I work in a small primary school we have 11 out of 22 staff down with covid. Many children off with covid . Public health contacted the school today . All remaining staff and children ( except reception children) to do lateral flow tests daily for the next 7 days but school to remain open . This is madness. The last 3 days of school the children are watching videos or having parties. As I’m CEV I feel very let down and very apprehensive never mind angry.
🤬🤬🤬: I work in a small primary school we have 11 out... - NRAS
I don't blame you darling it wouldn't hurt everyone to go home. Why doesn't the head just shut the school and be damned, xxxx
I'm speechless. I just can't understand it. I'm not surprised you are feeling like that. Take care xx
...and then the powers at be wonder why we may be heading for a tsunami of omicron infections and the knock on effects to individuals and the NHS.
My heart goes out to you and others like you, and all workers having to plod on, whilst our leaders party, don't wear masks, don't socially distance.
The head of the EIS (Scotland) has called for the schools to close now, rather than risk closure in January/February, but it is falling on deaf ears atm.
I agree with you the government are only interested in economics. The irony is what is gained economically is washed away by cost of NHS trying to run under the strain.

It seems nonsensical to make the same mistakes again. We gained so much earlier in the year and recently seem to be throwing it all away.How to manage pandemics is well documented throughout history, we know what works, but the rise of the individual has prevented us just getting on with it...and we have vaccination that we did not in the past.
So sorry to hear this, it just feels like absolute chaos and I cannot imagine how you must be feeling and hope that for the sake of people's health (and especially in your situation) they close earlier. It it were snowing or the boiler broke down they would so knowing the numbers and risk why would this appear to be different? Take care xx
We have no heating on . Doors and windows open children wearing coats and layers in an attempt to keep everyone safe 🙄yep that’s going to work.

So that's a regulation gone by the board then, as I remember from my days in education I thought that it had to not go below a certain temperature in school. It is so wrong, I don't blame you for handing in your notice after Christmas, time to look after number one and make sure you can keep as safe and well as can be. xx
I remember that heating regulation from days gone by, from the days when education was fun and not ruled by the government!
I recall as a child being sent home as the boiler had broken down and when working in a school myself if the heating dropped below a certain temperature, it was considered as an issue and both staff and children could be sent home. Now it's forget the heating, fling the windows and doors open, we will educate you, even if you are too cold to remember anything and the staff cold, stressed and exhausted too. I also remember some (not all) parents would send their children into school sick (pre covid) and despite knowing they didn't work they wouldn't respond to phone calls from school or would simply go out, leaving staff trying to teach a class while looking after little Peter and Jane who were burning up, vomiting or sporting a rash. Half the room being cordoned off as a 'sanatorium' while the other half of the room children potentially permeating what Peter and Jane had. So I cannot imagine the strain and risks staff and children are under with Covid. It all seems like a mess.
That’s crazy
It’s crazy. But probably so parents can continue to work until they break up!! (Mentioned by a spokesperson on radio at lunchtime)
Exactly! Never mind they will be all ill over Christmas. Our staff deserve a break it’s has been a difficult term but as my colleagues say they will be ill over Christmas or at the start of the new term so we will be in exactly the same position. After Christmas I’m handing in my notice . One it’s not safe and two I’m working so hard my RA is permanently active as is my fibro. I work I sleep that’s my life for months . I can’t take care of me .

I’m sorry to hear this 😢💗 and yes you must do what’s best for you and can’t live under this constant anxiety and uncertainty. I hope you can find a safer role. Not easy at all. x

I'm sorry you feel that you need to hand in your notice, but the stress involved in working is overwhelming.Health wise you are likely to feel better all round.

I'm sorry it's come to this. It can't have been an easy decision to reach but you need to look after yourself 🤗

That's really sad how this situation is affecting your health so much ☹ you have to do what is right for you and your health. X

You could be me talking, what will you instead? I contemplate handing myNotice in weekly at the moment!
I don’t know. First I need to have a good run of health . I need to start exercising but I can’t do both work and exercise . I have been thinking of working from home . Age concern sounds like a possibility. There have been vacancies for jobs . One job was to ring elderly and befriend them so they are not so lonely. I’m a good communicator. Just a thought. Fingers crossed you dodge this virus and have a good Christmas.
Stay safe xx

I stopped teaching when my life got to the work/sleep pattern. I decided there was more to life than teaching!
Snap! New year I hand my notice in .

