5th covid jab: Hi I’m confused as to potential fifth... - NRAS


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5th covid jab

Amb1xkr profile image
74 Replies

Hi I’m confused as to potential fifth vaccine. I’ve had 4 so far and had fourth one in January. How do we know if or when we are eligible for the 5th one. I had a letter from rheumatologist to tell me I needed last one.

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Amb1xkr profile image
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74 Replies
MadBunny profile image

I'm confused too. I had my 4th 3 weeks ago , but only got a letter from rheumatology about my 3rd, 3 months after I'd had it. The original letter for that came from the NHS via my GP. I'm just going to wait and see what happens.

nomoreheels profile image

I had my 5th (spring vaccine) 93 days after my 4th (booster). Anything from 3 to 6 months seems to be the time scale. I was invited for mine on the 92nd day, booked it online minutes later & vaccinated the following day.

As you had your 4th in January it would follow that you'd be eligible to have your 5th April time, or 91 days plus later, depending on when in January you had your 4th.

Amb1xkr profile image
Amb1xkr in reply to nomoreheels

Hi my 4th was on January 4th so should hear around 5th April if it follows same pattern. How were you invited? Thanks

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Amb1xkr

It was by email, the first time I’ve been notified this way. All the others my Surgery has phoned me to make the appointment, though only the 4th was actually done there.

Morning. I read it was in 6 months from your 4th.. so for me that would be August. You, July..

As NMH says though, you can have it done after 3 months; though 6 months is supposed to give greater efficacy..

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

It was something I considered but then a problem arises, timing for your autumn booster? If I was to wait six months that would take me to June for my spring booster & December for my autumn one. If it was summer & winter boosters then fine but it's not. Though I would think there will be many doing just that so who knows!

in reply to nomoreheels

It does seem to be a bit upside down and inside out… 😵‍💫.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to


AgedCrone profile image

The advice is “we will be called by nhs” … but in the past I have just turned up within one of the letters they send you and got the jab!But those on infusions need to speak to their rheumy team for a time scale…if you have an infusion too close to a vaccination it can skew things.

Neonkittie17 profile image

Hi, There was an NHS table of vaccine/booster timings kindly posted by Lola and also Maureen last week in a thread posted called “5th and 6th vaccine” and had details of how long to wait and lots of other info from members on here in that thread. Scroll down through the recent posts to see it. (It’s a way down now but has many replies and the table of timings is NHS official.)

The very recent NHS table says : “Booster dose and Spring booster from 3 months (91 days) after previous dose.” (That’s for the immunosuppressed category, and booster referring to our 4th vaccine and Spring booster our 5th.)

You could phone and ask 119? Or as AC said you can walk in with your letter of eligibility for a booster etc., to a vaccine centre and get your booster. No need to wait if it’s past 91 days. (If you’ve had your 3rd primary dose then you’re recorded as immune suppressed. There is a box to say you’re i-s that they tick on the computer form.) I also absolutely agree re checking the timings of your RA med(s) with your rheumy re when best to vaccinate.

Greengreengreen profile image

Having had to fight to arrange the 3rd and 4th which I was told to have but could never book myself, I couldn't believe my luck when I had a look on the NHS booking site last week. It allowed me to book my 5th exactly 3 months after the 4th. I got an appointment the following day. It’s definitely worth having a look as I told a friend and they found the same.

wilbertjellyfish profile image

I think you wait six months between 4th and 5th

CallMeSunny profile image

If you log in to your NHS website to book a Covid vaccine, you WILL be able to book a fifth…. a) if you’re eligible and ….b) for a date no sooner than 91 days since your 4th vaccination. If you are able to book, you can then choose a vaccination centre nearby, several choices are available. All very easy to do…for once!

Tourk profile image

The simple answer is they will keep producing vaccines for as long as people will have them. Covid threat or not.As long as you are taking vitamin D covid posses no greater threat than the normal seasonal mild flu.

Eat healthy get as pleanty of fresh air, that's fresh air not through a mask. And relax enjoy life, stop living in fear.

If you feel having the latest vaccine will give you peace of mind that's upto you, but don't worry about it.

Covid was made to be confusing. Like the old saying goes "if you can't blind them with brilliance, baffle them with b--------".

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Tourk


Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Green230461

Medical science based on independent unbias research. Not media headlines

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Tourk

Fully agree with you there🙋🏻‍♀️

in reply to Tourk

20 million (extra) people died globally…..

