If you don't ask you don't get. Which, is a problem if you don't know what to ask for. It's not right, but you almost have to be a specialist yourself to get the care you need.
Thank you everyone for these replies…. It’s clearly a muddy situation!