Ah Bless you, there's more to life than that constant strain and pain. You can't carry on like that. YOU matter, remember! God Bless, x
Terrible , government no clue
I not surprised you feel let down! That is shocking. In a way I’m not surprised, my son’s friend’s daughter’s head teacher announced at the start of term that it was great that covid was over and they could get back to singing assemblies and that they could get back to singing assemblies. Then even if children in the class had covid their daughter didn’t have to quarantine unless said child sat at her table. Last week I heard about a mother from her class whose daughter was off with covid and who found it incredibly difficult to tell the other parents in the class. No help from the school, she must have managed because my son’s friend found out.Like you say the last three days of Christmas term - parties, videos, board games and you in the middle of it all.
We have siblings at school where one tested positive but the others went to school. They don’t need to isolate and they can’t be forced to be tested 🤷♀️


That is beyond awful isn’t it. I don’t blame you fir handing in your notice - I did the same with my teaching job some years ago - pre covid but I’d just had enough of it all. You’ll find there is a life after teaching - a good one too 😉 Take care of yourself. Could you not phone in and say you think you have covid too - and stay off until after Christmas? I know it’s not something you would do under normal circumstances but these aren’t normal circumstances.
It crossed my mind to say lateral flow is positive and going for a PCR test as these results are taking up to 3 days. I have never done this before and feel for my colleagues… but the temptation…

I would do it. Stay safe. X

Do it!
Government policy seems to be herd immunity and each man for himself!
Why keep the school open if that many are ill. Sorry you are going through this. It seems all you can do is try to keep yourself safe as you can in the circumstances.
Yes I an imagine how you feel, no it doesn't make sense. ☹
That's just not fair on you 😕 I have a running risk assessment regarding my health during this Covid period. You should, if you haven't already, talk to your head. You have a right to feel safe. If you don't have that support, maybe go sick until the end of the week - you can self-certificate.
Unfortunately head has covid but yes I think I will go off sick . We are an academy and I’ve had no direction from HR apart from needing a meet because I had 3 weeks off due to a chest infection and this lights up a problem 🙄can’t wait . Shall list all extra duty’s including having to work in the kitchen today.

They have a duty of care to provide safe working conditions. They should be making reasonable adjustments wrt your conditions. Not that many workplaces are bothered by these legal requirements any more.
It's sad,but so many people these days are pushed into handing in their notice...it's not worth the energy needed to fight.
You've had a scarily rough time in the workplace, and you're right to pack it in and concentrate on your health. There will be safer employment for you.
Sending virtual hugs xxxx
I‘m so sorry and the school situation is literally ludicrous. I certainly think you should call in sick to keep yourself safe.I find it unbelievable that there is no system within the schooling system and current government regulations to at least provide some protection for those more vulnerable. How is this the example the government should be setting children?
The current rules are purely based on economics and political opinion.
Apparently now only track and trace not schools notify of cases - we had no notifications from track and trace when half of my son‘s class had covid.
I cannot believe the ludicrousness of sending in siblings of positive cases. As a clinical worker in the NHS I could only return to work once the complete quarantine for the last positive case in our household had been completed. Those are the rules written by medics. Yet the government are insisting I send in siblings. As are many parents and I got some pretty nasty messages for refusing to send siblings in from a large and vocal majority of parents at school which was really upsetting.
I tried to take him out as I‘m vulnerable and got told he had mandatory school attendance. The he caught covid and was hysterical with panic he might infect and kill me. He is 9. surely we should be sparing children this.
Those can’t be conditions for learning and nurturing at the moment!
The head later apologised and said I should have just done the right thing for our family at that point in time. And I should have done.
I strongly feel the right thing for you to do now is to keep yourself safe and stay home.
You have all my sympathy xxx
Thank you . The government has a lot to answer for . Their thinking is children rarely very Ill or die with covid so that’s ok to keep schools open . Xx

It’s a shocking situation, my daughters a teacher, the risks are so high for you. A few schools in Scotland have closed till after New Year because of high cases of Covid. This new variant is very scary, I’m now thinking of cancelling Christmas Day yet again. Stay safe and go for a PCR and give yourself a few days off.