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to Tourk

Sadly the results from a recent research project showed that vitamin D did not improve outcomes for those with Covid.

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Boxerlady

Last Friday meeting with rheummy I was told to keep on with Vit D because it helps the body absorb other meds.

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to Green230461

I quite agree that Vitamin D is beneficial just not that it's particularly effective against Covid 😊

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Boxerlady

I just line up the tablets on the table now! I could play snooker 🎱

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to Green230461

I'm a "grab them all together and neck them down" type of person! 😂

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Boxerlady

Much prefer a cider 😊

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Boxerlady

It’s needed for our RA but agree with you it’s not a covid cure by itself. x

Mozza61 profile image
Mozza61 in reply to Tourk

I totally agree so much proper gander and fear mongering around covid just enjoy live your life

Runrig01 profile image

You can go online and book, it will let you prebook as long as it’s more than 61 days since last vaccine. I personally have mine booked for 8th April, as nhs haven’t always sent my alerts to book. You can book it for anytime after 91 days from last vaccine. The advice online is muddled the nhs website states immunosuppressed should try and wait 6 months. However the green book on immunisations that gps follow recommends 3 months, so that we are aligned for autumn boosters. Someone shared this grid, which explains when you should get your booster

Booster plan
Amb1xkr profile image
Amb1xkr in reply to Runrig01

Brilliant thanks. Just booked it online.

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Runrig01

Thanks for this🙋🏻‍♀️

Green230461 profile image

I was told at the hospital to take vaccines at least 91 days apart.

swansea-c1ty profile image

I’ve had an appt for early April today had my fourth in Jan so 3 months on

greynot profile image

I checked my eligibility online, in the Green Book ( the ultimate authority on this)...sorry, I don't have the link.

Criteria for Spring Booster now includes those on long term immunosuppressant treatment for a number if conditions, including RA.

I've had 3 jabs so far as I wasn't eligible for 4th, being on 20mg Methotrexate (you had to be on >20 mg) but spring booster doesn't have that threshold.

So I phoned a local pharmacy, who said I'm eligible and booked me in. I asked if I needed to get a letter from GP, rheumatology, or anywhere and was told no, it would be on the system.

So fingers crossed this is all correct, and I'll take my prescription details just in case.

Twinboys profile image

Wait what? 5?? Here in the USA we did 3. No talk about 4th and in England you’re on your 5th?

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to Twinboys

Most people here in the UK are meant to be having their 4th in the Spring ( having had 2 primarys and a booster) but those of us who are immunocompromised were given 3 primarys and a booster so the Spring vaccination will be our 5th.

It is true. Statistics. 🥸

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to

Not from covid.

in reply to Tourk

No you are right, and the statisticians and scientists are totally wrong. The 20 million excess deaths over the past couple of years is pure coincidence. 🤣

Neonkittie17 profile image

The most part of us are credible enough to work out where there are lies. We’ve seen and heard so many of late. Vitamin D alone can’t cure this pandemic but the supplement is highly beneficial especially to those with RD/RA. What would concern me is if immunosuppressed people think they don’t need a vaccine/booster as Vit D alone will protect them. You are better being protected by both I feel.

Neonkittie17 profile image

Those who are immunosuppressed and at higher risk are advised to have the vaccines as the consequences of being immunosuppressed and no vaccine protection may not be too great. You just don’t know how each person will react to the virus and I feel the majority of such people don’t want to risk it. Up to each individual what they decide. A lot of people who say vaccines aren’t going to help are not those who have to try to stop themselves getting the virus badly as their immunity is so poor. Not everyone is understanding severe immunosuppression in RA. Or the meds they take for RA. Or indeed RA. That’s all from me.

Lolabridge profile image

Do what you want but don’t try to discourage others from having jabs who may be far more vulnerable and at risk than you.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Exactly my point too. xx

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

It my intention to discourage other from doing what they feel is right. One should not feel threatened by knowledge, but informed by it.That why I said regardless of having the vaccine or not you should be taking vitamin D. The only side effect is better health, that's not a bad thing.

We all want to see the end to covid, just as we want to live without fear.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tourk

May I suggest you revisit your post above and proof read it!!