It’s such an awful situation! I am vunerable and have two children 4 and 7. A third of my sons class tested positive, siblings all returned immediate negative PCR tests and came back to school and then had positive LFTs and the PCRs by the end of the week! The school had to shut for one day as there was not enough staff and now has opened and they’re all congratulating themselves that they have dodged a bullet?! I have never known anything g like the stress of this and my children are also terrified that they will infect me - it BREAKS MY HEART that they have to look after me and not me them!!!!
I’ve kept them home now and we were initially told that we would be fined £120 per child but the head has come round and agreed we have no other choice just now.
I really don’t know what to do, no options are good ones, I hurt them or I hurt me.
I’m at breaking point.
So sorry for all and any of you going through this, it’s total insanity and so so unfair!!
It’s not right you have been put in this position. Your doing the right thing.x
Having been in the same position it is absolutely horrific and nobody should be put in it, especially not the children!!!I‘m glad that they are now not fining you.
There is actually a small loop hole allowing schools to permit absence for covid reasons which they can use at their discretion for those who are vulnerable or have vulnerable household members I have found out.
Our school have apologised to me and have agreed that I will be warned and can take kids out in advance but it really should never happen in the first place.
When my middle son caught it off his older brother I then had the 9 year old caring for the 5 year old adamant I shouldn’t go near him - heart warming watching him help administer asthma meds and rub cream on but also entirely heart breaking.
My heart goes out to you and your kids. Keep them home and hold them tight for now.
Thinking of you xxx
PS: having said all that the 9 year old came home with most of his books today having been told they were all coming home between now and Friday to be kept at home over the holidays in case school had to start up remotely in January…someone obviously knows something I don‘t!!

Oh that’s so hard for all of you!! But what lovely children you are raising 🥰Thank you for your reply, I sometimes feel so guilty for all of this and how it affects the kids, so support is greatly appreciated!
Have a happy Christmas all of you xx
It’s such misguided reasoning though. Children hardly exist in isolation. What’s the calculation - how many vulnerable, pregnant or elderly people are worth 3 days of primary school 🙈🙈🙈 I really feel for you and I hope you can take steps to stay safe. Nothing is worth your health and safety.xxx
I feel the same. Lots of parents testing positive and kids are sent in. Also got norovirus too now so all fun and games not. Wonder if we have to shield again
I think we should shield but nobody cares . Norovirus is horrible but you do loose weight 😉xx
Infuriating isn’t it?! I’m in a similar position, we are down 2 of the three teachers in our year group with positives right now. The daily testing rather than closing classes for testing is now the generic guidance for over 5s….. taking my lateral flow tests feels increasingly like Russian roulette - and I’m running out of chances! Today is my last day before Christmas…. Fingers crossed!
I’m sorry to hear that, it’s all bonkers.
I work for a Sixth Form College, albeit Admin, not teaching. I have very limited contact now with students, as I’ve told them now I won’t cover Reception or do invigilating!! But I still don’t feel safe, no working from home directive (staff have raised this now with their line managers) although we did do until Easter this year 🤷♀️
Anyway, I’m off now till January, I’m aiming to have a nice, hopefully worry free Christmas, then in January, fingers crossed us Admin (who can work at home) will be given the green light to do so. If not, I’ll want to know why?
As an aside, before Omicrom, a close friend of mine caught Covid from her daughter. She was double jabbed and has no underlying health conditions, but she has only just come out of hospital where she was on a ventilator, it was touch and go for a while. Now she is going for an X-ray to see how badly her lungs have been damaged. It’s been a shock to me, that she could have got so seriously ill, even with being jabbed. It was a wake up call. Be careful out there, that’s all I have to say ❤️ Xx
I really feel this is being swept under the carpet by the government. I hope your friend is ok . X
As a retired teacher myself, I share your anger, especially as I have friends and relatives still in the profession. It’s the week before Christmas, a week where although some work gets done, it’s not a particularly productive time in school. Let the schools close for one extra week. It may result in saving Christmas for many and minimal harm would be done to the education of our children.
If I was a parent of school age children I would keep them at home now if my situation allowed. There is so much worry and stress in all these replies, I feel for these teachers and school workers and for the children who are afraid for their parents. This is terrifying and terrible, are you living in a dystopian society 😳
If you are medically vulnerable they have a duty of care towards you. Guidance came out when shielding was disbanded. I would go off sick, as guidance also states you must make decisions to protect yourself. If not covid then anxiety. The job is stressful enough without all the added pressures. I left the profession 4 years ago, as the pressure then meant I was in constant flare state. So that work, sleep, cry, work pattern, I know it well. I also delayed the decision until my mental health was in a really bad place. Please, don’t do that. The children are important but so are you. I now work for a children's charity. Pay is crap, but RD under control and I have a life outside of work. Take care
This is shocking J. If all the teachers go off sick they can't open the school. I think you owe it to yourself to get a PCR irrespective of the lateral flow test results. You have to protect yourself J because no-one else will. You will not be harming the children and you may be doing your colleagues a favour because there will come a point where the school hasn't got enough teachers to operate safely. Look after yourself xx
I think the big consideration is the knock on effect on working parents if schools close. Plus of course the poor children who have had such a disrupted education. I do feel for you too. Such a worry.
This is absolute madness! Can’t the chair of governors step in and close the school early?
I can fully understand your frustration. With so many cases one would expect the school to close early for Christmas. My young grandchildren have been home with asymptomatic Covid, picked up at their small school. My daughter in law had aches and pains and a sore throat, but nothing that made her feel ill, and had negative lateral flow results every day, but when she took the children for their tests she had a PCR test as well. To her surprise they were all positive. This shows that Lateral Flow tests don't always show positive...whether this is only in very mild cases like hers or not, I don't know, but I wouldn't want to rely on one being negative after her experience. Ten days in my son who is CEV, continues to be asymptomatic and his lateral flows are negative. He hasn't had a PCR because he is shielding and staying in with the others anyway. He was fully boosted at the start of October. That is really encouraging, although I know it's early days still. Fingers crossed. Hope your school sees sense and you get tomorrow and Friday at home.
I also work in a school. We are a special school and I’m CEV. Last time I was told to work from home by the government but now I feel I’ve been thrown to the wolves. We have 2 classes shut and loads of cases of COVID. Have you got an individual risk assessment? My head did mine and after ticking so many triggers she still told me I couldn’t work from home. It’s scary and I know how you feel. It too makes me really angry!
Agree all mayhem no harm done if sent home earlier eh?
My husband works in a secondary school where a third of staff have covid. Children coughing and freezing as they have been told to keep the windows open but not wear coats. Absolutely ridiculous! Keep well 🎄
I just want to commend you for your bravery, and your service. You have a very tough job and put yourself at risk every day. I do not understand why the school can not go on remote learning until after the holidays for the safety of everyone! Makes no sense whatsoever. I understand that remote learning is NOT ideal for anyone! Parents have to work! But this is what I would consider a life or death situation! Your school is putting everyone at serious risk. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. We are going through similar issues here in the USA. Some schools DO go on full remote learning for a few weeks until they see or hope for an improvement. It's just tough for everyone no matter what the school administration does they suffer some sort of negative consequence from one side or even both. God Bless you and keep you safe.
Thank you all for your support. I’ve decided to go off sick for the rest of the week. I’m have a flare thankfully not a bad one but joints are moaning with some swelling.
My daughter works for the New York School system and last year, when Covid was rampant in New York, they ( the mayor) kept the largest school district in the US open to appease the parents who needed to go to work. That is likely why New York became the epicenter of Covid infection! It resulted in a shutdown of the city at a later date.
Oh yes- Presently teachers have to keep their windows open and teach with their coats on! My daughter brings pillows and blankets to school for the little ones that she teaches!