I have never felt threatened by knowledge but I always check its provenance. I read scientific journals and papers, especially The Lancet Rheumatology. I gather my knowledge from reliable sources which have been fact checked for accuracy. I suggest you do the same in future.

oldtimer2 profile image

It's good to hear that you had the Delta variant and were not seriously ill. You were fortunate that your body was able to mount its own defences. So many people have been seriously ill or have died. This is not a trivial illness for so many people.

But what 'terrible side-effects' of the vaccine are you talking about? If you are meaning the effects recorded on the yellow card scheme a lot of people are confused (or have been persuaded by others) into thinking that those conditions are directly associated with the vaccine. But many of them are not and would have occured anyway with or without the vaccine. Remember that association does not prove causation.

The vaccine is only provoking the same response in our bodies as the infection does. Sometimes this does cause reactions and makes people feel ill, as they would do with the infection, but for most people the infection is much more serious.

There is quite a lot of doubt about whether Vit D is, in fact, effective in helping to prevent severe illness in people who catch one of the varieties of Covid 19. If you look at the studies it is not clear cut. As long as you stick to the correct dosage, it won't harm you, but whether it will protect you from severe illness seems unlikely from the published research.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to oldtimer2

Agree totally. I said above that so many people don’t understand immunosuppression. I take Vit D drops for many years due to severe D depletion due to RA, and been advised to continue by my rheumy and doc. I am repeating vaccines 1&2 at present and will be continuing to catch up with boosters, due to zero antibodies and severe immunosuppression last year. (My request and my immunologist’s approval/recommendation.)

Many of us know that D alone won’t prevent or cure the virus, but it will help you to have a healthier immunity. My constant lethargy and aching legs were apparently due to lack of Vit D.

My immunologist said that T cells look for Vit D when they make their response to viruses to assist them. (Won’t go into the science here!) That’s why it is important in general. It is not proven to be considered an alternative to the vaccines. x

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Neonkittie17

Good reply, just wanted to note that it has been proven to be 98% effective at treating Covid. The problem is when a cheap alternative to a vaccine is effective it's not good for shares in companies like Pfizer.

Saying that if taking a vaccine helps give people peace of mind that is upto them as long as the vaccine does no harm.

Out of interest in the UK people who have zero antibodies are advised not yo have the vaccine as it doesn't work for them. ( this is information from people I've talked to. Not from my own research).

It seems the vaccine needs an Immune system for the vaccine to change. This might tye in with using part of the hiv virus to interact on a normal healthy immune system.

All fascinating stuff if not rather scarry.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tourk

Where is the scientific evidence to substantiate your claim for vitamin D “that it had been 98% effective at treating Covid”? Please post a link to a reputable scientific site that proves your statement.

Nobody denies that we are all likely to be healthier if we have good levels of vitamin D in our bodies. For that reason many of us take supplements especially if we lack exposure to sunlight for some reason.

I do not believe many of the claims you are making so if you cannot substantiate them with scientific fact please stop posting. You are likely to be worrying some people unnecessarily.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

Would you like me to provide links to independent reports showing case studies? Also please refer to yougov.co.uk it's takes some looking but the information is their.

It's not easy to navigate through a mine field of misinformation and out right propaganda.

The double blind experiment I referred to, was done by a Spanish hospital, the results were published June July 2020 ( if I remember correctly).

Please check these reports out it makes for interesting reading. The yellow card Cards scheme run by the British government, is more disturbing than interesting.

I Appreciate we live in Extraordinary times, times where we are constantly being told to fear this or that. Not knowing which way to turn, or what to beleave. Only by questioning can we find the truth. Even if its a truth we fund uncomfortable.

All I'm trying to get across to people is don't fear the latest booster might be late. Make the most of life that we can, do what we can to help our selves and don't let the TV make you live in fear.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tourk

Yes I am asking you to post direct links to the sources of the information that you are quoting on here. I’m not going to hunt for them.

I am concerned that some of the claims you have made are very unsettling for other readers and will worry them unnecessarily.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Me too, Lola re people being unsettled as we said before last week. It’s one thing saying how much vitamin D helps the immune but to say it is covid curing/preventing is something not proven.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

I try to keep my comments up beat, and in no way intend to upset anyone. How ever popular opinion doesn't mean true. Sadly questioning perceived dogma is seen as a threat by some. And of course the tenancy to read things into a comment that aren't there.

This forum is to discuss different health issues we face, treatments and suport. As with all discussions we sometimes encounter differing points of view. Mine are based (as much as possible) on research and personal experience.

I have not and would not suggest people don't take treatment though I have suggested things they can take vitamin D as an effective aid to improve their health. While improving their resistance to viruses ( man made or other wise).

What I'm saying is don't live in fear enjoy life look after your heath body and mind. Don't be fooled into living in fear by media headlines

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

Part of the destination is the journey. From experience when I've posted links people just disappear. They no longer want to discuss the topic.It's as if we are so used to being spoon fed information that the thought of doing our own research has been removed.

I appreciate its different for people in my position where spending many hours in bed drives the need to see what's the truth behind the headlines.

I wonder if how propaganda is used to control public opinion has a relation to how some react to a different point of view to the one projected by the media?

The woes of having an inquisitive mind lol

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tourk

I've not disappeared and I have read and researched Covid and its various treatments as you have.

I'm still waiting for you to post the actual hyperlinks to the scientific research you have mentioned on here. Especially the one to substantiate your statement that "... vitamin D has been 98% effective in treating Covid"!

Neonkittie17 posted this link in her reply to you below and properly conducted research it describes seems to disagree with your statement.


Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

That's not resurtch that's propaganda. Is it OK if I private message you ?I'm concerned that our Conversation may cause upset to some one.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tourk

Please don’t message me.

Unfortunately I think you may have already upset or worried some people with your earlier messages.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

That's fine I would never private message someone without asking them first. Its just good manners. some people find anything that isn't following what they have been told upsetting. They don't want to see any other side to what they have been told, even if its for their benifit.

I know it gets lost sometimes in discussions but just because I don't need a vaccine for covid doesn't mean they don't want it.

I'm trying to get across to people that their health will be alot better if they take vitamin D. You would dream of going without water so why wouldn't you take a quality vitamin D.

I also try to incurrage people to stop worrying about the latest headline, get out, get some fresh air and enjoy life . Obviously take care but make the most of life whoke you can. And you said in your last comment some people are upset by that, but that doesn't mean it should be said.

Take care

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Tourk

My link is most certainly not to something which is propaganda. Never in a million years would I post a link to something that wasn’t credible and factual. I always choose carefully what to link people to. I just want it to be known that I have not posted any links to propaganda.

I wonder if you are able to take up your debate directly with these medics/researchers in my link, who you disagree with? They are scientists and medics of the highest calibre. There could be a link for an email to the publication at the foot of the article for you to contact them and tell them directly your concerns. Also, look at their long list of referenced articles at the end of their article and see how many other scientific organisations say the very same as they have. Or maybe there are relevant vitamin D FB groups/forums and people who are like minded that you can find affinity with.

I replied at length previously at a time I’ve really been very busy too, so haven’t run away or ignored anything. This thread has strayed somewhat from its original subject matter, so I apologise to the originator. 💗

I wish you all the best and hope you can discuss your concerns with some scientists/medics/immunologists and maybe your own rheumatologist/consultant can assist you.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Neonkittie17

Would you say drinking water makes no difference to how sick someone is with covid? Because saying vitamin D makes no difference is saying the same thing. The report is based on profit not on sound medical studies.

Like when Americas are told fat is the killer not sugar, because the studies where funded by the sugar industry.

The definition of research in " the systematic investigation into a study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new Conclusions.".

Seems this is always the case when people resurtch covid. To be fair it is hard to find the truth. Certainly won't find it in the media. Or rewtten reports that push an agenda.

If nothing else you are already taking vitamin D so unless you have a condition that means you are more Susceptible to flu like symptoms or one of the people this man made virus effects most . That and the vaccine you have very little to worry about.

Back to the Original post and comment, don't live in fear because you've gone for a few months without a booster.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Tourk

I haven’t even got close to being able to have a booster yet. (About to repeat my second primary dose.) Maybe you’re confusing me with someone else.

Apologies everyone for the length, but I’ve had a few misleading and presumptuous things posted about me. Need to clarify.

No, I never said vitamin D doesn’t make a difference, as I have already commented at least twice it is generally beneficial for the immune system and I did say how it is said to assist T cells. T cells look for Vitamin D in the body to aid them when they start their immune response. Why it’s important to take it for all general immunity and bone health issues. I’ve discussed this with my Immunologist. There just isn’t conclusive evidence on this at the moment, as others have also said here to your claims. Vitamin D does indeed make a difference for other general health issues. I wouldn’t be taking it otherwise.

I have the feeling you don’t fully understand immunosuppression or immunosuppressive medication and don’t realise how so many people who have these conditions/meds have had to shield/continue to shield and need be very careful. This is not an insult, but the comment to not worry is something many people have been doing exactly as they’ve got so little immunity. They can’t ignore their immunosuppression easily. They’ve also been strongly advised by their consultants to have the vaccines (and many also have been advised to shield and stay cautious) when they are so compromised by their conditions, and many of their meds lower their immunity to infections and viruses. Some immune response to the vaccines is better than none is their thinking and my thinking too. For those who don’t want vaccines for whatever reason, medical or otherwise, then it is their choice entirely.

Yes I’m one of these people .. highly immune suppressed .. zero antibodies to my first two vaccines. I’m repeating those and continuing my vaccine programme (and not relying on Vitamin D as an alternative to a vaccine.) I haven’t even had a second primary dose repeated as yet as my RA medication blunted my first two vaccines last year. I’m repeating those and then continuing with the rest of the programme as it’s my immunologist’s recommendation and wish and mine also. If anyone else does differently or the same, it’s their choice entirely.

I don’t think it’s right you make a comment, even if meant well that I have ... very little to worry about .... when one of the most high spec RA immune suppressants stopped me from making an immune response to the first two vaccines. You have made wrong assumptions here. I’ve had to pursue my vaccines repeating for the best part of a year and wait for my immunity to return for almost a year too, before I could start to repeat the vaccines. (That would be very little worry then?) Many thousands of others are also wondering if their meds blunted the vaccines’ efficacy and there are those like myself who also know for a fact they did. Why I feel the don’t worry comment is not appropriate for us all. For some RA patients, yes they won’t be anything like as immunocompromised and I’m very glad about that. I don’t wish to assume anything here and do not wish to cause offence at all, but I have to say I do feel you may not understand enough of how immunosuppression works especially re the vaccines. My RA med also blunted the efficacy of the flu and pneumonia vaccines.

If you are not an RA person who is immunosuppressed and on high level medication then it may be hard for you to understand where they/we are coming from, so your advice not to worry even if meant well isn’t going to go down well with some.

I’m very aware of how the media works (I’m a marketing and business graduate) and I chose an extremely credible article. (I did say before that there is an email at the foot of the article and maybe you could contact them to debate with the author(s) on this and let them know that you think it’s not credible.) I’m a very good researcher and reader. I’ve done this for many, many years as a student. You get to recognise a good article. A bad one too.

I wish you well with your health concerns whatever they are. I’m just very concerned as others are here that you continue to promote vitamin D as an alternative to a covid vaccine. Now I’d like to get some natural Vitamin D outside before the sun fades. 🌞 That’s all from me Tourk as I’ve nothing more to add than I already have.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Neonkittie17

Thank you for your reply, interesting reading , you are right it's very easy to misinterpret the intent of ones comments. Having dyslexia I've had to learn to reread information. Eve then it's all to easy to the wrong impression.My best friend is a solicitor more than most he unstands the use of Language and how important it is to write in a way that can not be misinterpreted.

Unfortunately when Passionate about a subject, the meaning is lost to the reader.

By me saying "regardless of having the vaccine or not it's important to take vitamin D ", is not me saying don't have the vaccine it is me saying vitamin D helps .

Also one rereading my comment a day after I have on occasionally noticed that predictive text has changed a word or two that has altered to meaning of the content.

I'm interested in other points of view, especially ones that differ from my own. It opens up new possibilities that I may not of thought of. And I have changed mymind after resurtching new information.

Marketing and business an interesting subject to studi, I came at it from the otherside as in art based. How colour and language is used to market goods. Selling an idea isn't that different from selling a product.

As we saw in the colours used on the podium in the UK by the government when giving the daily does of covid fear.

My intention in commenting on this site is to booster people's confidence, offering them suport and a way out of the fear that many feel after 2years of terrible news. To give them a positive out look on life.

I am sorry to hear you are Immunosuppressed, its must of been a very hard time for you. Its a hard thing to cope with even under normal circumstances.

I try different things not so much drugs as I struggle to get to see the doctor for bed soars I found the best treatment to be cheap mouth wash on a cotton pad. This was from an Article I was reading on gum health. And how mouth wash can benefit other Bacterial problems. It works far better ( for me ) than canesten ( sorry if its spelt wrong) or all the other creams the doctors prescribed over the years.

My wife made me a tea of boiled orange and grapefruit skin. It was ment as a pick me up, but worked surprisingly well at easing my ra.

Hope I haven't rambed on to much. Its raining and I've been putting off having to getup.

Take care

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tourk

You have changed your tune and, I gather, edited some of your posts!

In your original posts on this and some other threads you had made a number of unsubstantiated claims, that you have now either retracted or tone down.

Unfortunately the things you posted earlier have worried other members on this site and I have reported you to the NRAS Admins for them to take appropriate action.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Thank you Lola, I have other (British) links re Vit D/links from The Lancet and BMJ .. my go-to sources of research, information and data. This publication in my link was the most comprehensive and easy to understand than the others I saw. I do feel it is a very credible and unbiased website/organisation. Medics and scientists from all over the world contribute to it. I do not think for one moment their objective is propaganda. (If the admins on here think the link I posted and you re-posted is propaganda, I shall remove it.) I couldn’t find anything from 2022 as yet that was better than this.

I think it is a good article explaining the many benefits of Vit D, but how it’s not been proved to cure or prevent covid. I certainly don’t think this is in any way propaganda. A credible medical and scientific organisation would not want to do that. You and I have concerns that people on here don’t think Vit D is an alternative/substitute for the vaccines and one which will prevent covid. I’ll continue taking my Vit D as usual, but will be continuing with my vaccine programme. xx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Tourk

Out of interest I had zero antibodies because a very powerful medication was depleting all my B cells and as I’m sure you are aware, B cells are needed to produce the immunoglobulins/antibodies which are needed for vaccine protection. T cells play a very important role, it is said by all the experts, but T cell monitoring is much more involved re testing, as only certain hospitals can process results with the lymphocyte (subset) panels. I’ve had those done myself. I’m not on that B cell depletion medication now since 10 months and several blood tests proved my B cells are replenished to a level which is needed to respond to vaccines, so I’ll take the advice of my immunologist re antibodies. I’ll do that because he has studied and practiced for many years and works in one of the top immunology centres in Europe. He specialises in SID caused by medication. If he thought vitamin D alone was going to prevent covid he’d have said so. He didn’t say so. He won’t say so. If the vaccines still don’t work for me, then I’ll very likely be eligible for Evusheld.

Many severely immunosuppressed people who don’t have antibodies found this out after they had had the vaccines. It was suspected for those who were known to be antibody depleted due to PID for example, but highlighted that many were still advised to see if the vaccines worked as a little protection could make a big difference than not even trying/having the vaccines. Of course the vaccine needs a decent immune system/immune response to work well ... that’s why there has been so much official medical advice online/in journals/webinars about pausing medication around the time of vaccination. Many such patients were/are well informed and left maximum space between their med(s) and vaccines but still it wasn’t enough. Some patients simply weren’t informed/advised enough. I left maximum space and wasn’t enough for me.

I don’t believe vitamin D alone is going to cure/prevent the virus and I won’t change my thoughts on that. We can read all sorts of claims and information and there’s so much disinformation. The credibility of the source is what’s important. I’ve not got any shares in Pfizer or any pharmaceutical company ... it’s up to me and my immunologist if I want/need to have any vaccines/repeats and it’s up to you if you want to rely on vitamin D alone. As I said last week, I just don’t want people to be misled by the claims of a vitamin D prevention/cure and think they can use it alone as an alternative/substitite for vaccines. They/we can use vitamin D to help the general immune system and prevent bone deterioration.

There is not enough conclusive evidence to promote vitamin D as an alternative to the vaccines online, looking at many articles from the genuine organisations. The reliable sources such as the BMJ and The Lancet would have said so and they both say it isn’t proven/insufficient evidence. So does the International Journal of Clinical Practice. See link below. Queen Mary hospital was doing a Co-Vit trial of 5,000 people well over a year ago, but I haven’t seen any results published to say it was evident/conclusive other than it can be seen to help some respiratory conditions. Until I see some concrete evidence it is known to prevent/cure covid, I think we could go round and round on this subject, which is rather fruitless.


Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to oldtimer2

This isn't the platform to go into details as many on here veiwed the vaccine as a life line.If you are interested have a look at the yellow card pages on the yougov.uk website or message me privately. It doesn't make for comfortable reading.

83% of those worst effected by covid where and still are vitamin D Deficient. This is why I always Encourage people to take it.

My health in general is pretty poor. It would be far worse if I didn't take vitamin D or eart reasonably healthy. I struggle to exercise but do what I can.

Unfortunately we live in times where fear is used to push an agenda , one that is not based on public health. But wealth for a few

oldtimer2 profile image
oldtimer2 in reply to Tourk

I'm not clear what you mean by your last sentence - are you referring to the vacinnes or to adverse effects reported? Yes I have seen the yellow page adverse effects reports. They fall into three groups basically - firstly those likely to have been caused by the vaccine, like the blood clots (but noting that blood clots are much commoner after live infections, probably by the same mechanism). Secondly those events that occured shortly after the vaccine which are unlikely biologically to be caused by the vaccine but need further investigation and collection of information and thirdly those where the two are clearly unrelated. It looks as if we will have to agree to differ on our interpretation.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to oldtimer2

Quite agree, but what you have missed is the same is true about the "covid 19 " mortality numbers.In the UK ( November 2021) the number of those who died between 0 and 84 where covid is the only course of death is less than 7,000. Not that differ from flu.

Worth noting in America covid ran along side a ten year flu.

I've deleted the rest of my comment as I feel ti's isn't the forum to Discuss this.

It is not my intention to pit people off from having a vaccine they feel they need, and I certainly don't want to course upset or fear.

I try to keep my comments light and positive. I hope my comments are seen as supporting good health and a positive out look on life.

So I'll end with saying . If you are not taking vitamin D please do so I know it'll improve your general health and give you energy.

Take care and enjoy life.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Tourk

Can I ask please? As you're concerned about people with RD & the connection re deficiency which comes with the disease what are your thoughts about Vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine & prednisolone?

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to nomoreheels

interesting question, The way I look at it, is vitamin D is like adding oil to your engine. It helps everything run smoothly. Things are less likely to break and it helps filter out contaminants. If you lack vitamin D your body begins to wear it doesn't run properly and is more Susceptible to contamination. Prevention is easier than cure.

I take fulcrum D3 800iu (cholecalciferol) every day double it sometimes when pain is worse or I feel run down. Of course one can never say how bad the ra would be without taking this. From my experience it helps. As its active vitamin D I don't have to wait 14days for it to work.

It seems people have lost the ability to listen to their bodies.

Third rewite.... was to long, told you stuff you already know and comes down to, try different things see what works for you.

Ra is just one of the health / mobility issues I have. It's reasonably stable, slowly getting worse. Due to mobility issues I've not seen my doctor for over a year. There is little they can do for me, other than pain management. I figure the doctors have more important things to do than repeatedly telling me they can't do anything for me.

Saying that I still keep an eye on new effective treatments "Otilimab", is an interesting one. To late for me but may help others .

Treating these corporations is one thing, but it doesn't address the root course.

We still use simple drugs to enhance our bodies natural Immune system against things like malaria negating the need drugs like hydroxychloroquine.

In the west we don't need to take these drugs because malaria isn't a threat. But would we take a regular vaccine to stop ra?

A lot of the health problems we face are due to poor food and life style. Hence the ever greater numbers of people with food allergies.

So before I ramble on to much again and have to edit this again. What do you take for ra, have you tried hydroxychloroquine & prednisolone. Would you recommend them?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Tourk

Thank you for your extensive reply. Hydroxychloroquine (for RD so as a DMARD not an antimalarial) was the first DMARD prescribed for me. I’m currently on prednisolone, 9 years continually. I'm also prescribed methotrexate (12, nearly 13 years) plus the usual NSAID & various types of pain relief.

My question was specifically related to the absorption of Vitamin D, or rather reduced or malabsorption relating to HCQ & prednisolone, taken independently or together, notwithstanding RD itself. In fact I’m prescribed 800iu D3 (equivalent to 20μg colecalciferol) in the form of twice daily AdcalD3. This was only prescribed following the first DEXA scan required for continual dosing of pred, so my osteoporosis status not for RD itself given it also has an effect of the absorption of D3. Obviously a different method to your fultium D3 but the same 800iu (20μg) dose as you take. When tested my D3 levels are always above 50 so haven't considered or been advised to be supplementing what I'm already prescribed. I must say that I'm not as enthused as you are re D3 & coronavirus.

I'm sorry to hear your situation & limited medication for RD. Have you gone through the usual treatment regime, DMARDs, JAK Inhibitors, anti-TNF's/Biologics? Are you not able to be seen in clinic, even transported by ambulance as you're limited by your mobility? It does seem by your explanation that they've written you off, yet you're slowly getting worse. Not sure I’d be content if I was in the same situation, not without exploring all avenues. Have you considered getting a second opinion? Or maybe contact the NRAS helpline, get their take on your situation. The number is 0800 298 7650 & they're open Mon-Fri from 9:30am to 4:30pm.

NB sorry for hijacking your post Amb1xkr.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to nomoreheels

Hydroxychloroquine has come up a few times, it was the goto cure doctor's where using in Canada to treat covid, until they where stopped from using it. Alomst as if a drug that works isn't wanted. Might explain why Canadian truckers have been the leading force is democracy pro choice. Not that their actions have been reported

Back to my rather brief explanationof Hydroxychloroquine, I have come across it as an a treatment for RA. Not something I've discussed with my doctor. Clearly your knowledge of it far exceeds mine.

As I mentioned before Ra plays a small part in health issues. As with a couple of operations I've been putting off, I've just got used to living with it. Slowly over time it's playing a bigger part and I should think about preventative measures.

I really need to move the house I'm in is totally unsuitable for some with disabilities bamp and cold. With only one bathroom upstairs. I've got a tv and access to the Internet in the bedroom so it's not to bad.

Picking things apart looking at a subject from all sides is great for passing time, but doesn't win me any friend's somehow I don't think I'll ever be on kitties Christmas card list.

Of subject.. I've always thought the most interesting people to talk to are those who disagree with me. It helps keep me grounded and question my opinion. A few times I've changed my opinion after resurtching something someone's said. Other times it's confermes it.

I've always been Fascinated by truth not faith in subject, how people react to someone who offers a subjective opinion on a subject. Best friend or worst enemy right is right. It's cost me a few friends over the years.

With this covud thing I've had it from both sides. You know the covid is because of 5g and the your killing people because you've not had an experimental vaccine blar blar blar. Lol

To say vitamin D doesn't make any difference to how ill you are from covid when in the UK 83% of those who have needed hospital treatment or sadly died from covid where Deficient in vitamin D in there blood. Is a bit like saying drinking water makes no difference to how ill you are from covid.

At the end of the day people should do what they feel is right. But it should be based on 'sound" information not media driven Hysteria.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tourk

You have changed your tune and, I gather, edited some of your posts!

In your original posts on this and some other threads you had made a number of unsubstantiated claims, that you have now either retracted or tone down.

Unfortunately the things you posted earlier have worried other members on this site and I have reported you to the NRAS Admins for them to take appropriate action.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Yes, Lola, I noticed the amendments which could make our replies look a tad odd but .. we’ll live with that. Yes, I also reported the earlier posts which were really concerning me very much too, that some people reading those might not go for their boosters. It isn’t being mean or unpleasant as that’s not what we want to do, but we reported this to admins as it is out of our genuine concern for others. 💗x

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

rereading my comments I corrected a few spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. I changed very little in content other than just a few words where I wanted to get my point across more clearly. without people miss understanding what I was saying, or trying to say.unfortunately, it seems no matter what I say or how I say it, you find it upsetting.

my lat comment was in response to nomoreheals, who was talking about Hydroxychloroquine. its effects on RA and its use in treating covid 19. I've read some interesting reports on its use in both. not something I have tried yet, though it is good to have knowledge of what is effective at treating different conditions.

as much as possible I will use natural cures aids. though I also take prescribed medications. some work better than others depending on the person. if nothing else the natural remedies help boost the prescribed drugs.

of course, always check with your doctor and tell them what you are taking.

I hope that at least this is something we can agree on.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Lolabridge

Not at all, my knowledge on the subject hasn't changed. If anything going over old research I found new information. As I said before this is not the forum to discuss this.

Vitamin D is an extremely important vitamin to take regardless of Whether you think it works for against covert or not. Epically if you have a disability.


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